Association for Children for Enforcement of Support (ACES)
Web address:
Street Address: ACES National Office
3474 Raymont Blvd., 2nd Floor
University Heights, OH 44118
Contact information: Phone 1-800-738-2237
Mission: ACES is a non-profit child support organization dedicated to assisting disadvantaged children whose parents fail to meet their legal and moral child support and/or visitation obligation.
Services Provided:
ACES offers “how to” instructions and educational information about child support enforcement, visitation rights and paternity determination. ACES provides a telephone “hot-line” for affected families across the country who are seeking information and understanding. ACES conducts public awareness campaigns through news releases and community action.
Child Support Resources:
- Government Resources: OCSE/Federal Office of Child Support, State Links, United States House or Representative, United States Senate
- Public Policy Organizations: Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), Urban Institute, National Women’s Law Center, National Conference of State Legislatures
- Child Support Guidelines: State Child Support Guidelines
No Spanish services.
Geographic area covered
Nationwide chapters. To find an ACES chapter in your local area, call 888-310-2237.