The Contractor shall provide Integrated Contract Logistics Support (ICLS) to include operations, network operations, logistics, training, field engineering, and integration support to PEO C3T Product Manager Network Systems (PdM-NS) for the execution of the Army Network Modernization program. The contractor shall assist PdM-NS in the preparation of fielding and implementation of experiments for the Army network strategy for Capability Package 13/14 (CP 13/14) Bridge Network for systems under the responsibility of PdM-NS.

The following systems represent the CP 13/14 Bridge Network: HMS Rifleman Radio, PRC-117G, PRC-152A, and SRW Appliqué or surrogates for up to one hundred twenty (120) installations throughout the Brigade horseblanket. Candidate systems for the SRW Appliqué are the PRC-117G, PRC-152A, Tactical Data Router, ITT Sidehat, GD Sidewinder and Harris SRW Appliqué.

Network Integration Experiments are conducted in the 2BCT/1 Armored Division, Fort Bliss, TX consisting of four (4) Battalions represented in the NIE horseblanket. CP 13/14 pure bridge network is contained in one (1) Battalion. The test event is broken into these subevents: Preparation (3 weeks), Pilot Test (3 weeks), Test (2 weeks), Post Test support ( 6 weeks).

All work under this effort shall be performed only to the extent authorized by this PBSOW.

The contractor shall manage and control the resources necessary to ensure timely achievement of all of the requirements contract effort in the most economical manner possible. Frequent liaison and coordination shall be required with the Product Manager located at Aberdeen, Maryland.

The contractor shall employ a management system which emphasizes the DoD Management Philosophy of continuous process improvement in providing the Logistics Support services required under this effort.

The Contractor should be prepared to provide all necessary equipment to include Personal Computers, internet access, and any other material necessary to conduct the services required under this awarded contract.


The Contractor shall be responsible for the synchronization of PdM-NS operations in support of NIE event execution principally held at Ft. Bliss, TX, and White Sands Missile Range, NM to include the following key tasks:


4.1.1 Logistics: The contractor shall provide PdM-NS on-site management, planning, coordination and synchronization of PdM-NS NIE requirements to include the following key ICLS functions:

a.  The contractor shall support the planning and execution of logistics for the Network Integration Rehearsal (NIR) and Network Integration Evaluation (NIE) efforts (i.e., material management of spare components for managed systems, provision of spare components as directed by customer directive authority and tracking for all trouble tickets, maintenance actions and return of unserviceable items).

b.  The contractor shall liaise with units and government agencies to provide support from garrison and forward locations, based upon scenario, and provide logistics operations centers for network maturity and network integration events. Attend all NIE meetings and forums that require PdM-NS support/representation.

c.  The contractor shall assess the vendor Supportability Plan for exercises and unit events and identify potential issue that may affect successful mission execution to PdM-NS. Recommendations shall include Field Service Representative FSR support, spares, integration plans, system checkout prior to signing over to unit.

d.  The contractor shall provide support to PdM-NS vendor teams planning, integrating their logistics support into the NIE standardized process and procedures to include inventory receipt, storage, and distribution of end items, spares and components.

e.  The contractor shall assist in coordinating with NIE staff for vendor storage space, office space and communications requirements, and manage and provide access to resources allocated.

f.  The contractor shall assist in coordinating training requirements, personnel to be trained, classroom scheduling and other support requirements to conduct training classes.


1.2.1  Doctrinal Scenarios, Threads and Offered Load:

a.  The contractor shall provide subject matter expertise (SME) for PdM-NS represented systems to NIE staff in development of mission evaluation and assessment scenarios and threads, generated from CONOPS derived from in-theatre requirements. They shall identify expected offered load by analyzing draft scenarios and identify exchanges of data (e.g. File sharing and collaboration, chat, white-boarding, and voice) to assure that the capabilities of the PdM-NS represented systems can support the mission scenarios, ensuring optimal operational effectiveness of the network (and network architecture) during the NIR/NIE. Participate in Threads development to reflect actual field situations and align with the scenarios. Results of any of these tasks shall be forwarded via email to the PdM-NS POC.

b.  The contractor shall support the establishment and operations necessary to integrate PdM-NS represented system into the network operations center at White Sands Missile Range Exercise Control Center (ECC). They shall also provide subject matter expertise to ECC personnel in network control and monitoring of networks incorporating represented systems.

c.  Using data gathered from ECC tools and systems the contractor shall provide daily analysis of performance and shortcomings of the networks provided by PdM-NS represented systems. The analysis shall be submitted via email, in contractor format, within one working day of the event and be provided to the PdM-NS POC to be identified at a later date.

d.  The contractor shall support PdM-NS with representation at technical reviews and evaluations of changes made to the network architecture that will impact PdM-NS represented systems. They shall also support the integration and evaluation of changes to the configurations of the network to identify and overcome technical configuration issues affecting message completion rates, latency, and network availability; conduct on the spot analysis of proposed changes to determine technical feasibility of configuration changes and to ensure optimal operational effectiveness. These products shall be provided via email to the PdM-NS POC.

e.  The contractor shall coordinate with PdM-NS represented system vendors and NIE staff to include data gathering and analysis necessary to appropriate plan frequencies and provide lower tactical network management engineering.

f.  The contractor shall provide. Support to cover NETOPS ECC support. The purpose is to work with the PdM-NS representative Systems Vendors and the NIE NetOps ECC cell to determine and set up a means to monitor and troubleshoot the PdM-NS systems from the ECC NetOps cell. This effort is only to leverage existing capabilities and adapt it to managing the PdM-NS systems, no development is intended. This effort shall also include training the ECC operators on how to operate the tools selected for each system. The ECC will provide the operators for managing systems and should not be part of this effort.


4.3.1 Engineering:

a.  The contractor shall support PdM-NS with hardware and software integration and product/system assessments on PdM-NS represented systems.

b.  The contractor shall support PdM-NS in assessment of the NIE architecture and risk areas in network design for CS 13/14. Analyses include: architectural reviews, test results and lessons learned from NIE events, evaluations of system and network performance under various scenarios and loads, and support to network emulation activities to validate emulation model attributes and results. These products shall be provided via email to the PdM-NS POC.

4.3.2 Configuration Management:

a.  The contractor shall support configuration management of the network architecture baseline and changes to PdM-NS systems deployment through the execution or attendance of technical review boards, and interface control boards and maintenance of the configuration baseline. The contractor shall provide a summary document in contractor format that includes an executive summary with a list of any actions that PdM-NS may have to take. This report shall be provided in contractor format via email within one working day of the event/meeting. The email shall be sent to the PdM-NS POC.

b.  The contractor shall represent PdM-NS systems in NIE designated control boards. (e.g. Failure Review Board, Configuration Control Board; Change Control Board; Risk Review Board). The contractor shall provide PdM-NS a meeting/contact report for each meeting attended within one day, in contractor format and submitted via email to the PdM-NS POC.

c.  The contractor shall support the PdM-NS with identification, tracking and resolution of incident reports (IRs), Test Incident Reports (TIRs), and system corrective actions in a thorough Root Cause and Failure Analysis and Corrective Action process. Tracking summary report shall be provided in the contractor’s Daily Status Report

4.3.3 Technical Maturity and Architecture Review Assessments:

a.  The contractor shall assist NIE staff in maturity assessments of PdM-NS represented systems to achieve NIE ‘gates’ that include the establishment of technical baseline drawings, interoperability with other network architecture systems and standards, and training products/job aides and logistics readiness.

b.  The contractor shall recommend technical standards and other entrance criteria for system entry into the Army Network Integration Event (NIE).These recommendation shall be provided to the PdM-NS POC via email.

c.  Technical support shall be provided by the contractor for readiness review boards and assist in execution of readiness reviews to assure that proposed systems under assessment/evaluation demonstrate adequate technical maturity. Results of these review boards shall be documented and provided via email to the PdM-NS POC within one day of the end of the reviews.

d.  The contractor shall support the design and execution of field assessment events to demonstrate system compliance and technical readiness.

4.3.4 Technical Performance Assessments:

a.  The contractor shall support PdM-NS with representation on the TRIAD effort in the development of system assessment/evaluation success criteria, data collection plans, data collection execution and data analysis. The contractor shall provide a summary document in contractor format that includes an executive summary with a list of any actions that PdM-NS may have to take. The contractor shall provide PdM-NS an assessment report with system and network operational performance data at least one month prior to start of LOADEX. The report can be submitted via email to PdM-NS POC.

b.  The contractor shall capture and record technical performance data, and provide this data in contractor format to the PdM-NS POC via email within three days after changes were recorded. This data shall also be reported in the Daily Status Report.

c.  The contractor shall perform root cause failure investigations and trend analysis of failures experienced in PdM-NS represented systems. These reports shall be provided within one day of initial analysis of the failure and updated each day thereafter in which significant changes in status are recorded. The contractor shall use Exhibit A (separate attachment) and update accordingly and email to the PdM-NS POC.

4.3. 5 Systems & Vehicle Integration

a.  Interoperability: The Contractor shall establish and support technical interchange forum(s) that set technical benchmark of system performance as a part of the network. These bench marks shall be conveyed to the PdM-NS POC via email.

b.  The Contractor shall establish and support (and/or lead as appropriate) a working group(s) that align with PdM-NS organizations to research specific issues and bring them back to the overall Control Board Team for decisions. This data shall be provided to the PdM-NS POC for concurrence before presenting to the CBT.

c.  The Contractor shall document gaps that are identified during the identification and documentation of the “as-is” and “to-be” Network architecture views. These documents shall be in contractor formation and submitted via email to the PdM-NS POC within three days after gaps were identified.

d.  The Contractor shall facilitate the collection of PdM-NS represented Systems technical and performance specifications information to NIE's effort to build the NIE Network architecture to assure proper interaction with existing systems.

e.  The Contractor shall support the establishment of systems technical documentation, training products and training aides. This data shall be shared with the PdM-NS POC before finalizing via email.

f.  The Contractor shall administer and manage the system and vehicle integration of all PdM-NS represented systems for NIE events. Additionally an integration schedule shall be provided to PdM-NS to be able to monitor activities. The scheduled in contractor format shall be provided via email.

g.  Information Assurance (IA): The Contractor shall support PdM-NS represented systems Information Assurance requirements and the applicable Interim Authorization To Test (IATT) implementation at NIE. Any complications or issues raised shall be emailed the PdM-NS POC.