Practical Training schedule[Zadajte text]

Academic year:
Study group:
8,30-9,20 / 2.
9,30-10,20 / 3.
10,30-11,20 / 4.
11,30-12,10 / 5.
Day 1 / Gr 1 / Demonstration surgeries
(II. fl., OR 7 a 8)
Doc.Kabátová / Demonstration surgeries
(II. fl., OR 7 a 8)
Doc.Kabátová / Demonstration surgeries
(II. fl., OR 7 a 8)
Dr.Tedla / Demonstration surgeries
(II. fl., OR 7 a 8)
prof.Profant / Outpatient office
Amb 126
Gr. 2 / Training of investigation methods
Dept B
Dr.Majerníková / Training of investigation methods
Dept B
Dr.Majerníková / Oncology
Amb 128
Dr.Štefanička / Oncology
Amb 128
Dr.Štefanička / Audiology
Gr.3 / Patient demonstration
Dept B
Prof.Profant / Patient demonstration
Dept B
Prof.Profant / Vestibulology
Dr.Pospíšilová / Outpatient office
Amb 128
Dr.Tedla / Training of investigation methods
Dept B
Gr 4 / Oncology
Amb 128
Dr.Tedla / Outpatient office
Amb 125
Dr.Pavlovčinová / Audiology
Doc.Kabátová / Training of investigation methods
Dept B
Dr.Majerníková / Training of investigation methods
Dept B
8,30-9,20 / 2.
9,30-10,20 / 3.
10,30-11,20 / 4.
11,30-12,00 / 5.
Day 2 / Gr 1 / Patient demonstration
Dept B
Doc.Kabátová / Vestibulology
Dr.Pospíšilová / Outpatient office
Amb 128
Dr.Varga / Training of investigation methods
Dept B
Dr.Pavlovčinová / Patient demonstration
Dept B
Gr. 2 / Outpatient office
Amb 127
Prof.Profant / Phoniatry
Amb 128
Dr.Šuchová / Patient demonstration
Dept B
Dr.Tedla / History,files,investigation
Dept B
Dr.Majerníková / Outpatient office
amb. 125
Gr.3 / Patient demonstration
Dept B
Dr.Varga / Patient demonstration
Dept B
Dr.Štefanička / Patient demonstration
Dept B
Dr.Pavlovčinová / Patient demonstration
Dept B
Dr.Majerníková / Oncology
odd A
Gr 4 / Demonstration surgeries
(II. fl., OR 7 a 8)
Dr.Majerníková / Demonstration surgeries
(II. fl., OR 7 a 8)
Prof.Profant / Demonstration surgeries
(II. fl., OR 7 a 8)
prof.Profant / Demonstration surgeries
(II. fl., OR 7 a 8)
Dr.Tedla / Patient demonstration
Dept B
8,30-9,20 / 2.
9,30-10,20 / 3.
10,30-11,10 / 4.
11,30-12,00 / 5.
Day 3 / Gr 1 / Patient demonstration
Dept B
Prof.Profant / Phoniatry
Amb 128
Dr.Šuchová / Training of investigation methods
Dept B
Dr. Varga / Oncology
Odd A
Dr.Tedla / Oncology
Odd A
Gr. 2 / Vestibulology
Dr.Pospíšilová / Demonstration surgeries
(II. fl., OR 7 a 8)
Doc.Kabátová / Demonstration surgeries
(II. fl., OR 7 a 8)
Doc.Kabátová / Demonstration surgeries
(II. fl., OR 7 a 8)
Dr.Pavlovčinová / Demonstration surgeries
(II. fl., OR 7 a 8)
Gr.3 / Oncology
Odd A
Dr.Tedla / Oncology
Odd A
Dr.Tedla / Phoniatry
Amb 128
Dr.Šuchová / Audiology
Doc.Kabátová / Outpatient office
Amb 128
Gr 4 / Outpatient office
Amb 128
Dr.Štefanička / Outpatient office
Amb 128
Dr.Štefanička / Vestibulology
Dr.Pospíšilová / Patient demonstration
Dept B
doc.Kabátová / Patient demonstration
Dept B
8,30-9,20 / 2.
9,30-10,20 / 3.
10,30-11,10 / 4.
11,30-12,00 / 5.
Day 4 / Gr 1 / Audiology
Dr.Pavlovčinová / History,files,investigation
Dept B
Dr. Majerníková / History,files,investigation
Dept B
Dr.Pavlovčinová / Patient demonstration
Dept B
Dr.Varga / Patient demonstration
Dept B
Gr. 2 / Oncology
Dept A
Dr.Štefanička / Outpatient office
Amb 128
Dr.Varga / Outpatient office
Amb 126
Doc.Kabátová / Training of investigation methods
Dept B
Dr.Varga / Patient demonstration
Dept B
Gr.3 / Demonstration surgeries
(II. fl., OR 7 a 8)
Dr.Tedla / Demonstration surgeries
(II. fl., OR 7 a 8)
Dr.Štefanička / Demonstration surgeries
(II. fl., OR 7 a 8)
Dr.Štefanička / Demonstration surgeries
(II. fl., OR 7 a 8)
Dr.Tedla / Outpatient office
Amb 126
Gr 4 / Phoniatry
Amb 128
Dr.Šuchová / Patient demonstration
Dept B
Dr.Pavlovčinová / Outpatient office
Amb 128
Dr.Pavlovčinová / History,files,investigation
Dept B
Dr.Pavlovčinová / History,files,investigation
Dept B
8,30-9,20 / 2.
9,30-10,20 / 3.
10,30-11,10 / 4.
11,30-12,00 / 5.
Day 5 / Gr 1 / Demonstration of surgical procedures
Meeting room
Dr.Varga / Demonstration of surgical procedures
Meeting room
Dr.Varga / Demonstration of surgical procedures
Meeting room
Dr.Varga / Demonstration of surgical procedures
Meeting room
Dr.Varga / Demonstration of surgical procedures
Meeting room
Gr. 2 / Demonstration of surgical procedures
OP 7
Prof.Profant / Demonstration of surgical procedures
OP 7
Prof.Profant / Demonstration of surgical procedures
OP 7
Prof.Profant / Demonstration of surgical procedures
OP 7
Prof.Profant / Demonstration of surgical procedures
Gr.3 / Demonstration of surgical procedures
OP 8
Dr.Majerníková / Demonstration of surgical procedures
OP 8
Dr.Majerníková / Demonstration of surgical procedures
OP 8
Dr.Majerníková / Demonstration of surgical procedures
OP 8
Dr.Majerníková / Demonstration of surgical procedures
OP 8
Gr 4 / Demonstration of surgical procedures
OP 5.posch
Dr.Pavlovčinová / Demonstration of surgical procedures
OP 5.posch
Dr.Pavlovčinová / Demonstration of surgical procedures
OP 5.posch
Dr.Štefanička / Demonstration of surgical procedures
OP 5.posch
Dr.Štefanička / Demonstration of surgical procedures
OP 5.posch