*Please note this form is only a tool and has been completed as an example but it will need to be tailored to meet individual children’s needs and circumstances.

1. Medical and Health

Consent/agreement/task / Who has authority to give consent/agreement or undertake the task[1] / Notes (inc. notifications, prior consultation/recording requirement/conditions)
1.1 Signed consent to emergency medical treatment inc. anaesthesia / Medical professional / In an emergency or life threatening situation a medical doctor does not need consent to give treatment. However, if Foster carer is given prior notice of treatment, they must inform EDT or child’s social worker for consent as soon as possible.
1.2 Consent – routine immunisations / Foster Carer or Young Person / The foster carer should ensure that the information is documented in the child’s red book and the health information record.
1.3 Planned medical procedures / Social worker / The social worker should get agreement from the Team Manager.
1.5 Dental - signed consent to dental emergency treatment inc anaesthetic / Social worker / In an emergency or life threatening situation a medical doctor does not need consent to give treatment. However, if prior notice is given of treatment, foster care must informed EDT or child’s Social worker for consent as soon as possible..
1.6 Dental - routine treatment / Social worker/FC / The foster carer should record this information in the health information record.
1.7 Optician – appts, glasses / Foster Carer / The foster carer should record this information in the health information record.
1.8 Consent to examination /treatment by school Nurse / Foster Carer / The foster carer should record this information in the health information record.
1.9 Administration of prescribed/over the counter medications / Foster Carer / With advice from medical practitioner.
1.10 Permission for school to administer prescribed/over the counter medications / Foster Carer / The foster carer should record this information in the health information record.
1.11 Referral/ consent for YP to access another service e,g CAMHS / Social Worker / The social worker should do this in consultation with the young person and foster carer.
1.12 Register with a GP and Health Visitor / Foster carer / The foster carer should record this information in the health information record and inform the SW.

2. Education

Consent/agreement/task / Who has authority to give consent/ agreement or undertake the task / Notes (inc. notifications, prior consultation /recording requirement/conditions)
2.1 Signed consent for school day trips / Foster Carer
2.2 Signed consents for school trips overnight / Social Worker / However, all relevant parties must be notified.
2.3 School trips abroad / Head of Service / However, all relevant parties must be notified.
2.4 Using computers at school / Foster Carer
2.5 School photos / Foster Carer/Social Worker
2.6 Attendance at parents’ evenings / Foster Carer
2.7 Attendance at PEP meetings / Foster Carer/Social Worker
2.8 Attendance at unplanned meetings re incidents or immediate issues / Foster Carer/Social Worker
2.9 Registering at a school / Foster Carer / Virtual school and child social worker to be consulted.
2.10 Changing a school / Social Worker / However, all relevant parties must be notified.
2.11 Personal Health and Social Education / Foster Carer

3 Personal, leisure and home life

Consent/agreement/task / Who has authority to give consent/ agreement or undertake the task / Notes (inc. notifications, prior consultation /recording requirement/conditions)
3.1 Passport application / Social Worker / Can only be applied for by someone holding PR
3.2 Overnight with friends (‘sleep overs’) / Foster Carer / Foster Carer to make own risk assessment and record details.
3.3 Holidays within the British Islands / Foster Carer / However, all relevant parties must be consulted and notified.
3.4 Holidays outside the British Islands / Head of Service / However, all relevant parties must be consulted and notified.
3.5 Sports/ social clubs / Foster Carer / Child Social Worker to be informed.
3.6 More hazardous activities- e.g horse riding, skiing, rock climbing / Social Worker / However, all relevant parties must be consulted and notified.
3.7 Haircuts/colouring / Foster Carer / However, prior consultation with birth family.
3.8 Body piercing / ------/ In English law, it is illegal for under 16s to have their genitals pierced. It is also illegal for females under 16 to have their breasts pierced, although this does not apply to males under 16.
3.9 Tattoos / ------/ It is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to have a tattoo
3.10 Mobile phone / Foster Carer / Child Social Worker to be informed and in consultation with birth family.
3.11 Part time employment / Foster Carer / Must comply with employment laws.
3.12 Accessing social networking sites e.g Facebook, Twitter, MSN / Foster Carer / Must comply with the terms and conditions as required by network provider.
3.13 Photos relating to media activity / Birth parent/Head of Service / The foster carer may take photos of the child for their life story book but they must not be shared with others. Anything related to the publication of photos or press needs to be agreed by Head of Service in consultation with birth family.
3.13 School photos / Birth parent/SW

4 Faith and religious observance

Consent/agreement/task / Who has authority to give consent/ agreement or undertake the task / Notes (inc. notifications, prior consultation /recording requirement/conditions)
4.1 New or changes in faith, church or religious observance / Social Worker / Consultation with Birth family and Foster Carers
4.2 Attendance at a place of worship / Foster Carer / Consultation with Social Worker and Birth family.

5 Identity and Names

Consent/agreement/task / Who has authority to give consent/ agreement or undertake the task / Notes (inc. notifications, prior consultation /recording requirement/conditions)
5.1 Life story work / Social Worker / Consultation with birth family.
5.2 New or changes in ‘nicknames’, order of first names, or preferred names. / Social Worker / Consultation with birth family.


Consent/agreement/task / Who has authority to give consent/ agreement or undertake the task / Notes (inc. prior consultation/ notification /recording requirement/conditions)
6.1 Transport / Foster Carer & Social Worker
6.2 Arranging / Social Worker
6.3 Facilitation / Social Worker or Foster Carer

7. Other areas or categories

Consent/agreement/ task / Who has authority to give consent/ agreement or undertake the task / Notes (inc. prior consultation/notification /recording requirement/conditions) / Date

8.Are there any issues arising from Delegated Authority Agreement? If yes, how would these be managed?

[1] More than one than one person could have authority to give a particular consent/agreement or undertake a particular task, e.g. both the parent and foster carer may be attending parents’ evenings. If this is the case, the individuals’ respective roles should be clarified in the “Notes” column.