SalemMiddle School Vision
Salem Middle School is an active secure community of learners. Our vision has developed from dialogue among faculty, students, parents, and community. Below are what we feel are the most important precepts for us to follow in order to help our students grow and achieve their best.
SMS has a warm family atmosphere, which builds self-respect and respect for others.
The CURRICULUM is dynamic and challenging.
PROFESSIONAL GROWTH is valued by our school community.
COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT is genuine and productive. Students, faculty and the larger community are connected and communicate.
The SMS community continues to assess its FACILITIES and RESOURCES and use them creatively.
Severe Weather-School Closing
When bad weather occurs, official announcements of school closings are made over WSLM radio and over radio and television stations in Louisville, KY.
Students should not call the principal, teachers, or the school to request this information.
Partners-In-Education (PIE)
PIE is a school-community partnership composed of interested parents, community patrons, and school personnel, who are committed to working together for the betterment of SMS students. Parents are encouraged to join this partnership. Meetings are announced in the newspaper, school Newsbriefs, and on the radio. Arby’s is our corporate/business partner.
Parents/guardians are welcome at SMS anytime. Students should not bring other visitors to school without clearing it with the office staff first. This includes young children. All visitors are required to check in at the office upon arrival at SMS.
Dances are scheduled throughout the school year and are sponsored by various middle school clubs, organizations, or teams. These dances are for the enjoyment of our middle school students; therefore, students from other schools are excluded. Restrictionssuch as conduct grades, detentions, or suspensions may apply for admission to the dances. Students in attendance are required to exhibit appropriate behavior and are expected to follow school rules or specific instructions. Noncompliance may result in a student not being able to attend future dances. Parents are asked to attend dances as chaperones.
Health Center
No student will be allowed to carry medication at school based on Indiana State Law. However, inhalers may be carried if the prescription label is on file in the health center. Students may be permitted to bring medication to be taken at school only if written parental instructions are provided. Instructions should include: student name, name of the medicine, amount and time it is to be given, doctor prescribing the medication, and the reason it is being taken. Written signature by the parent is required. Medications should be sent to school in the original container. All medications, including aspirin or Tylenol, are distributed by the office or the school nurse, and should be taken to the office upon arrival at school. Medications may be returned to a student at the end of the day with written parental permission.
Student visits to the Health Center will be recorded in the Nurse’s log. Students with temperatures of 100 degrees or higher will be allowed to rest while the nurse notifies parents. All other students will be sent back to class. HealthCenter privileges will be revoked if staff believes a student is abusing this service.
- The telephone numbers for SMS are 883-3808 and 883-3809. The school fax number is 883-8049. The phone number for the SCS central office is 883-4437 or 1-866-800-0058.
- Cell phones must be turned off once entering the building until 3:15 PM.
- Students may use the office telephone for emergencies—not just to change plans or make plans.
- Studentsmay use the pay phone located near the gym entrance during the day with permission from a teacher. Use of the pay phone is not an excuse for being tardy. The pay phone shouldnever to be used by a student to call home asking a parent to come and pick the student up. Telephone calls to parents asking them to pick up a student should be done from the office!
Students may check out books, use audiovisual material, or read magazines. Two books may be checked out at any one time for a two week time period. A fine of 5 cents per day is charged when materials are overdue.Lost materials will be replaced at the current cost by the student
Students coming to the library to work on a project must have a pass from the assigningteacher. Likewise, students need to have the librarian sign a pass to return to class. No student is to have food or drink in the library at any time.
Care of Rental Textbooks
Students are expected to take good care of all books assigned to them. Students should fill in the information on the inside cover of the textbooks, so in the event one is misplaced, it may be returned. Students will be charged for lost or damage to textbooks. Papers, pencils, pens, and like items should not be carried in the textbooks as they will damage the bindings. Classroom teachers will inspect rental books for damage several times each semester. Students are encouraged to use book covers on to protect textbooks.
Free/Reduced Mealsand Textbook Assistance
Applications for free/reduced price meals and textbook assistance are available at the office. All applications should be completed with all questions on the application answered. All applications will be reviewed for approval. Verification of income may be required.
Lunch Money
Students are responsible for managing their own lunch money. No checks will accepted except for the amount of lunch for that day.
Take Pride in OUR School
Students, take Pride in your school. This is your home throughout the day; please help maintain a clean environment for all. Vandalism and destructive behavior should be reported immediately to the Office. These behaviors hurt all members of the Salem Middle School family.
Grade 6
Mathematics or Pre-Algebra (2 Semesters)
Science (2 semesters)
Reading/Literature (2 semesters)
Communications (2 semesters)
Band or Choir (2 Semesters)
Social Studies (2 semesters)
Arts/Fitness (2 semesters)
Physical Education (12 weeks)
Art (9 weeks)
Swimming (6 weeks)
Health (9 weeks)
Technology (2 Semesters)
*Students not enrolled in band or choir take study hall (27 weeks) and general music (9 weeks).
Grade 7
Mathematics or Pre-Algebra (2 Semesters)
Reading/Language Arts (2 semesters)
Geography (2 semesters)
Science (2 semesters)
Band or Choir (2 Semesters)
Arts/Fitness (2 semesters)
Health (9 Weeks)
Art (9 weeks)
Swimming (6 weeks)
Physical Education (12 weeks)
Technology (2 semesters)
Applied Tech(12 weeks)
FACS(12 weeks)
Computer Tech(12 weeks)
*Students not enrolled in band or choir take study hall (27 weeks) and general music (9 weeks).
Grade 8
Pre-Algebra or Algebra (2 semesters)
Language Arts (2 semesters)
Earth Science (1 semester)
Life Science(1 semester)
U.S. History (2 semesters)
Band or Choir (2 semesters)
Technology (2 semesters)
Applied Technology (12 weeks)
Computer Technology (6 weeks)
FACS (12 weeks)
Career Education (6 weeks)
Art * (9 weeks)
General Music * (9 weeks)
Arts/Fitness (2 semesters)
Physical Education(12 weeks)
Agriculture (9 weeks)
Swimming (6 weeks)
Health (9 weeks)
*Students not enrolled in Band or Choir will take General Music (9 weeks), Art (9 weeks), and Study Hall (1 semester).
Team Teaching/Parent Conferences
SMS teachers/students are a part of our teaming approach. Each team is designated by grade level. Teaming is designed to provide opportunities for interdisciplinary teaching, thematic units of study, and cooperative projects. Please contact your son/daughter’s team to arrange for parent conferences during this daily team time.
The 6th grade team meets daily from 9:30 to 10:05.
The 7th grade team meets daily from 11:05-11:40.
The 8th grade team meets daily from 1:08-1:38
Honor Roll Requirements
All A Honor Roll Students must have straight A’s.
A Average Honor Roll Students must obtain a 3.5 GPA.
B Average Honor Roll Students must obtain a 2.5 GPA.
Students must meet the SalemMiddle School guidelines for promotion. Students are awarded points at theend of each semester for each class successfully completed. Students must earn 65 points (out of a possible 100 points) during the school year to meet the promotion standards.
Due to the enactment of the Indiana Statewide Testing for Educational Progress (ISTEP+, Public Law 221,and NCLB), students in grades 6, 7,and 8 are required to take the ISTEP+. Students failing to meet the minimum requirements of ISTEP+ will receive tutoring during the school year.
ISTEP+ testing will occur on two different occasions this year. The first round of testing will be September 16-18, 2008.The second round will be two parts. The applied skills will be in March and the multiple choice in May.
21st Century Scholars
Twenty-first Century Scholars is a program designed to make college more affordable for all Indiana families. SMS encourages all students to apply for this financial assistance. If you qualify, your student will receive free tuition to an eligible Indiana college, university or proprietary school. To enroll, you must be an Indiana resident and your family must meet income guidelines. Students need to apply in the 7th or 8th grade.To gain further information on this program, please contact the SMS office.
Computer Vandalism
Computer vandalism will result in cancellation of system use privileges. Fines may be imposed for acts of vandalism. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy school equipment or materials, data of another user of the school's systems, loading unauthorized software to any system, or any attempt to change the configuration of the computers' system software or hardware. This includes, but is not limited to, uploading or creating computer viruses, or any software intended to obtain user passwords or data.
Internet Usage
Students wishing to use the Internet must have a signed permission slip on file. The form must be signed by the parent/guardian of the student and by the student. Any student who fails to follow the school's Internet AUP (included with the permission form) forfeits the privilege of using Internet services.
Parental Custody
It is important for SMS to know of any custodial agreements. The problems of separation and divorce within the family unit may cause trying and difficult times. In an effort to eliminate potential problems that may arise when families are experiencing these difficulties, SMS needs to be aware of any legal agreements orpersonal decisions on procedures that you want followed due to custodial agreements. Specifically, we are referring to the following information that should be shared and confirmed yearly with our school:
- If there is no custody agreement, which parent has responsibility and physical custody of the child(ren)
- If a custody/visitation agreement has been completed, then a copy of this document needs to be on file
- If there is a court order granting rights to one parent over another, then a copy of this information needs to be on file in our office
Providing this information can eliminate potential problems and also provide emergency information. If the contents of this communication affect your family and you have additional questions, please contact the school. Your assistance in providing and updating the requested information allows the school to make expedient and proper decisions.
Don’t be a Bully!
Bullying is a physical, verbal, or other act that intends to harm or creates an imbalance of power. By definition, a student is being bullied when s/he is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more students.
If a student feels bullying has occurred, then s/he needs to ask the individual to stop and if it continues, one must report the unwanted behavior. Tell a parent or teacher, but tell someone. Teasing is in fun but taunting crosses the line to peer abuse.
Guidance and Counseling
Counseling service is available to all students. The counselor's purpose is to help students, teacher and parents in understanding the student's ability and achievement levels. Both students and parents should feel free to consult with counselors about classroom concerns, plans, decisions, or personal problems. The counselor will also assist parents in arranging a conference with teachers/teams by calling SMS at 883-3808.
Students may be referred to counselors by themselves, parents, teachers, other students, or administrators. Counselors may also request conferences with students about matters of general interest. Students are encouraged to become acquainted with their counselors. They are trained to listen and assist with their concerns. To make an appointment with a counselor, sign the counselor's notebook, which is located on the office counter.
Cub Homework Assistance: Motivation, Pride, Success
CHAMPS is designed to provide students with homework assistance and managing the homework. Any student may participate; however, some students may be required to attend due to current grades or classroom performance. CHAMPS meets every Tuesday and Thursday 3:20-4:15.
Lost and Found Items
For articles that have been lost or missing, please check with Student Services. Parents if your student has lost an item, please call the office.
Bus Rules
The following is a list of bus rules that should be followed. There will also be a form sent home stating all bus rules and possible consequences at the beginning of the year. Violations may result in the loss of bus riding privileges from one day to the remainder of the year and other disciplinary actions.
- Keep exits & aisles clear at all times (this includes all belongings and body parts).
- Students should remain in assigned seat.
- Use indoor voice—No loud talking or annoying sounds.
- Keep your hands, arms, and legs in the bus at all times.
- No teasing, name calling, put-downs or offensive language.
- Keep the bus clean-NO LITTERING.
- No food or drink without prior approval from the driver.
- Follow DRIVER DIRECTIONSthe first time they are given.
Reminder to Show Proper Respect to Staff Members
SMS staff refers to all adults working in the building who make the students’ daily environment and life better for the 7 hours they are with us. Therefore, all teacher assistants, cooks, custodians, secretaries, and bus drivers are afforded the same respect as teachers. Disrespect to staff members will not be tolerated.
School Calendar Year 2008-2009
August 7Teacher Orientation
August 8First Student Day
August 29Early Release
September 1No School Labor Day
Sept 16-18ISTEP+ Testing
September 26End of 1st Six weeks Grading Period
October 1Early Release
October 15Parent-Teacher Conference Early Release
October 1617No SchoolFall Break
November 7End of 2nd Six weeks Grading Period
November 26-28No School Thanksgiving Vacation
December 19End of 3rd Six Weeks Grading Period and First Semester
December 22Teacher Records Day No Students
Snow Make-up Day
Dec. 22-Jan.2Christmas Vacation
January 2Teacher Records Day No Students
January 5Second Semester Begins
January 16Early Release Day
January 19No School Martin Luther King Day
Snow Make-up Day
February 13Early Release
End of 4th Six Weeks Grading Period
February 16No School President’s Day
Snow Make-up Day
MarchISTEP+ Applied Skills
March 20No School/Snow Make-up Day
March 23-27Spring Break
April 3End of 5th Six Weeks Grading Period
April 13Teacher Professional Development
(No Students)/Snow Make-up Day
MayISTEP+ Multiple Choice
May 1No School/Snow Make-up Day
May 22End of 6th Six Weeks Grading Period
and Second Semester
May 25Memorial Day (No School)
May 26Teacher Day (No Students)
If necessary, Snow Make-up Days will be added to the end of school year calendar.
*Student release times for the Early Release Professional Development Sessions will begin at 12:45 p.m.
Report Cards
Report cards will be sent home on the following dates:
- Wednesday, October 1, 2008
- Wednesday, November 8, 2008
- Wednesday, January 7, 2009 (First Semester)
- Wednesday, February 18, 2009
- Wednesday, April 8, 2009
- Thursday, May 28, 2008 (Second Semester)
These dates are subject to modification should grading periods change due to missed school days resulting from inclement weather.
Salem Community School Board
Meetings are the 2nd Monday of each month
at 6:30 PM in the AdministrationBuilding
Students at Salem Middle School are expected to behave in a manner that demonstrates good character, reflects favorably on the individual students and their school, shows consideration for fellow students and all school staff members, and creates a positive school environment. To accomplish this, we have established rules and regulations that promote the best possible learning environment. These rules apply to all students attending school or school-sponsored events.
Students have a responsibility to report to school authorities their knowledge of other student’s possession of weapons, drugs, alcohol, or other dangerous items.
SMS personnel will work with parents and students to improve student behavior at school and will develop individual behavior improvement plans that: