MRS, Mid-Michigan District; VA-VR&E; and DNMM Round-Table Discussion

This document is specific only to the focus of conversations that occurred on 10/19/10 and is not meant to supplant the Rehabilitation Services Manual. Refer to the Policy Unit for needed guidance and to the assigned statewide consultant for issues related to the related MOA.

MOA Overview / E-Learn link to MOA:
In 2008, this agreement was entered into between the Michigan Rehabilitation Services, Michigan Commission for the Blind, Michigan Commission on Disability Concerns, and the Department of Veterans Affairs, Michigan Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Services.
MRS Consultant: The purpose of the MOA of 1/09 is to advance, improve, and expand work opportunities for Veterans with disabilities through the coordination and delivery of planned services and resources between MRS and VA-VR&E. MRS has moved forward since the initial implementation of the MOA toward streamlining processes within the VR system. Statewide, positive feedback has been received from the field, from both MRS and the VA-VR counselors. MRS reports a desire to increase referrals from VA-VR&E to assist eligible Veterans. Likewise, VA-VR counselors report enhanced necessary and available support services received with Veterans jointly served by the agencies (MRS). Current referrals are small in number. It will be necessary to continue to form and build-upon relationships as the VA has hired new staff and anticipate additional new staff in the near future. In sum, it’s about relationships.
Working in partnership is a win/win/win situation -- for MRS, the VA, and joint Veterans. As indicated in the MOA, services are maximized; comparable benefits are utilized; resources are coordinated; and duplication is avoided. 1) Both agencies (MRS and VA) are aligned/parallel to one another in terms of providing VR – and each is complimentary to the other in achieving the MOA’s purpose. 2) Each VA-VR&E counselor covers a wide area of the state. Although both agencies can provide counseling/guidance, MRS staff members are local to their district areas and individuals served. As such, MRS can provide this support for the Veteran and VA-VR&E counselor as they meet with individuals regularly and provide follow-along; are aware of the local resources Veterans may also need/inquire and can provide, arrange or purchase; and have relationships with employers and resources to provide employment and placement opportunities. 3) VA-VR can cover much of the cost and is considered the primary financial provider (refer to MOA Attachment A). However, there exist services, which VA-VR is unable to provide. And although VA-VR can purchase placement, placement vendors cover wide areas of the state. As such, VA-VR is seeking these supportive services as well. 4) Together, by continuing to coordinate services provided to Veterans, along with regular follow-up in partnership, including with the Veteran, the MOA purpose is achieved which is directly in line with each of our organization’s missions.
In terms of distinction, both agencies follow federal rules/regs pertaining to application, eligibility, and development of the IPE.
Referring Veterans / VA-VR Staff: MRS can refer Veterans to the VA. The most efficient means to do so is to have the Veteran apply online, located at
(Veterans must have a service-connected disability). To review the steps to success to go:
Streamlining information / processes / VA-VR Staff: The VA-VR&E counselor is unable to release anything from a Veteran’s file, regardless of how the information was obtained, except through a special release of information request, which involves sending the file to Detroit. Veterans however have access to everything and anything in their file. The most efficient way to obtain necessary documentation (other than the vocational assessment) for determining eligibility and VR needs is to request it from the Veteran.
With regard to medical documentation and related: Request the Veteran go to the Saginaw VA and sign a release there. The Veteran can usually obtain the documents that same day. Veterans also have a Disability Ratings Report, which may be of assistance to MRS in identifying limitations (i.e., physical capacities for example). It should be noted that only Veterans with service-connected disabilities (receive VR services, aka Chapter 31) have a Disability Ratings Report. Note: MRS counselors can request specific information for the Veteran to return.
With regard to vocational assessments: All vocational assessments are contracted. The MRS counselor can obtain this document most efficiently through a signed release by the Veteran to Rehabilitation Team Associations (RTA), a vocational center. They are located at 1407 Euclid Ave, Bay City, MI 48706-3315.
If a Veteran is referred to MRS prior to a plan, the Veteran can also share their Next Steps assigned by the VA counselor. This document demonstrates next steps and process assisting toward VR&E plan, as well as follow-through on the part of the Veteran. It is recommended the MRS counselor always request the Veteran to provide a copy of the Next Step documents. If a Veteran is referred to MRS after a plan has been developed (which is usually the case), the Veteran can share a copy of their plan, as well as guidelines and responsibilities document with the MRS counselor.
Serving Veterans w/ service-connected disabilities / VA-VR Staff: In the past, it was thought that if a Veteran was receiving VR services with the VA, they were not eligible for MRS services. However this is not so, and the MOA supports this working relationship between the agencies to assist Veterans. It is a win/win because the things mentioned above – services and resources are maximized which enhances employment opportunity with Veterans.
Eligibility vs. Entitlement Language Clarification / MRS District Manager: The Veterans Administration Memo of Agreement Partner Summary Chart describes this distinction, as well as services provided by the agencies listed in the MOA.
MRS Policy: MRS is not an entitlement program. An eligibility determination must be made. Applicants shall be eligible for Agency services if they have a physical or mental impairment that constitutes or results in a substantial impediment to employment and if they require Agency services to prepare for, secure, retain or regain employment consistent with their abilities and capabilities (Policy #3100). To the maximum extent possible and appropriate, the assessment shall consist of a review of existing data (Policy #3125).
VA-VR Staff: Eligibility vs. Entitlement: 10% makes an individual eligible to apply but the disability rating alone, does not mean an individual is entitled for VR with the VA. There has to be a significant impediment to employment because of the disability. Veterans are eligible to apply for VR services with the VA based on
  1. A service-connected disability rating of at least 10%
  2. Discharge that is other than dishonorable, and
  3. Additional factors
Once a Veteran has applied, a determination of entitlement is required which is made by the VA-VR Counselor. If determined entitled, the Veteran will actively participate in a comprehensive needs assessment to determine next steps in the vocational planning process. The Veteran is required to complete necessary "next steps" and follow up with VRC prior to IWRP.
The Vet Success website further provides the following information:
What Happens after Eligibility is Established? The Veteran is scheduled to meet with a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC) for a comprehensive evaluation to determine if he/she is entitled for services. A comprehensive evaluation includes:
  • 1) An assessment of the Veteran's interests, aptitudes, and abilities
  • 2) An assessment of whether service connected disabilities impair the Veteran's ability to find and/or hold a job using the occupational skills he or she has already developed
  • 3) Vocational exploration and goal development leading to employment and/or maximum independence at home and in the Veteran's community
What Happens after the Entitlement Determination is Made? The Veteran and Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC) work together to:
  • 1) Determine transferable skills, aptitudes, and interests
  • 2) Identify viable employment and / or independent living services options
  • 3) Explore labor market and wage information
  • 4) Identify physical demands and other job characteristics
  • 5) Narrow vocational options to identify a suitable employment goal
  • 6) Select a VR&E Vet Success program track leading to an employment or independent living goal
  • 7) Investigate training requirements
  • 8) Identify resources needed to achieve rehabilitation
  • 9) Develop an individualized rehabilitation plan to achieve the identified employment and/or independent living goal.
Refer to the VR&E Home page for additional information at the Vetsuccess site, located at
Voc goal / IPE planning / VA-VR Staff: Generally, cases are referred to MRS after a plan has been written by VA-VR. As the VR&E counselor conducts a comprehensive vocational needs assessment to determine VR needs, which leads toward development of the IPE with the VA, this information can be obtained by MRS (from the Veteran) to make a determination of eligibility, as well as provide information necessary toward developing the IPE with the Veteran, having the same vocational goal as the Veteran has with VA-VR. We don’t want is to have separate vocational goals. It is recommended that regular follow-up occur between both agency counselors regarding progress, including any changes requested by the Veteran or lack of follow-through.
Also, if the MRS counselor discovers a needed service not currently covered in the IPE by VA-VR, check with the VA counselor as he/she can amend the plan to cover the cost (i.e., assistive technology).
Ensuring plan coordination / VA-VR Staff: VR&E is seeking required supportive services from MRS necessary to achieve an employment outcome. The vocational goal for a Veteran with the VR&E is a career goal. It is based on a determination of comprehensive VR needs assessment (including interest/aptitude/abilities testing, assessment of medical and mental health status, input, and recommendations from those professionals, functional capacity assessments, etc) as well as a transferrable skills analysis. Additionally, it includes Next Step documents that the Veteran is responsible to complete and which further demonstrates follow-through. It is important to develop and strengthen working relationships with VR&E so that plans are coordinated to alleviate different directions of voc goals between the agencies. As MRS works with the eligible VR&E Veteran, and if differences arise, MRS is encouraged to contact the VR&E counselor as that counselor has already determined appropriateness of the voc goal and can provide clarification. Policy 2225 Informed Choice should be reviewed. Likewise, if MRS determines a service is needed that is not in the plan, again contact the VR&E counselor, as we may be able to amend the plan. Required services necessary to achieve an employment outcome in an MRS IPE can be provided, purchased, and/or arranged. MRS staff can also refer to the MOA for guidance on effective practices and review information available in e-learn under the resource section.
Primary vs. support services / MRS Policy: The services counselors can provide, arrange or purchase for an individual with a disability are those services related to an Individualized Plan for Employment, necessary to assist the individual in preparing for, securing, retaining, or regaining an employment outcome in an integrated setting that is consistent with the individual's strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice. (Policy 6000)
MRS Staff: Support services are services that are secondary (services in support of primary services). Primary services relate to the Disability Priority Category. Examples include vocational counseling/guidance; placement; AT; job coaching; job/training accommodations; restoration/treatment. Examples of support services include vehicle repair, mileage or interview clothing (i.e., needed interview clothing in support of placement). Policy 2225 Informed choice should also be reviewed.
MRS-Informational Memorandum-09-01: States the purpose of this MOA is to advance, improve, and expand work opportunities for Veterans with disabilities. The MOA will foster coordination of resources and mutual utilization of comparable benefits to maximize vocational rehabilitation services for Veterans with disabilities and facilitate their return to work or to obtain employment.
Service coordination / provision / VA-VR Staff: VA fee-for-services (if appropriate) include tuition, books, supplies; computer; monthly sub-assistance that supports Veteran during training (not intended for critical bills or as a main source of financial support); availability of loan-fund, up to $1,000.00, if needed (and when funding is available); emergency vision, dental and everything medical.
VA-VR can cover placement, however placement contractors cover very large areas of the state and thus are not affiliated with local area employers, resources, and employment options. The VA-VR is unable to cover job readiness skills training; transportation of any kind; vehicle repairs; interview clothing; lodging (i.e., to attend training event or related); child-care.
Definition of competitive employment / VA-VR Staff: Whatever is considered fulltime for the given field/occupation or at a reduced rate with appropriate medical documentation supporting maximum employment ability/work tolerance.
MRS Staff: MRS Glossary (Competitive Work), associated with policy: Work performed on a full or part-time basis, in an integrated setting for which the individual is compensated at or above the minimum wage but not less than the customary wage and level of benefits paid by the employer for the same or similar work performed by individuals who are not disabled. Policy 5025 Employment Goal and Outcome should be referenced.
VA - Sharing benefits information / VA-VR Staff: Veterans are assisted by VA in receiving education related to their benefits and how they are affected by working. All Veteran’s are counseled on the impact employment may have on their VA benefits and social security, by their VRC. VRC’s would be happy to explain, to the MRS Counselor, on a case-by-case basis, the impact any vocational goal will have on Veteran benefits (very individualized).
VR&E IL and employment tracks
Disability stabilization – management to a level of employment / VA-VR Staff: In cases where the Veteran's disabilities are too severe for them to achieve a suitable vocational goal at a competitive employment rate, a plan of Independent Living may be written. In an IL plan, the focus is typically on medical and health related services; special technology and equipment needed to overcome the effects of disability; and services to assist in community integration and/or personal adjustment issues. Services often include adjustment counseling, case management, peer support, adaptive equipment, volunteer coordination, and/or minimal employment. It is possible that a Veteran may start with an IL plan, and as he/she is able to progress, feasibility may be reassessed and if appropriate, a vocational plan is then developed.
Gap in available IL center services (MRS NMD area, covering 10 counties) / DNMM Staff: We provide IL and other requested services to Veterans in more than 20 counties, so even though an MRS counselor or a VA counselor may have consumers/customers who are not in our official eight-county service region (Arenac, Bay, Clare, Gladwin, Gratiot, Isabella, Midland, and Saginaw counties), we are likely to be able to work with those Veterans in their homes or elsewhere in their local communities.
VA-VR Staff: There are other entities that provide IL services and may be able to assist with this region of the state.
MRS Policy: Applicants and eligible individuals shall be full and active participants in their vocational rehabilitation. They shall have the opportunity to obtain information about options and make informed choices throughout their rehabilitation program including: evaluation and assessment services and providers; trial work experience services and providers; their specific employment goal; the rehabilitation services required to accomplish their rehabilitation program; procurement methods; and the service providers which will be used (Policy #2225).
List of VA Reps /contacts / MRS Staff: Jim Garrison is in the process of updating the job aid, also available in E-Learn at
VA-VR Staff: MRS can contact anyone on the list and the VA-VR&E counselor will assist or direct them appropriately. VR&E covers wide areas of the entire state, which is broken down into regions (i.e., Detroit, Grand Rapids, Iron Mountain, Lansing, Mt. Pleasant, and Saginaw). We have hired many new staff -- and anticipate hiring more staff in the near future. The Mt. Pleasant and Saginaw offices cover Veterans from approximately M46 north to the Eastern UP.
VA reps (MI Works); employment coordinators; and VA-VR counselors / VA-VR Staff: Michigan Works - Disabled Veterans Outreach Workers (DVOW’s) assist any disabled Veteran in finding employment. Employment does not have to be career based, and can also be subsistence work while attending training. DVOW’s receive formal referrals from VA Employment Coordinators for career placement assistance. DVOW’s are often used as a resource for gathering employment information in the planning phase of services as well.
VA Employment Coordinators take over case management of Veterans who have completed training and/or are considered job ready and actively seeking suitable, competitive employment in a specific career field. VA Employment Coordinators use contract services for direct placement and job search assistance and will be the primary coordinator of services for the same with MRS.
VA-VR Counselors (VRC’s): Rehab Counselors responsible for determining entitlement, feasibility, plan development and service provision through completion of training or case closure in the cases where Veterans are not going to work.
VA employment reps / VA-VR Staff: The VA has 3 Employment Coordinators for the state. Mid/Northern Michigan is covered by Dell McCaslin. Brent Haddow covers Detroit and surrounding areas. Mike Poyma – is based in Lansing and covers the South West corner of the state.
How to increase referrals in both directions / MRS & VA-VR Staff: Receptiveness is a variable – focus on building relationships. Also, attend shared trainings or strategic meetings to serve Veterans are useful and we should invite each other, and supporting partners whenever possible. VA-VR conducts quarterly training (in Detroit for their staff and Lansing for out-based) for their staff (sometimes all staff training) which includes new staff – VR&E counselors recently attended this training and MRS was invited to present.