A quick guide to their meanings and how to
write with them.
By Niki Goodman
Ogham staves are a popular method of divination among Pagans who follow a Celtic-focused path. Although there are no records of how staves might have been used in divination in ancient times, there are a number of ways that they can be interpreted. There are 20 original letters in the Ogham alphabet, and five more that were added later on by the Romans. Each corresponds to a letter or sound, as well as a tree or wood.
In addition, each of these symbols has come to be associated with various meanings and elements of the human experience. Consecrate your staves as you would a tarot deck or other magical tool.
There are a number of methods to reading the staves for divination, and you can figure out what works best for you. Many people like to simply keep their staves in a pouch, and when a question comes up that needs to be answered, they place their hand in the bag and pull out a designated number of staves.
The original daily reading was done by holding them a foot off the ground and just dropping them. Choose the three closest to you and work out your daily message. You can also use them in a spread, like you would tarot cards and the more you play with them, the easier it will be to work out what works best for you.
Below is a basic meaning for each of the runes. This is just the basics to get you started. If your interested in them, there is so much more out there to learn and a lot of it is available free on various sites.
Beith, or Beth, corresponds to the letter B in the alphabet, and is associated with the Birch tree. When this symbol is used, it is representative of new beginnings, change, release, and rebirth. In some traditions, it also has connections with purification.
Birch trees are hardy. They'll grow just about anywhere, including on bare soil. Because they tend to grow in clusters, what may be just one or two seedlings now can be practically an entire forest in a few decades.
In addition to being a sturdy sort of tree, the Birch is useful. In days gone by, it was used for infants' cradles, and is still harvested today to make cabinets and furniture.
From a magical perspective, there are a number of uses for Birch. The branches are traditionally incorporated into the construction of a besom, and are used for the bristles. Use the white outer bark in ritual in place of paper or parchment. Just be sure you only harvest the bark from a fallen Birch tree, not a living one. Ancient herbalists discovered that various parts of this tree can be used for medicinal purposes. Bark was once brewed into a tea to fight fevers, and the leaves were used alternately as a laxative and a diuretic, depending on how they were prepared.
Beith Correspondences
Mundane Aspects: When this symbol appears, it means it's time to get rid of all those negative influences you've been carrying around with you. Figure out what things are bad in your life, which relationships are toxic, and find a way to leave them behind.
Instead of being dragged down by the negative, focus on the positive things you have in your life, the blessings and abundance. Use these things as a focus, rather than the harmful or damaging ones.
Magical Aspects: Consider the property of renewal and rebirth, as demonstrated by the Birch. Use this as a tool for spiritual and emotional regrowth, and developing your own ability to regenerate where there has been emptiness or devastation.
Luis corresponds to the letter L in the alphabet, and is associated with the Rowan tree. This symbol represents insight, protection and blessings.
The Rowan tree has often been associated with protection against enchantment and magic. Rowan sticks were often used to carve protective charms on, and hung over a door to prevent evil spirits from entering. The berries, when split in half, reveal a small pentagram inside.
The Rowan indicates protection as well as knowledge - insight about what is taking place in your surroundings.
Luis Correspondences
Mundane Aspects: Keep your awareness high, and go with your intuition when it comes to the people and events in your life. Trust your judgement, and don't allow yourself to be lulled into a false sense of security.
Magical Aspects: Keep yourself true to your spirituality, staying grounded even in times of doubt. This will help protect you from that which might bring you emotional, physical or spiritual harm
F is for Fearn or Fern, which is associated with the Alder tree. The Alder is representative of the evolving spirit. Connected with the month of March and the spring equinox, Alder is the symbol of Bran in Celtic mythology. In The Mabinogion, Bran laid himself across a river as a bridge so that others might cross. Likewise, the Alder bridges that magical space between earth and the heavens. It is also associated with oracular powers. Brans head was an oracle in legend.
Alders are often found in swampy, boggy areas and conveniently, their wood doesn't rot when it gets wet. In fact, if left to soak in water, it becomes hardened. This came in handy when early Britons were building strongholds in bogs. The city of Venice, Italy, was originally built upon piles of Alder wood. Once it's dry, though, Alder tends to be less than durable.
Fearn Correspondences
Mundane Aspects: Keep in mind that you are an individual... but so is everyone else. When you look at someone, see the unusual which makes them themselves – and allow them to see that uniqueness in you. Be a mediator, a bridge, between people who may be having a disagreement.
Magical Aspects: Follow your instinct. Others will turn to you for advice and counsel during spiritual disagreements, and it's your job to be the mediator and voice of reason.
S is for Saille, pronounced sahl-yeh, and is associated with the Willow tree. The Willow is often found near water, and when nourished it will grow rapidly. This symbol is representative of knowledge and spiritual growth, as well as being connected with the month of April. Willows offer protection and healing, and is closely connected to the cycles of the moon. Likewise, this symbol is tied to women's mysteries and cycles.
In folk medicine, Willow has long been connected with healing. A tea of willow bark was used to treat fevers, rheumatism, coughs, and other inflammatory conditions. Nineteenth century scientists discovered that the Willow contains salicylic acid, a synthetic version of which is the primary pain-relief ingredient in Aspirin. In addition to its use as a healing herb, Willow was also harvested for wicker work. Baskets, small curricle s, and even bee hives were constructed with this bendable, flexible wood.
Saille Correspondences
Mundane Aspects: One cannot evolve without changing. Realize that part of life’s journey includes learning lessons. Even unpleasant ones. This is a natural part of the human experience.
Magical Aspects: Give yourself a break periodically, and take time to rest spiritually. Know that change will come when you are ready for it. Allow yourself some flexibility in your spiritual life as well.
N is for Nion, sometimes called Nuin, which is connected to the Ash tree. Ash is one of three trees which were sacred to the Druids. (Ash, Oak and Thorn), and connects the inner self to the outer worlds. This is a symbol of connections and creativity, and transitions between the worlds.
In Norse legend, Yggdrasil, the World Tree, is an Ash. Its roots grew down far into the Underworld, and its branches reached all the way up into the heavens. Odin hung himself from the tree for nine days as a sacrifice. Ash also features prominently in the Irish myth cycles, and is often depicted growing beside a well or pool of wisdom.
Nion Correspondences
Mundane Aspects: Remember that for every action, there is a consequence, and these effect not only ourselves but others as well. What we do in our life will carry into the future and possibly even beyond. Every one of our words and deeds has some sort of impact.
Magical Aspects: The Universe is like a giant web. Strands bind us all together, either closely or at a distance. We are all connected in one way or another, so it is important to find harmony between the spiritual realm and the physical, and between all living beings. Endeavor to live a spiritual life that considers the needs of the natural world around you.
H is for Huath, or Uatha, and is symbolic of the Hawthorn tree. This prickly thorned tree is associated with cleansing, protection and defence. Tie a thorn with a red ribbon and use it as a protective amulet in your home, or place a bundle of thorns under a baby's crib to keep bad energy away. Because the Hawthorn typically blooms around Beltane, it is also strongly connected with fertility, masculine energy, and fire.
In folklore, the Hawthorn is associated with the land of the Fae. Thomas the Rhymer, met the Faerie Queen under a Hawthorn tree and ended up in the Faerie realm for seven years. Despite its connection with female and goddess centred pre-Christian belief, it's considered unlucky to bring Hawthorn flowers into your home. This may stem from the fact that some species of Hawthorn give off a particularly unpleasant, almost corpse-like scent after they've been cut. No one wants their home to smell like death.
In Glastonbury, England, there's a famous Hawthorn tree known as the Holy Thorn. The tree that stands there today is supposed to be a descendant of one that stood on Glastonbury Tor two thousand years ago, when Joseph of Arimathea brought the Grail to England from the Holy Land. When Joseph thrust his staff into the ground, it turned into a Hawthorn tree.
Birch Correspondences
Mundane Aspects: If you're hoping to conceive a child, the appearance of Huath could be fortuitous. In addition to fertility, consider this a sign of protection, healthfulness and self-defence.
Magical Aspects: Understand that no matter how thorny a problem may be, you can use your spiritual strength to protect and guide you. You may also find that you can provide strength to those who depend on you.
D is for Duir, the Celtic tree of Oak. Like the mighty tree it represents, Duir is associated with strength, resilience and self-confidence. The Oak is strong and powerful, often dominating over its shorter neighbours. The Oak King rules over the summer months, and this tree was sacred to the Druids. Some scholars say the word Duir translates to "door", the root word of "Druid". The Oak is connected with spells for protection and strength, fertility, money and success, and good fortune.
In many pre-Christian societies, the Oak was often associated with the leaders of the gods – Zeus, Thor, Jupiter, and so forth. The strength and masculinity of the Oak was honoured through the worship of these gods.
During the Tudor and Elizabethan eras, Oak was valued for its strength and durability, and was commonly used in construction of homes. The bark became valuable in the tanning industry, and many areas of Scotland were deforested in the rush to harvest Oak.
Duir Correspondences
Mundane Aspects: Carry an acorn in your pocket when you go to an interview or business meeting; it will be bring you good luck. If you catch a falling Oak leaf before it hits the ground, you'll stay healthy the following year. Remember that "Duir" means gate or door. Watch for chances that may pop up unexpectedly, and take what is offered to you. After all, an unknown opportunity is better than a missed one.
Magical Aspects: Be strong and steady like the Oak, no matter how unpredictable things may become for you spiritually.
Your strength will help you prevail.
T stands for Tinne, or Teine, the Holly tree. This evergreen plant is connected to immortality, unity, courage, and the stability of hearth and home. Pronounced chihnn-uhby the Celts, the wood of the Holly was often used in the construction of weapons, and is known as a plant of warriors and protectors.
In the pre-Christian British Isles, the Holly was often associated with protection. Planting a hedge around your home would keep malevolent spirits out, thanks in no small part to the sharp spikes on the leaves.
In Celtic myth, the concept of the Holly King and the Oak King symbolizes the changing of the seasons, and the transition of the earth from the growing time to the dying season.
When Christianity moved into the Celtic lands, the new religion associated the Holly plant with the story of Jesus. The poky spikes on the leaves represent the crown of thorns worn by Jesus on the cross, and the bright red berries symbolize his blood.
Tinne Correspondences
Mundane Aspects: Hang a sprig of Holly in your home to protect your family in your absence. Soak the leaves in spring water under a full moon, and then use the water as a blessing for people or items you wish to protect. There is strength to be found in standing together, and ultimately protection comes from honour and trust.
Magical Aspects: Develop the ability to respond quickly and wisely to your intuition. Learn to overcome and adapt to new situations, and to respond immediately to changes in your spiritual environment. Trust your instinct, but don't let your heart rule over your head.
C, sometimes read as K, is Coll, which is the Hazel tree. August is known as the Hazel Moon, because this is when Hazel nuts appear on the trees. The world Coll translates to "the life force inside you", and what better symbol of life than the nut itself? Hazel is associated with wisdom and creativity and knowledge. Sometimes it is connected in Celtic lore with magical springs, sacred wells, and divination.
Hazel was a handy tree to have around. It was used by many English pilgrims to make staffs for use upon the road. Not only was it a sturdy walking stick, it also provided a modicum of self-defence for weary travellers. Certainly, it could have been used as well for ritual. Hazel was used in weaving of baskets by medieval folk, and the leaves were fed to cattle because it was believed this would increase the cow's supply of milk.
In the Irish myth cycles, there is a tale that nine hazel nuts dropped into a sacred pool. A salmon came along in the pool and gobbled up the nuts, which then imbued him with wisdom. A variation of the story appears in the legend of Finn Mac Cumhail, who ate the salmon and then took on the knowledge and wisdom of the fish. Note that Mac Cumhail is often translated as Mac Coll.
Coll Correspondences
Mundane Aspects: Take advantage of your own artistry or creativity, and share your knowledge with others so they too can practice these arts. Lead by example, and teach those who wish to learn.
Find inspiration for your creative gifts, whatever your talent may be.
Magical Aspects: Let the divine guide you in your creative journey. Speak to the gods through your art, and be rewarded with inspiration. If you're stuck in a creative rut, call upon the Divine to send you a Muse.
Q is for Quert, sometime spelled Ceirt, and is tied to the luscious Apple tree. Long symbolic of love and faithfulness, as well as rebirth, the Apple is often associated with magic. If you cut an apple in half sideways, the seeds form one of nature's perfect stars. In addition to love, the appearance of Quert reminds us of the eternal cycle of life. After all, once the Apple tree dies, its fruit returns to the ground to birth new trees for coming harvests.
The Apple and its blossoms feature prominently in folklore related to love, prosperity and fertility. The Roman Goddess Poloma watched over orchards, and was associated not so much with the harvest, but with the flourishing of the crop. Apples are also connected with divination. Particularly for young ladies wondering about their love lives.
Quert Correspondences
Mundane Aspects: No one likes to be faced with choices, because sometimes what we want is not what we need. However, we still must choose. Sometimes, we make decisions because they are the right ones to make, not because they make us happy. Be wise enough to understand the difference.
Magical Aspects: Open your inner soul to new decisions, and allow yourself to harvest the gifts that your spiritual path has to offer. Know that sometimes, things might not make sense, but chances are good that you'll learn from this later.