Brief Descriptions of Successful IIVA Projects
Certificate II inHospitality
This project team proposed to develop a pilot to independently validate assessment tools and assessment outcomes for students engaged in Certificate II in Hospitality (Kitchen Operations). It is intended that this model will be adapted, refined and expanded to also suit the Certificate III and IV in Hospitality qualifications.The Canberra Institute of Technology has partnered with the national industry affiliated body the Australian Culinary Federation and a national group employer, WPC.
Units fromCertificate II in Drainage and Certificate III in Plumbing
This project will focus on units from the Certificate II in Drainage and Certificate III in Plumbing. The Canberra Institute of Technology has partnered with the Environmental and Sustainable Development Directorate and a range of local employers who are members of the ACT Master Plumbers Association and specialise in areas relating to thedifferent units of competency.
Certificate III in Conservation and Land Management
This project proposes to integrate industry validation of the full suite of competency outcomes related to the Certificate III in Conservation and Land Management. The Canberra Institute of Technology has partnered with the ACT Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate and Canberra Cemeteries. The Canberra Institute of Technology have only been delivering this program for three years and have seen this as an opportunity to network with local industry in a more structured and applied manner.
Certificate IV in Information Technology
This projectinvolves the Canberra institute of Technology working closely with the Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO), the Australian Computer Society and the Department of Finance and Deregulation in validating the outcomes of assessments related to the Certificate IV in Information Technology.
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
This projectinvolves the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) and the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) working in partnership with Wisdom Learning to validate assessment outcomes of the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. This proposal also includes 18 funded training places. Ten of these training places have been identified as being mature age workers who will directly contribute to the national target of qualifications completed by mature age workers under the National Partnership Agreement on Skills Reform.
Certificate II and III in Business – People with a Disability
This project covers units from theCertificate II and III in Business and involves reviewing current assessment practices and recommending any reasonable adjustments to assessment practices forpeople with a disability, as well as validating both current and adjusted assessment practices.The Canberra Institute of Technology has partnered with the Department of Families Community Services and indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA), and the Department of Health and Ageing (DHA).
Certificate III in Business Administration –Multi-Jurisdictional Approach
This project involves the Canberra Institute of Technology partnering with interstate RTOs, Riverina TAFE Griffith and Western TAFE Orange, to validate the Certificate III Business Administration. The industry partners involved in this project include a local association and employer as well as cross border employers, being the ACT & Region Enterprise Connect, National Archives of Australia, West Care Incorporated (Orange) and Griffith City Council. This multi-jurisdictional approach also aims to support students learning and transitioning from regional areas of NSW to capital cities with minimal disruption.
Certificate II and III in Hospitality – Skills Set - VET in Schools
This project focuses on validating a skills set consisting of units fromthe Certificate II and III in Hospitality qualifications and involvesthree ACT College RTOs collaborating with a private RTO to validate their assessment practices. Hawker College is collaborating with St Francis Xavier College and Daramalan College, along with Access Recognised Training. The ACT & Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry is working with the project and supporting the engagement of four industry partners who include The Abbey, Calvary Retirement Community Canberra, the National Press Club and the Royal Canberra Golf Club.
Certificate III in Clothing Production – Refugees in the Workplace
This project proposes to develop a process to independently validate assessment tools and student assessment outcomes for the Certificate III in Clothing Production. The Canberra Institute of Technology has partnered with theCouncil of Textile and Fashion Industries of Australia, No Sweat Fashion and Mont Adventure Equipment. This proposal alsoincludes funding of 20 training places for a student cohort involving refugees and disadvantaged migrant participants at No Sweat Fashion. Several of these training places will also directly contribute to the national target of qualifications completed by mature age workers under the National Partnership Agreement on Skills Reform. No Sweat Fashion has a workshop based at UC Kaleen high school. They have utilised an empty sewing room that is no longer used by the high school.
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