mental health and recovery board of wayne-holmes cos.


September 15, 2016


Armstrong, Brumfield, Crider,Glick, Hershberger, Messner, Mykkanen, Ogden, Stewart, Stoner, Tolliver, Troyer, Van Pelt


Finley, Hull, Keller




Hartzler, Love, Wood



Call to Order

The meeting was held at the Mental Health and Recovery Board office located at 1985 Eagle Pass, Wooster, Ohio. The Chair, Steve Glick, called the meeting to order at 5:57p.m.

Introductions were made.

Glick then swore in new Board members Barb Mykkanen, a Holmes County Commissioner appointee, and Pamela Tolliver an Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services appointee.


Stewartmade the motion, seconded by Ogden that the Minutes of the June 16, 2016 meeting of the Board be approved as presented. Motion approved unanimously.


Ogden made the motion seconded by Brumfield that the Current Expenditures for the period August 18, 2016 through September 14, 2016 be approved as presented. Motion approved unanimously.


Program Committee –Stewart reported on the September 1, 2016 meeting of the committee. The committee had one resolution for the Board’s consideration:

RESOLTION #09-01-16

The Mental Health & Recovery Board of Wayne and Holmes Counties authorizes the Executive Director to make the following change to the FY17-18 Capital Plan – Priority One: The Village Network converting an existing cottage into a 12 bed Children’s Crisis Stabilization Unit, and Priority Two: One Eighty’s project to build a new Women’s Shelter (Beacon House).

Resolution passed with two abstentions.

Wood then reported we need to amend the resolution that was approved in June. Village Network has now decided to build a new building for the crisis stabilization program in lieu of converting an existing cottage. After some discussion Stewart made the motion seconded by Stoner that the following resolution be considered by the full Board:

RESOLUTION #09-02-16

That Resolution #06-16-16 be amended to read to build a new crisis stabilization unit in lieu of converting and existing cottage.

Resolution passed with one abstention.

Finance Committee – Crider reported on the September 8, 2016 meeting of the committee. The committee had several resolutions for the Board’s consideration. The first resolution was approving the Financial Statements as of August 31, 2016:

RESOLUTION #09-03-16

That the Financial Statements for the Mental Health and Recovery Board of Wayne-Holmes Counties as of August 31, 2016 be accepted as presented.

Resolution passed unanimously.

Crider reported due to additional grant funds received and minor changes in agency funding the committee was offering the following resolution for the Board’s consideration:

RESOLUTION #09-04-16

That the FY17 Budget be amended to reflect the addition of two grants, the Respite Grant in the amount of $32,074 and the Re-Entry Grant in the amount of $50,000. Also that it reflects the change in the amount of the Early Childhood Mental Health Grant, which reflects FY16 carryover funds. That the attached FY17 revised total system budgets (09/06/16) be approved, with this to include recognition of the following:

  1. That the operations portion of this budget reflects total projected revenue of $6,109,312 and expenses of $6,982,034.
  2. That the budget includes Board administrative costs (including those associated with the Wayne Co. Family and Children First Executive Director) of $879,771.
  3. That the operations portion of the budget reflects a deficit of $872,722 which is to be covered by the Board’s reserves.

Resolution passed unanimously.

Crider reported for the same reasons stated above for amending the FY17 Board budget we must also amend the FY17 cash budget at the County:

RESOLUTION #09-05-16

  1. That the County FY17 budget (dated September 6, 2016, a copy of which is attached), with overall revenue of $7,412,268 and expenses of $8,552,515 be accepted.
  2. That it be recognized that this budget projects a deficit budget of $1,140,247.
  3. That it be recognized that this budget reflects a composite of two separate funds: (a) an operating fund and (b) the Wayne County Family Council account.

Resolution passed unanimously.

Crider reported that the next resolution was approving a College Safety Grant that if received will be used to provide QPR training to local colleges:

RESOLUTION #09-06-16

That the Executive Director be authorized to submit a grant request to the Ohio Program for Campus Safety and Mental Health in the amount of $4,000. This is a one year grant and if successful in receiving the grant will be used to work with the three colleges in the two county area to train faculty and/or staff to provide QPR training for students.

Resolution passed unanimously.


Tele-conference Grant – Wood reported that the $30,000 in funds approved at the June meeting for the remaining 3 year term of the PGI contract has been reduced to $3,200 for the three year period.


Wood reported:

  • The Wayne County Commissioners proclaimed September Recovery Month at their meeting on Wednesday. Wood was very pleased with the turn out for the proclamation both from the community, law enforcement and other community organizations.
  • The Holmes County Commissioners kicked off the new prevention campaign at their meeting on Monday. Hartzler noted this is a positive campaign that will have messages that focus on young people’s assets. There will be designated SPARK champions to step out and promote positive involvement with youth.

Hartzler reported that both Anazao and OneEighty are pursuing SPF-PFS prevention grants. Anazao if successful will use the funds to move the SPARK campaign forward in Holmes County, and OneEighty will use for prevention services in Wayne County.

Brumfield asked if there was any guidance from the State now that the Medical Marijuana has been approved by the Governor. Wood reported nothing has come down yet. Discussion followed. Members noted that a number of medical doctors are not comfortable prescribing, and there is question on how to test people under the influence to determine if they have just used or used in the last 30 days. There are a number of challenges to the whole situation that need to be addressed.


Wood reported:

  • Dr. Laber is doing a presentation on Addiction 101 at the American Red Cross this evening at 7:00 p.m.
  • Anazao and OneEIghty are providing two community meetings on Sexting issues in Holmes County.
  • Hartzler is providing two QPR trainings for the public this month, one in Wayne County and one in Holmes County.
  • A Mental Health First Aid Training will be held at the Board office on September 23rd.There are still openings for anyone interested.
  • Personnel will remain the same this year with the exception that Van Pelt will replace Cyrus on the committee.
  • Looking for volunteers for the Community Relations Committee. Please let her or Sue Zarlengo know if you would be willing to serve on this committee.
  • Our Board was included in the latest e-Newsletter from the State. This was emailed to all Board Members today if you are interested in reading our article.
  • The Annual Board Dinner has been approved by the State as a training, and will fulfill Board member training requirement for the year if attend.

Public Comment

Hershberger asked about the Health Officers that would be located at The Counseling Center. They are having issues getting persons admitted to the hospital. Much discussion followed. It was suggested that maybe we arrange a time for the head of the Crisis Team meet with the Amish Crisis team. Everyone was in agreement on how difficult it is to convince people to seek the help they need.

Next Meeting

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 6:52p.m.

The next meeting of the Board will be held at 6:00 p.m. on October 6, 2016 at Memories (Annual Dinner).

Submitted by,

Steve Glick, Chairperson

Carol Van Pelt, Secretary

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