ACT Skills Needs List
Frequently Asked Questions
Training and Tertiary EducationACT Education and Training Directorate
220 Northbourne Avenue
GPO Box 158
Phone: (02) 6205 8555
1.0UPDATED FAQ –Superseded Qualifications
1.1Some of the qualifications on the lists have been superseded, how do I respond to the survey?
When identifying qualification codes as part of the survey, any superseded qualification will be mapped to the most recent qualification for the purposes of analysis for the final Skills Needs List.
For example if you identify as part of the survey the qualification CHC30212 –Certificate III in aged care (which was superseded 6 August 2015), for the purposes of compiling the final Skills Needs List, the current mapped qualification, CHC33015 - Certificate III in Individual Support will be the qualification used for the consultation analysis.
The Final Skills Needs List will only include current qualifications.
1.2Which qualifications on the list have been superseded?
The tables below shows which qualifications on List A and List B have been supersededand the qualifications they have been mapped to.
List A Superseded Qualification Codes
QualCode / Qualification Name / Current QualCode / Current Qualification NameCHC30212 / Certificate III in Aged Care / CHC33015 / Certificate III in Individual Support
CHC30408 / Certificate III in Disability / CHC33015 / Certificate III in Individual Support
CHC40512 / Certificate IV in Mental Health / CHC43315 / Certificate IV in Mental Health
CHC60312 / Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management / CHC62015 / Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management
CHC30312 / Certificate III in Home and Community Care / CHC33015 / Certificate III in Individual Support
CHC30112 / Certificate III in Community Services Work / CHC32015 / Certificate III in Community Services
CHC40108 / Certificate IV in Aged Care / CHC43015 / Certificate IV in Ageing Support
CHC40212 / Certificate IV in Home and Community Care / CHC43015 / Certificate IV in Ageing Support
CHC40312 / Certificate IV in Disability / CHC43115 / Certificate IV in Disability
CHC40412 / Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs / CHC43215 / Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs
CHC40708 / Certificate IV in Community Services Work / CHC42015 / Certificate IV in Community Services
CHC50612 / Diploma of Community Services Work / CHC52015 / Diploma of Community Services
CHC52212 / Diploma of Community Services Coordination / CHC52015 / Diploma of Community Services
HLT31112 / Certificate III in Sterilisation Services / HLT37015 / Certificate III in Sterilisation Services
HLT32512 / Certificate III in Health Services Assistance / HLT33115 / Certificate III in Health Services Assistance
List B Superseded Qualification Codes
QualCode / Qualification Name / Current QualCode / Current Qualification NameCHC42712 / Certificate IV in Volunteer Program Coordination / CHC44015 / Certificate IV in Coordination of volunteer programs
CHC40608 / Certificate IV in Leisure and Health / CHC43415 / Certificate IV in Leisure and Health
CHC40912 / Certificate IV in Social Housing / CHC42215 / Certificate IV in Social Housing
HLT32612 / Certificate III in Pathology / HLT37215, HLT37415 / Certificate III in Pathology Collection, Certificate III in Pathology Assistance
HLT32412 / Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance / HLT33015 / Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance
HLT42512 / Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance / HLT43015 / Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance
HLT43512 / Certificate IV in Optical Dispensing / HLT47815 / Certificate IV in Optical Dispensing
HLT32912 / Certificate III in Health Administration / HLT37315 / Certificate III in Health Administration
2.0Skills Needs List
2.1What is the ACT Skills Needs List?
TheACT Skills NeedsList identifies ACT funding priorities at a qualification level for vocational education and training (VET) in the ACT. The list is used to assist in identifying which VET qualifications may receive government subsidy through specified training initiatives, and the level of subsidy provided for a training place in those qualifications.
2.2What is the difference between the draft Skills Needs List A and Skills Needs List B
List A has qualifications that are currently identified as likely to be included on the final ACT Skills Needs List, unless the consultation process identifies strong evidence that a qualification is not needed by industry. These qualifications have been strongly identified by the skills needs modelling or prior consultation as high skills needs.
List B includes qualifications which either:
- Relate to occupations with skills shortages but the Directorate is seeking feedback on the most relevant qualification. OR
- Are a moderate skills need qualification.
Consultation is most important on list B. The Directorate is seeking feedback on whether the qualification is relevant to your industry and/or is a skills shortage. Generally, qualifications on this list being included on the final ACT Skills Needs List are dependent on strong support through the consultation process.
2.3How are the qualifications identified?
The ACT Skills Needs List is produced through both quantitative and qualitative sources. This includes a data-driven model that employs statistical techniques to identify occupations and qualifications that are in need in the ACT. The model was also independently validated by a third party, which found the model followed industry best practice.
2.4How will the consultation for the draft Skills Needs List inform the Final Skills Needs List?
The consultation process will better inform which qualifications are most in need by industry. Following analysis of the consultation, qualifications may be added or removed from the lists to better represent the needs of industry and the ACT economy. It is important that as part of the process, survey respondents not only identify which qualifications they believe are missing from the list (and providing evidence) but also identify qualifications which are included on the list and relevant to their industry.
2.5Why are some qualifications listed on the old ACT Skills Needs List not on the ACT Skills Needs List 2015?
The skills needs of the ACT have changed since the ACT Skills Needs List was released in 2014.While many of those qualifications may still be required by industry, and have vacancies linked to them, they are no longer qualifications ‘most in need’ for the ACT economy. Some qualifications may have also been removed from the list as they have been superseded by a newer qualification.
2.6Will the ACT Skills Needs List impact funding for ACT government funded training?
Yes, the ACT Skills Needs List is used to inform which qualifications are subsidised under the new funded training initiative, Skilled Capital, and also informs the subsidy amounts for those qualifications.
As part of the review of review of User Choice subsidy amounts,the level of skills needs for each qualification and the total efficient cost of training will inform the new User Choice qualification amount. Many qualifications not on the Skills Needs List will still be funded through User Choice. However, it is more likely that qualifications on the List will be funded at a higher level.
2.7How do I add a qualification to the ACT Skills Needs List?
Extensive consultation and modelling work was undertaken to generate the ACT Skills Needs List. The Directorate welcomes additional intelligence and evidence to identify changing ACT Skills Needs. Additional evidence can be provided to the Directorate on an ongoing basis to . Providing additional evidence does not guarantee the inclusion or removal of qualifications from the ACT Skills Needs List. Any request to include a qualification on the ACT Skills Needs List will be assessed on its merits. It is anticipated that theACT Skills Needs Listwill be updated as necessary to ensure it remains aligned with changing ACT skills needs.
2.8Why are some qualifications that industry deem important not on the ACT Skills Needs List?
A qualification can still be identified as important to an industry sector and not be included on the ACT Skills Needs List. The ACT Skills Needs List only includes qualifications that are identified as a high skills needs. If industries experience skills shortages in the future, the skills needs list will update to reflect these changes.
2.9When is the ACT Skills Needs List updated?
The ACT Skills Needs List is continually updated within the Directorate to reflect the latest data and changes in the ACT economy. It is anticipated that the published ACT Skills Needs Listwill be updated as necessary to ensure it remains aligned with changing ACT skills needs.
2.10What period is the ACT Skills Needs List for?
The ACT Skills Needs List remains current until a new version of the ACT Skills Needs List is released. When the list is updated, the old list will no longer be valid.
2.11Why are there no certificate I/IIs on the ACT Skills Needs List?
The ACT Skills Needs List reflects qualifications most in demand by skills needs occupations. Model output, the latest research and industry consultation have confirmed certificate I/IIs are pathway qualifications which do not often link to direct employment.
2.12What’s the difference between the ACT Skills Needs List and ACT Skilled Capital List?
The ACT Skilled Capital List is a subset of the ACT Skills Needs List. The qualifications on the ACT Skilled Capital List are funded through the Skilled Capital initiative. Qualifications not on the Skilled Capital list but on the Skills Needs List are skills needs qualifications not currently selected for funding through the Skilled Capital initiative. In many cases this is because an apprenticeship/traineeship pathway is required or preferred. The Skilled Capital List also includes Certificate II qualifications which are pathways to other qualifications on the Skills Needs List. Specific eligibility criteria apply for students wanting to undertake a Certificate II qualification subsidised under Skilled Capital.
2.13Is the List ordered from highest to lowest need?
No, the ACT Skills Needs List is not sorted by level of priority, and separated alphabetically by broad industry area.