GR 201 Beginning Greek Week 14 NAME / ὈNOMA ΣOY: ______


1. Reading Practice

Read Matthew 6:9b-13 aloud from the GNT. Check here when done ___

2. Chapter 27, Section 27.4 - Writing Practice

Write out the Greek text by hand, while saying the Greek aloud. Check here when done ___

3. Chapter 27, Section 27.6

Add the vocabulary words to your stack of flash-cards. Check here when done ___

Go through the stack once, Greek to English Check here when done ___

Go through the stack once, English to Greek, if time permits Check here when done ___

4. Chapter 27, Sections 27.1 - 27.2

Write out the Future Indicative Active of κρινω once, while saying the Greek aloud.

Check here when done ___

Write out the Future Indicative Active of βαλλω once, while saying the Greek aloud.

Check here when done ___

Write out the Future Indicative Active of αἰρω once, while saying the Greek aloud.

Check here when done ___

Write out the Future Indicative Active of ἐγειρω once, while saying the Greek aloud.

Check here when done ___

Drill the Practice Sentences until you can do them easily. Check here when done ___


1. Reading Practice

Read Matthew 6:9b-13 aloud from the GNT. Check here when done ___

2. Chapter 27, Section 27.4 - Writing Practice

Write out the Greek text by hand, while saying the Greek aloud. Check here when done ___

3. Chapter 27, Section 27.3 - Sentences for reading and translation - Read aloud and translate the sentences











4. Chapter 27, Section 27.5

a) In your GNT, read John 2:18-21 aloud several times. Check here when done ___

b) Without referring to an English Bible, write out your translation of this passage :

c) Now look at the passage in the KJV, and compare it to your translation.

What corrections might you make to your translation :

Are there any things you have a question about :

4. Vocabulary :

During the day, go through your Flashcards, Greek to English Check here when done ___

During the day, go through your Flashcards, English to Greek Check here when done ___


1. Reading Practice

Read Matthew 6:9b-13 aloud from the GNT. Check here when done ___

2. Chapter 28, Section 28.5 - Writing Practice

Write out the Greek text by hand, while saying the Greek aloud. Check here when done ___

3. Chapter 28, Section 28.7

Add the vocabulary words to your stack of flash-cards. Check here when done ___

Go through the stack once, Greek to English Check here when done ___

Go through the stack once, English to Greek, if time permits Check here when done ___

4. Chapter 28, Sections 28.1 - 28.2

A. Complete the following table

English / Present / Future / Aorist
I say
I run
ἠνεγκον or ἠνεγκα

B. Chant each line of the table 6 times . Check here when done ___

C. Drill the Practice Sentences until you can do them easily. Check here when done ___

4. Vocabulary :

During the day, go through your Flashcards, Greek to English Check here when done ___

During the day, go through your Flashcards, English to Greek Check here when done ___


1. Reading Practice

Read Matthew 6:9b-13 aloud from the GNT. Check here when done ___

Read John 1:1 - 5 aloud from the GNT. Check here when done ___

2. Chapter 28, Section 28.5 - Writing Practice

Write out the Greek text by hand, while saying the Greek aloud. Check here when done ___

3. Chapter 28, Sections 28.1 - 28.2

A. Complete the following table

English / Present / Future
I lead
I come up, I go up
I die
I happen, I am
I know
I am
I find
I have
I wish
I get, I take
I drink
I fall

B. Drill the Practice Sentences until you can do them easily. Check here when done ___

2. Chapter 28, Section 28.4 - Sentences for reading and translation - Read aloud and translate the sentences











4. Vocabulary :

During the day, go through your Flashcards, Greek to English Check here when done ___

During the day, go through your Flashcards, English to Greek Check here when done ___


1. Reading Practice

Read Matthew 6:9b-13 aloud from the GNT. Check here when done ___

2. Chapter 28, Section 28.5 - Writing Practice

Write out the Greek text by hand, while saying the Greek aloud. Check here when done ___

3. Chapter 28, Section 28.6

a) In your GNT, read Matt. 12:18-21 aloud several times. Check here when done ___

b) Without referring to an English Bible, write out your translation of this passage :

c) Now look at the passage in the KJV, and compare it to your translation.

What corrections might you make to your translation :

Are there any things you have a question about :

4. Vocabulary :

During the day, go through your Flashcards, Greek to English Check here when done ___

During the day, go through your Flashcards, English to Greek Check here when done ___

5. Review and Consolidation :

1. Review chapter 20 Check here when done __

2. Make a note here of any questions you may have :