Kororo Public School encompasses the following boundaries.
· North past Bucca Road to Heritage Park.
· East to the Coastline from McCauley’s Headland to North Moonee Beach.
· West along Bucca Road to Randall’s Road and South West encompassing all of Bruxner Park.
· South to northern side of McCauley’s Headland Drive, encompassing all of the Korora Valley.
Parents may check their address against the online School Locator for a more accurate reflection of zones.
Requests from residents outside this zone will need to complete an Out of Zone Application.
(Refer to Out of Zone Policy).
Our schools enrolment ceiling is 570 pupils, which is based upon permanent building capacity.
Kororo Public School will accept requests for enrolment from any parents residing within the school’s allocated boundaries. Two pieces of documentation confirming your address will need to be tendered along with the completed application for enrolment form.
A student is considered to be enrolled when he or she is placed on the admission register of a school.
· A student should be enrolled in one school only at any given time.
· Children are entitled to be enrolled at the government school that is designated for the intake area within which the child’s home is situated and that the child is eligible to attend.
· Parents may seek to enrol their child in the school of their choice.
· School local areas are determined by the Department of Education through a process involving consultation between the Properties Directorate and the School Director.
· Schools are required to set an enrolment number to cater for anticipated local demand and to seek to ensure that every eligible local child has a place at their local school if they choose to attend it.
· Schools are required to have a written policy which states the grounds on which non-local enrolments will be accepted.
· The primary criteria for acceptance of non-local enrolments will include the availability of appropriate staff and permanent classroom accommodation.
Our school keeps an enrolment buffer of two pupils’ places per grade to cater for anticipated local enrolments. These places are only for local students.
Kinder 18 + 2
Year 1 20 + 2
Year 2 23 + 2
Year 3 28 + 2
Year 4 28 + 2
Year 5 28 + 2
Year 6 28 + 2
The Principal or Deputy Principal will meet all new enrolments except for Kindergarten children at the beginning of the year. There is a minimum two day waiting period between the initial application and interview and final enrolment at the school. This waiting period can be waived at the discretion of the Principal.
Enrolment appointments
Parents and caregivers will need to bring these documents to the appointment with the school:
· proof of your child's address - originals of different documents such as your council rates notice or residential lease and electricity bill. Two pieces of evidence will be required. The evidence must clearly identify your ‘in zone’ address. Post Office Boxes are not acceptable evidence. In most circumstances rental documentation needs to reflect a one month period of occupancy.
· your child's birth certificate or identity documents
· immunisation history statement based on the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR)
· recent school reports and other relevant school documentation.
· family law or other relevant court orders (as applicable).
If your child is not a permanent resident you will also need to provide:
· original passport and travel documents
· current visa and previous visas (if applicable).
It is important that you tell the principal if your child has any special circumstances, allergies, health or medical conditions, before your child starts school.
Students with additional health or learning needs
When students with additional needs are seeking enrolment into regular classes, an appraisal of their educational and support will be undertaken. This may occur as part of a planned transition process, or at the time the enrolment is sought and may involve the School Counsellor and other DET staff.
In determining the most appropriate enrolment options a number of factors will need to be considered including:
· Expressed desire of the parents/caregivers
· Appraisal of educational and support needs
· Capacity to provide the level of support required
· Availability of services at alternative locations
Kindergarten Enrolments
Children may enroll in Kindergarten at the beginning of the school year if they turn five years of age on or before July 31st. Early entry to school on the basis of academic giftedness is only offered after a comprehensive assessment process is conducted by the school counselor and consultation with the Department of Education.
Children will be enrolled in kindergarten upon reaching the statutory age of six years old.
Short Term Attendance
Where a student enrolled at another Australian school needs to attend Kororo Public School for a short period of time the student will be regarded as short term attendance. The minimum period for this is 10 school days. These students will not be entered on the register of Kororo Public School. The home school should maintain the student’s name on the attendance register with information of attendance provided by Kororo Public School at the end of the stay, or the end of each term.
Refusal of Enrolment
The principal may refuse enrolment of a student on the grounds of previously documented violent behaviour if there is evidence that the child may have not learnt the skills to manage his / her behvaiour.
Sue Mackay
March 2017