International Seminar on

Developing Countries and Services Negotiations

June 6–7, 2006Gulmohar Hall, IHC, New Delhi

Draft Programme
Day 1Tuesday, June 6, 2006
0930 hrs – 1000 hrs /
Registration & Tea/Coffee
1000 hrs – 1100 hrs / Inaugural Session
1000 hrs – 1005 hrs / Chair:Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Director and Chief Executive, ICRIER
1005 hrs – 1020 hrs /
  • Key Note Address:Mr.Montek Singh Ahluwalia,*Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, Yojana Bhawan

1020 hrs – 1035 hrs /
  • Special Address:Dr. Harsha Vardhana Singh,Deputy Director General, WTO

1035 hrs – 1045 hrs / Services Negotiations : State of Play
  • Ambassador Ferdinand de Mateo, Chair, Council of Trade in Services, WTO

1045 hrs – 1100 hrs /
  • Question & Answer

1100 hrs – 1130 hrs / Tea/Coffee
1130hrs – 1300hrs / Role of Developing Countries in Services Negotiations: Offensive or Defensive
Chair:Mr. S. N. Menon, Secretary, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India
  • Participation of Developing Countries in Services Negotiations
- Dr. Abdel Hamid Mamdouh, Director, Trade in Services Division, WTO
  • Selected Country Positions:

- India: Dr. Arpita Mukherjee, Senior Fellow, ICRIER
- Thailand: Dr. Deunden Nikomborirak, Research Director for Economic Governance, Sectoral Economics Program, TDRI, Thailand
- China: Mr. Mao Tian Yu,*Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China
-Brazil: Mr. Audo FALEIRO,*Second Secretary
Permanent Mission of Brazil
  • Discussion

1300 hrs – 1400 hrs / Lunch at Jacaranda II
1400 hrs – 1530 hrs / Issues and Concerns of Developing Countries in Market Access: Prospects of Balanced Outcomes
Chair:Dr Mina Mashayekhi, Head, Trade Negotiation and Commercial Diplomacy Branch, UNCTAD
  • Accommodating the Requests of Developed Countries in Sensitive Sectors:
- Mr. R Gopalan, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India
  • Improving Effective Market Access in Developed Countries:
- Dr. Rupa Chanda, Professor, IIM Bangalore
- Ms. Vini Qalo,Economic Adviser, Economic Affairs Division, Commonwealth Secretariat
  • Views of LDCs –
-Mr. P.P. MUTANI,*Trade in Services Negotiator to the WTO, Permanent Mission of the United Republic of Tanzania
-Mr. Peggy Mlewa,*Permanent Mission of Zambia
- Mr. A. M. Badrul HASSAN,*Economic Minister,
Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
  • Position of Developed Countries
- Ms. Julia Nielson,*Senior Trade Specialist, World Bank
  • Discussion

1530 hrs – 1600 hrs /


1600 hrs – 1730 hrs / Rules: Domestic Regulations and Developing Countries
Chair: Mr. Nripendra Misra,Chairman, TRAI
  • Domestic Regulation and Multilateral Negotiations:
- Mr. Sumanta Chaudhuri, Counselor, Permanent Mission of India to the WTO
  • Domestic Regulation Related Barriers faced by Developing Countries in Developed Country Markets:
- Dr. Aaditya Mattoo,*Lead Economist, World Bank
  • Domestic Reform Requirements:
- Dr. Ananya Raihan,Executive Director, Development Research Network, Bangladesh
  • Regulating Networks - The Indian Telecommunication Experience
- Mr. Pradip Baijal, FormerChairman, TRAI, New
  • Regulating Financial Services Sector:
- Mr. Uday S Kotak,Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited
  • Discussion

Day 2Wednesday, June 7, 2006
0930 hrs – 1000 hrs /
Registration & Tea/Coffee
1000 hrs – 1130 hrs / Enhancing Cooperation among Developing Countries
Chair:Mr. Gopal Pillai, Special Secretary, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India
  • Technical Assistance to Developing Countries
- Martin Khor,*Director, Third World Network
- Jean-Pierre Lehmann, Professor of International Political Economy, IMD
  • Whatkind of Technical Assistance do the Small Developing Countries Need?
- Mr. P.P. MUTANI,*Trade in Services Negotiator to the WTO, Permanent Mission of the United Republic of Tanzania
- Mr. Peggy Mlewa,*Permanent Mission ofZambia
- Mr. A. M. Badrul HASSAN,*Economic Minister,
Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
  • How the Large Developing Countries can help Smaller Developing Countries in their CapacityBuilding?
- Dr. Krishna Gupta, Director, Ministry of
  • Balancing the Objectives of Different Developing Countries – Agriculture versusServices, Safeguard versusServices
-Mr. Audo FALEIRO,*Second Secretary
Permanent Mission of Brazil
- Coordinator African Group : Mr. Elmostafa ALITAMOR,*First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Morocco
- Coordinator-ACPGroup:Mr. Rabson Wanjala KISUYA,*First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Kenya
  • Discussion

1130 hrs – 1200 hrs / Tea/Coffee
1200 hrs – 1300 hrs / Roundtable on “The Way Forward”
Chair: Mr. Anwarul Hoda, Member Planning Commission and Former DDG, WTO
- Mr. R Gopalan,Joint Secretary, Ministry of Commerce and Industry
- Dr. Abdel Hamid Mamdouh, Director, Trade in Services Division, WTO
- Dr Rajiv Kumar, Director and Chief Executive, ICRIER
- Dr Mina Mashayekhi, Head, Trade Negotiation and Commercial Diplomacy Branch, UNCTAD
- Dr. Aaditya Mattoo,*Lead Economist, World Bank
- Dr. Ananya Raihan,Executive Director,Development Research Network, Bangladesh
1300 hrs – 1400 hrs / Lunch at Jacaranda II

*To be confirmed