P.O. BOX 443
PORTAGE, WI 53901-0443
SREA Board of Directors Meeting
Wed, February 16, 2011, 6:00 p.m.
Location: Bidwell Room, Portage Public Library
Present: Miles Oakey, Micki Fuerst, Joe Duesler, Roger Lochner, SarahMautz
Absent: Tom Thompson, John Prest
Guests: Paul and Audrey Christiansen
Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. by president, Miles Oakey.
Secretary’s Report (Sarah Mautz): Copies of November2010 monthly meeting minutes furnished. Motion made by Joe Dueslerto approve November minutes. Seconded by Roger Lochner. Motion passed50.
Treasurer’s Report (Micki Fuerst): Copies of November through Januarybalance sheets, income statements,yeartodatebudgeted reserve account reportsfurnished. Discussion. Motion made by Roger Lochner and seconded by Miles Oakey to approve Treasurer’s report. Motion passed5-0.
Buildings and Grounds Report (Joe Duesler): Discussion of photographs of roofs depicting possible insulation issues; discussion of photographs of roofs depicting ice damming problems. Proposals will be brought to next meeting.
Siding project: Four-plex 505-508work is coming along well and is expected to be completed by midMarch. Motion made by Joe Duesler that four-plex 205-208 be resided next, at the approximate cost of $20,435. Seconded by Miles Oakey. Motion passed 5-0.
Complaints of unleashed dogs and association rules discussed.
Letter received from unit 102 re water issues. Joe to draft response for secretary to type.
Utilities Report (Roger Lochner): Electric light at second entrance will be dug down after the ground thaws; flow meter has been installed; Charter may pay for power cut incident at pump house.
Roads Report: None.
President’s Report (Miles Oakey): Noted that values of condo units in SRE have been affected by the economy.
The Board recognizes a remodeling project varies in length of time to finish the project. Any remodeling project that takes over 3 weeks to finish, the contractor should notify the Board. The Board at that time will note this in the minutes.
Miles asked board members to think about whether volunteer board members should receive compensation for travel to and from meetings. Further discussion at next meeting.
Old Business: None.
New Business: Approximately 10% of total unitsin SREA are rentals.
Guest: Paul and Audrey Christiansen, unit 6020,asked about status of their earlier request for board to check on removal of standing dead oak tree on property adjoining SREA property behind units in 6000s area. Discussion. Miles will contact Charlie Kirk.
Next Scheduled Meeting: Wednesday, March 9, 2011, 6:00 p.m., Portage library.
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 7:00p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
(original signed)
Sarah Mautz, Secretary, SREA Board of Directors
February 2011 SREA Minutes - page 1