Florida Occupational Therapy Association

Monthly Officer Teleconference

July 15, 2014

8:00-9:00 p.m.

Member’s attending- Elena Vizvary (EV), Deb Oliviera(DO), Debbie Misrahi(DM), Debbie Murphy-Fischer(DMF), Janine Silvaroli(JS)

Guest- Rob Black RB)-Red Wolf Communications Company

Call in number: 1-626-677-3000 Access Code: 1095206#

8-8:20 / Red Wolf Communications / GUESTS
Rob Black / Discuss Red Wolf Communications Company- public affairs consultant with experience with OT. Served at AOTA from 2005-2007 (Backpack Awareness Month, Conference). Since 2007 has worked in private sector but helped draft/write AOTA Presidential speeches. Has worked with Chuck Wilmarth at AOTF.
Questions from officers – (DMF) What other states are you engaged with? Rob- no, this is a new venture but backed with experience.
(EV) What information will you need to assist marketing FOTA? What strategies would he utilize to increase membership?
(RB) Not a marketer. Doesn’t develop obtaining new membership. Focuses on PR to increase awareness to recruit new members via social media.
(JS) Can you go into detail about your role at AOTA Conference? (RB)Approached newspaper at Conference in Raleigh and presented Car Fit program which led to news piece on OT Conference. “makes events not newsworthy, newsworthy”
(RB) what are your main concerns?
(DMF) discussed low membership
(RB) followed FOTA’s twitter feed, wants FOTA to tweet current events (educational sessions) in pieces to encourage additional followers. RB can bundle all social media and newsletters to make sure all work together to raise FOTA’s profile. Is able to meet budget needs of all clients.
No follow up questions and EV thanked Rob for his presentation.
Board members agreed that current needs are being met by Janine and that Red Wolf Communications would not meet our needs at this time.
JS recommends getting quote for Conference PR
EV will send out Mike Vizvary’s report on Conference PR.
8:30-8:40 / Conference 2014 update / Deb O / FGCU – any progress?
Hotel – link for reservations for website ASAP.
Contract not seen yet. Liability insurance for FGCU
Keynote / Title: Connecting Today's Needs to Tomorrow's Solutions
Katherine Burson Contract signed 6/25
Registration / When to open- JS waiting for information to send to membership regarding fees
Proposals / 16 Short courses; 9 workshops, 6 Prof posters, 4 Roundtables- deadline extended until today (35)
Deadline for SIS RTs?- EV recommends contacting Ric Carrasco to “nudge” SIS Chairs
Institutes / Any Progress?- One so far. Ric Carrasco urging SIS Chair’s to submit proposals.
DO- can we ask Belkis Landa Gonzalez for suggestions? Mirtha Gonzalez
Therapeutic Use of Self
Recommended calling FGCU asking for presenters
DM will look for Miami area presenters
Schedule general events / Will there be one to post soon? DO – will follow last year’s format, EV recommends posting soon , DO will hold Institute times but post other schedule next week
Associated face-to-face board mtg 11/6 from 1-6 pm / Elena contacted hotel which was too expensive. Meeting will be at FGCU from 1-6 pm
FCGU has room for free so we’ll go there for board mtg.
8:45-8:50 / Awards / Cara Putnam & Robin Richmond heading up awards. Timelines will follow last years. Criteria are new though. JS will contact them to get information for website.
Marsha will give out awards at conference at the end of the business meeting
DM will review previous award winners and discussed posting on website
8:50-8:55 / Webmaster / EV spoke to Julie Watson
Time commitment & responsibilities different now
EV to review Webmaster JD with Janine to see exactly WHAT FOTA board member webmaster needs to do apart from AA- need back up as bulk of work being done by JS. JS needs assistance with content
DO recommends asking Barbara Ingram Rice assist, but EV approached her and she declined
8:55:9:00 / Web pages / Webinar July 2 Job Target – lots we don’t take advantage of.
Janine will review
EV impressed with components available
Webinar July 9 / No great ideas.
Check out links EV sent.
Need to better use what we have with Memberclicks
Merged with Affiniscape
Board in attendance appreciate Member Clicks
9:00-9:01 / Membership / Adrienne Lauer Membership Chair
FOTA sent her copy of “Art of Membership”
Regional Reps / Maribel Valdez leaving state. Central East – Region 5 now open.
Strategic Plan / Elena
Deb O / Next SKYPE August 6.
9:01-9:03 / Elena vacation / Out of state and not very reachable July 25-July 31
9:03-9:05 / Sept. 16 leadership teleconference / Ask for agenda items and reports to Deb M for November board meeting so we can post no later than 2 weeks before.
Elena developing a “consent agenda”
9:05-9:15 / Other / DMF will post new budget
Reflecting 8% increase in fees and movement of money based on votes from face to face meeting on discussion board
JS will look into setting up online voting aspect on Memberclicks but Conference takes priority for JS
DMF met with accountant, FOTA files in November so will meet with EV in September
JS may experience slight delay with Conference/website
DM will send a welcome note to Adrienne Lauer on behalf of the Leadership
JS asked for assistance with social media from students
DM will try to recruit from Level II students coming to MDCPS in the fall
JS will contact Tanya Feddern Bekkan to see if she will assist with social media aspect