Public School Academies
K-12 Mathematics
Belief Statements
We believe students should:
- make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
- reason abstractly and quantitatively.
- construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
- model with mathematics.
- use appropriate tools strategically.
- attend to precision.
- look for and make use of structure.
- look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
We believe the mathematics curriculum should:
- integrate problem solving with basic computation.
- be clearly defined, organized, and user friendly.
- allow learners to investigate concepts and develop their own approach to solving problems.
- include assessment ideas.
- integrate manipulatives and current technology.
- be aligned to the Common Core State Standards.
- provide means for integrating the mathematics curriculum with other content areas.
- integrate real life situations.
- provide opportunities for communication through written and oral presentation.
- meet the needs of different learning styles.
- be sequentially and developmentally appropriate.
- use a variety of resources.
Modified January 26, 2011
Public School Academies
K-12 Mathematics
Mission Statement
Students will be able to reason, solve problems, and communicate mathematically in real life situations.
Public School Academies
K-12 Mathematics
Exit Standards
All students will individually and cooperatively:
- Develop the skills necessary to communicate mathematically.
Communication includes the ability to use writing, speaking, and modeling to explain mathematics.
2.Demonstrate mathematical reasoning through logical thinking.
Students will be able to explain in various forms how they arrived at their mathematical solution(s).
- Make connections within mathematics, and between mathematics and other fields.
Students will make connections within mathematics to investigate the relationship between the different strands of the mathematics framework and its connections between mathematics and other fields.
- Apply problem-solving strategies to real life situations.
Problem solving consists of combining prior knowledge with logical and critical thinking skills to determine a strategy to solve for unknown variables.
- Apply conceptual and operational skills to solve real life situations.
Conceptual understanding involves formulating a process to solve problems. Operational skills involve applying mathematics to compute the answer.
- Demonstrate mathematical competence.
Students will be able to successfully apply mathematical skills and strategies in solving problems as measured by responses to projects, problems, etc.
- Value mathematics.
Students will appreciate the role mathematics plays in society and understand how mathematics relates to other subjects and to their daily lives.