Item 8a

8 (a) Community Safety Partnership 2008/09 Action Plan – Updates (Quarter 4)

CDRP / LAA Priorities / Project / Outcome / Performance measure / Status / Partner -ship Funding
2008/09 / Invoices Paid / Lead Contact Details
Tackling criminal damage
Reducing ASB
LAA Target
S-A1.1b / Continue to remove graffiti from both council owned and privately owned buildings. / A contribution towards reduction of criminal damage across the district / Number of graffiti reports
IQUANTA Criminal Damage data / During quarter 4 – there were 42 incidents of graffiti removed from property within Three Rivers 8 of which were racist.
During quarter 4 last year there were52 incidents7 of which were racist.
During the whole of 2008-09 there were 145 graffiti incidents compared to 163 last year (a decrease of 11%). / No / - / Eileen Swiech
0208 421 5215

Reducing Vehicle Crime
S-A6.1 / Number Plate Screws – Crime Prevention Panel / A contribution towards a reduction of number plate thefts from the Three Rivers area. / No. of number plate thefts reported / July-Sept 08 = 31 thefts
Oct- Dec 08 = 27 thefts
Jan – Mar 09 = 23 thefts
The local PCSO’s continue to highlight hotspot areas for the Crime Prevention Panel, who has continued to fit the number plate screws to vehicles across the district. / £2500 / £2495 / Yogita Popat

Reducing Vehicle Crime
LAA Target
S-A6.1 / Targeted Patrols in Hotspot locations for car crimes such as car parks.
Operation Tarantula / A contribution towards a reduction in car crimes across Three Rivers / IQUANTA Vehicle Crime Data / Police patrols in hotspot areas have continued and during quarter 4 there were 184vehicle crime offences compared to 205 offences during quarter 4 last year (adecrease of 10%).
In relation to the whole of 2008-09 there was a total of 793 vehicle crime offences compared to 802 last year (a decrease of 1%) / No / - / Inspector George Holland – Herts Police
01923 472127

Reducing Bicycle theft
LAA Target
S-A6.1 / Crime prevention panel to continue property marking within local schools including bicycles. / A contribution to a reduction in bicycles crimes across Three Rivers / IQUANTA Bicycle theft data / The Crime prevention panel continue to attend events around the district providing a property marking service and offering crime prevention advice.
Earlier in the year the crime prevention panel attended 2 community events, one in Croxley Green and one in Chorleywood.
Prior to this the CPP attended a day at RickmansworthSchool (in Feb) to property mark mobile phones and iPods etc) / £400 / Yogita Popat

TACKLING ANTI SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR (Particularly in Hotspot areas)
Reducing ASB
LAA Targets
S-A1.5 / Youth Inclusion Support Panel (YISP) –
Agency meetings
To help support young people who have been identified as at risk of offending. / A contribution towards a reduction of ASB in hotspot locations across the district / Police ASB figures for Three Rivers
The number of young people supported within the year. / There were no new meetings held or new cases presented during quarter 4.
2 meetings were held during quarter 1 (April and May) and 4 children who were already working with the YISP were supported.
These meetings will now be replaced with multi agency teams around the child (MAST’S) / No / - / Ranjit Gill – TRDC
01923 727327

Reducing ASB
Reducing Crime
Reducing Fear of Crime
LAA Targets S-A1.5
S-S6.1 / Deployment of re-deployable CCTV cameras at hotspot locations for ASB and crime. / A contribution towards a reduction of ASB in hotspot locations across the district
A contribution towards a reduction in Crime within Three Rivers / Police ASB figures
IQUANTA Crime Data / The cameras are currently located in the precinctSouth Oxhey and KGV Playing Field, Mill End.
A late night operation was carried out in Mill End during July – no large groups of youths were found
Within the Mill End and Maple Cross Ward during 2008/09 there were 144ASB incidents reported to the Police compared to 123 for the same period last year.
(ASB calls to the Council and alcohol finds in KGV have significantly reduced since the beginning of the year)
Within the Northwick Ward in South Oxhey during 2008/09 there was 133 incidents compared to 155last year.
The Partnership is now looking to move the cameras to locations in Maple Cross and Rickmansworth. / £3,636 / £3,636 / Phillipa Scott – Community Safety Co-ordinator (TRDC)
01923 727356

LAA Targets
S-A6.1 / Targeted Police patrols using the head cameras
7 x Head cameras to be worn by local police officers to capture CCTV footage / evidence of anti social behaviour occurring within public places within Three Rivers / Reduction in ASB due to the cameras acting as a deterrent.
Footage to be used as part of the ABC / ASBO process if needed. / A reduction in the number Police incidents logs where the Police do not deal with offenders who commit anti social behaviour. / The head cameras have been used in a number of search warrants to provide pictorial views of rooms etc. In particular they have been used in both South Oxhey and Mill End.
In Mill End the Head cams provided good evidence which led to the offenders all pleading guilty to the possession of Class A and B Drugs.
They continue to be used to help address problems in ASB Hotspot areas. / Brought in 2006/07 / - / Sgt Craig Flint – Herts Police
01923 472208

ASB / ARK Youth Project for Youth aged between 11 to 17 years old. Providing a safe place for youth to meet in a controlled environment. / Police ASB figures for Three Rivers
Number of young people attending / During quarter 4 there were
Approximately 50 attendances by youth to the project. Activities include the outreach sessions using the Upod bus on Monday nights and now addition youth activity nights on Wednesdays. The Upod bus was refurbished during Q4 and now has better video games/equipment, controllers and TV. / £3500 / £3500 / Pastor Bruce Oliver-
The ArkCommunityChurch
01923 242 587

ASB / Woodside Motorcycle Club is for Youth and teaches them to ride motorcycles and also repair and maintain them. / A contribution towards a reduction of ASB in locations across the district. / Police ASB figures for Three Rivers
Number of young people attending / During quarter 4 there were 25 members of the club, 14 of which live in the Three Rivers area. During quarter 4 the 2 new motorcycles were put to use and an additional mentor was recruited. Improvements were also made to the track. / £7500 / £7255 / Philip Leagrove

Reducing ASB
LAA Targets
S-A1.5 / Mill End Youth Project to run on a Friday night to offer young people in the area a range of diversionary activities. / A contribution towards a reduction of ASB in hotspot locations across the district. / Police ASB figures for Three Rivers
Number of young people attending / During quarter 4 there were 129 attendances at the project and activities includedtrips to Quasar, Top Golf, Bowling, Ice skating twice and Xergaming at The Venue in Borehamwood.
Within the Mill End Ward during quarter 4 there were 43 ASB incidents reported to the Police compared to 38 last year. / No / - / Hannah Henson – TRDC
01923 727144

Reducing ASB
LAA Targets
S-A1.5 / Watford Football Club (WFC) – Diversionary activity for young people to be carried out in the hotspot areas identified within the Strategic Assessment as hotspots for ASB underage drinking. / Project set up in the areas of Mill End and Leavesden
Number of children attending
Monitor Alcohol Paraphernalia finds in the chosen areas. / Number of children attending
Monitor Alcohol Paraphernalia finds in the chosen areas. / The project called ‘Onside’ is currently running at sites in Mill End and Maple Cross.
There are approximately 15 young people attending the Mill End Project on a weekly basis.
The Maple Cross site has been up and running since 21/01/09 and there is approximately 15-20 young people attending on a weekly basis.
Some outreach work is going to be carried out in Maple Cross to help increase numbers. / £2000 / £2000 / Rob Smith – WFC

01923 496258
Reducing ASB / Secure bin/rubbish area at flats in Little Oxhey Lane. / To reduce fly tipping and the possibility of fires. / This work has been completed. / £525 / £525 / Robin Barber – TRDC
01923 727026

Drugs and Alcohol
S-A1.4 / Conduct test purchasing exercises within Three Rivers. / Action to be taken against premises who sell alcohol to underage people. / Number of schemes carried out and the results of the schemes / During 2008-09 two alcohol test purchasing schemes were carried out with in ThreeRivers, which involved 4 attempts to sell and 1 sale. A further operation is scheduled for May. / No / - / Cathy Fielding –Trading Standards

Drugs and Alcohol ASB / New Hope Trust Project in Watford, is to help the homeless and vulnerable in our community by providing shelter, food and opportunities to rebuild damaged lives / To help reduce alcohol and drug misuse and reduce ASB in the local area / Police ASB figures for Three Rivers
Number of people attending / During Quarter 4 five people from Three Rivers were using the services provided by the New Hope Trust. During Q4 workshops were run which included Art Space, Cycle clubs, Employment focus, Film club, Games club, Gardening, Pilates/ Keep fit. / £2500 / £2500 / Sarah Boardman –
New Hope Trust Watford

Drugs and Alcohol
S-A1.4 / Maintain the 2 Designated Public Place Order Zones which are currently in place within Three Rivers and consider future zones when necessary. / Monitor that the orders are continuing to impact upon alcohol related ASB in the designated Zones. / That there isn’t an increase in ASB incidents in the chosen areas. / The 2 designated areas remain in force. They were evaluated earlier in the year and after additional work in Boundary Way both sites have seen a drop in ASB incidents.
A further site in CarpendersPark was investigated but there was insufficient evidence to take this forward at this time.
Local PCSOs were tasked with patrolling the area – no further information has been received. / No / - / Ranjit Gill – TRDC
01923 727327

Drugs and Alcohol
S-A1.4 / NHS promotions around alcohol and drugs to be handed out a Partnership Open Days. / To raise awareness around the health implications of drug and alcohol misuse / Number of events held. / Drugs and Alcohol Promotional Material was advertised and distributed during – National Tackling Drugs Week in May. / No / - / Phillipa Scott – TRDC
01923 727356

Drugs and Alcohol / Watford Football Club / As above / As Above / As Above / - / - / As above
Drugs and Alcohol
S-A1.4 / Age Check Scheme linking to the Validate UK Scheme
Licensed Premises to be invite by Trading Standards to attend Seminars about the Age Check Scheme.
5 CDRP’s to have the Validate UK (Proof of Age Card) project rolled out in their areas. The 5 remaining CDRP’s to be included next year.
Three Rivers is in the 2nd phase. / Licensed premises to be more aware of age check issues and to have the signage and literature for the scheme. / Reduction in under age sales from the chosen premises / The Three Rivers Age Check Seminar with Licensed Premises took place on the 28th August 2008. / No / - / Cathy Fielding – Trading Standards

Drugs and Alcohol / Young people who come into contact with the Police and Council ASB Officers and have alcohol issues to be referred to the Alcohol Project run at Drug Link in Dacorum. / That the young people identified reduce their alcohol intake and reduce their anti social activities. / Individual monitoring of the young people identified to take part. / No referrals during quarter 4 / No / - / Ranjit Gill – TRDC
01923 727327

Reducing ASB
LAA Target
S-A1.3 / ASB Officer to work with the Police and other agencies to identify candidates for ASBO’s and ABC’s so to reduce the amount of ASB committed by persistent offenders within the District. / Successful ABC’s and ASBO’s obtained
A contribution towards a reduction of ASB in hotspot locations across the district / Police ASB figures for Three Rivers / During quarter 4 there were:
5 ABC’s
5 ASBO Notice’s
In place within Three Rivers.
During quarter 4the following ASB incidents were reported:
Last year This year
Graffiti 52 42
Flytips 123 129
Ab cars 14 12
Noise 171 99 / No / - / Ranjit Gill

01923 727327
Reducing Volume Crime
Prolific Offenders
LAA Target
S-A6.1 / Targeting Prolific and other priority offenders
-Prevent and deter
-Catch and convict
-Rehabilitate and settle / A contribution towards a reduction in crime within Three Rivers / IQUANTA Crime Figures
Number of prolific offenders targeted / At the end of March there were3 PPO’s being monitored by the Police PPO Unit.
During quarter 4 in relation to All Crime incidents there was a total of 983incidents compared to 1,181 during quarter 4 last year – a decrease of 17%. / No / - / DC Nicola ford – Herts Police
01923 472904

Drugs and alcohol
LAA Targets
S-A4.5 / Drug Intervention Programme
  1. The Drugs Intervention Programme will work directly with drug misusing offenders, specifically those prolific and other priority offenders identified by the CDRP, to address substance misuse and offending behaviour with a view to reducing criminal activity.
  2. The programme will provide a through care and aftercare service which will co-ordinate and case manage drug misusing offenders through the criminal justice system, treatment and resettle offenders back into the community.
  3. The programme will work and deliver services in partnership with criminal justice agencies, and the voluntary and statutory sector to reduce drug related crime.
  4. The programme will be made up of a multi-agency team including drug treatment workers, a clinical intervention team, police officers, probation officers, non statutory treatment providers, prisons and local authorities.
/ A contribution towards a reduction in Crime within Three Rivers
Reduction in drug related crime by PPO’s in Hertfordshire
Increase in the number of PPO’s retained in treatment in Hertfordshire
Increase in the number of PPO’s successfully completing treatment in Hertfordshire / IQUANTA Crime data
DIP Attendance figures / During Quarter 1(April – June 2008) DIP carried out a total of:
Assessments – 180
Case loaded – 171
Into treatment – 162
The following relates to Three Rivers:
Assessments – 1
Case loaded – 1
Into Treatment – 1
No further update at this stage. / No / - / Brian Gale

Tackling the fear of crime
LAA Sub outcome A5 / Community safety communications work / Raised awareness with the public regarding local community safety initiatives. / Number of media hits (i.e. articles / radio coverage)
Number of enquires relating to the campaign / During quarter 4 there were 5 community safety related press releases produced by TRDC. The annual total was 25 press releases.
In particular during quarter 4 the Three Rivers Times Community Safety Supplement was finalised and distributed. / £3,388 / £3,388 / Kevin Snow – Press Relations Manger TRDC
01923 727255

Reducing Fear of Crime.
LAA targets
S-S6.1 / Crime Prevention Panel- Panic Alarms / Increase personal safety and reduce the fear of crime. / Crime statistics and / 307 Panic Alarms were delivered in early October 2008 and have now been distributed/being distributed to victims of crime within the district. / £600 / £600 / Yogita Popat - Crime Prevention Panel

Reduce Burglary / distraction burglary
LAA Target
S-A2.2 / The use of Memo cameras (covert cameras) across the district. / This initiative is intended to provide a reduction in this type of crime and to detect more.
It should send a message out to offenders that if they target victims in Herts (Three Rivers) this initiative will increase the likelihood they will be caught. / Crime statistics.
Number of detections and arrests. / A total of49 Memocamshave been purchased through CDRP funding and the BCU fund26 of these are currently installed in vulnerable homes throughout the district.
During quarter 4 there were:
85 dwelling burglaries compared to 155 last year
34 burglary other offences compared to 92 last year
2distraction burglaries compared to 12 last year.
Total year end figures for Burglary dwelling and other are noted at the end of the report. / 2007/08 / - / Gary Sibson

01923 472020
Reduction of burglary/
Distraction burglary
LAA Targets
S-A2.3 / Bogus Caller Calendar
Door Stickers / A contribution towards a reduction in Burglaries across Three Rivers / Crime statistics. Number of detections and arrests. / 3500 Bogus Calendars were produced and distributed throughout the district.
A door sticker was also produced and distributed to complement the calendar. / £1000
£789 / £1000
£789 / Gary Sibson

Reducing Burglary
S-A2.3 / WHAC- To secure homes of vulnerable people within Three Rivers including those who have been victims of crime such as Burglary, Racist attacks and domestic violence attacks.
Carry out minor repairs service for elderly/ vulnerable residents.
WHAC offer a reactive and proactive service. / A contribution to a reduction in burglaries across Three Rivers
The target within the strategy is for domestic burglaries not to exceed 422 offences during 2007/08
Vulnerable residents feel safer in their homes / IQUANTA
Burglaries data
Customer Satisfaction surveys / During Quarter 4 there were 507 people from Three
Rivers who benefited from the WHAC Security Service (this was 117 more people than in the previous quarter)and a further 147 people who benefited from the Handy Man Service. / £10,000 / £10,000 / Nicola Stageman –West Herts Against Crime (WHAC)
01923 801138

Reducing Distraction Burglary / CCTV for Grove Court Sheltered Housing Scheme / The CCTV is there to help reduce acts of Distraction Burglary at the sheltered homes. / Crime statistics. Number of burglaries reported at this address. / This CCTV equipment has now been installed. / £775 / £775 / Michelle Scorgie- Thrive Homes

Reducing Burglary
LAA Target
S-A2.2 / Neighbourhood Watch / A contribution towards a reduction in Burglaries across Three Rivers / IQUANTA Burglary figures / Based on a figure of 37,000 dwellings in Three Rivers, around 12,300 are members of neighbourhood watch and are spread across 492 watches(33% coverage).
The process of raising awareness and setting up new schemes is a continual process, and focus continues to be targeted towards 'harder to reach' areas. This focus has been successful and earlier in the yearfour new schemes were started upinSouth Oxhey and further schemes are progressing in Maple Cross and Bedmond.
New signs were purchased during Q4 along with new NHW Cards. / £600 / £600 / Malcolm Adcock

Reducing violent crime
LAA Targets
S-A6.2 / Domestic Violence Information Line / A contribution towards a reduction in DV incidents across the district / Police DV incident data for Three Rivers
Number of calls to the line / Figures for quarter 4 are still being collated. / COG / Jo Gibson – DV Information line Co-ordinator

violent crime / Domestic Violence Banner / A contribution towards a reduction in DV incidents across the district / Police DV incident data for Three Rivers
Number of calls to the line / The banner was purchased and delivered in October 2008. It was first used in November during domestic violence week, were it was displayed at several events in the Three Rivers area.
During December it was used in the Harlequin, Watford and also will be used at all locations when the IDVA is giving a presentation or drop in. / £250 / £179 / Sandra Lewin- Temporary Sunflower Centre Manager

Reducing Violent Crime
LAA Targets
S-A6.2 / Recruitment of a Domestic Violence Client Intervention Worker / Increased support for victims of Domestic Violence / Number of referrals made to the Client Intervention Worker
geography of clients within Three Rivers,
Locations of
Where client/worker meetings take place
Case studies and examples of long term outcomes of the intervention work. / The Three Rivers Domestic Violence Intervention Worker has been in post since July 2008 and has worked with the following number of clients:
During Quarter 4 a further 20 cases were referred to the service
(in addition to the previous 31 referrals which had already been received)
5 of the new cases have been referred to MARAC
During quarter 4 there were 207 Domestic Violence incidents and86 repeat incidents reported to the Police compared to 237 and 87 during quarter 4 last year. / £24,000
Carried over from last year / £24,000 / Detective Chief Inspector Paul McGee

01442 271083
Lighting Schemes
Sunflower Memocams
The Choir / To reduce fear of crime
To reduce distraction burglary
To reduce repeat DV incidents
To reduce ASB in South Oxhey / Crime figures / During Quarter 4 the partnership allocated it’s remaining funds to the following projects:
Lighting schemes in Talbot Road, Park Road, Maple Cross and the Red House Car Park – these schemes have now been completed or work the work is underway.
Lifelines were purchased to help victims of distraction burglary trial the alarm.
Memocams were purchased to use specifically in the homes of DV victims to gather future evidence.
A contribution was made to the running costs of the choir project. / £20,500
£10,000 / £20,500
£10,000 / Peter Kerr – TRDC
Gary Sibson – Police

Sandra Lewin – Police


2008/09 – Performance Against Targets