Special Meeting - Budget Hearing

Monday, March 31, 2008

The Mayor and City Council of the City of Gretna met this day Monday, March 31, 2008 at 5:30 p.m. in special session with the following members present: Mayor Ronnie C. Harris, Council Members, Raylyn R. Beevers, Vincent E. Cox III, Belinda C. Constant and Wayne A. Rau.

Absent: Jonathan C. Bolar


Notice of the Special Meeting - Budget Hearing of the Mayor and Council of the City of Gretna, scheduled for Monday, March 31, 2008 was duly posted on the Gretna City Hall Bulleting Board on March 28, 2008.


Mayor Harris opened the Budget Hearing meeting stating that there were three resolutions for consideration and adoption. He also stated that the Council expressed interest in discussing at this time the Capital Projects, Water and Sewer Budgets. Mayor Harris acknowledged Mr. Herb Miller, URS Engineers in the city’s Capital Projects request. He reported that the city was continuing its quest to establish a project for the Sewer Clarifiers (Traveling Bridges). Mayor Harris suggested that the Council consider addressing that project through the Capital Outlay request.


On motion by Councilman Rau and seconded by Councilwoman Constant, the following resolution was read and adopted section by section and then as a whole by the following vote:

Yeas: Council Members Beevers, Constant, Cox and Rau

Nays: None

Absent: Councilman Bolar


A resolution amending the General Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year of April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008 to appropriate funds in the amount of $9,608 for the purchase of a radar trailer and recognizing revenue from the Appearance Bond Fund.

WHEREAS, in accordance with Gretna Ordinance No. 3009 dated February 7, 1994, the following budget amendment is presented for approval:

01-531-783 Equipment $ 9,608

01-40-575 Police Revenue - Other $ 9,608

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Gretna, Louisiana, acting as governing authority of said City that:

The General Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year of April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008 to appropriate funds in the amount of $9,608 for the purchase of a radar trailer and recognizing revenue from the Appearance Bond Fund is hereby amended.


On motion by Councilwoman Constant and seconded by Councilman Rau, the following resolution was read and adopted section by section and then as a whole by the following vote:

Yeas: Council Members Beevers, Constant, Cox and Rau

Nays: None

Absent: Councilman Bolar


A resolution amending the General Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year of April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008 to appropriate funds in the amount of $19,480 for the Hurricane Supplemental Urban (HSU) & Community Forestry Grant.

WHEREAS, in accordance with Gretna Ordinance No. 3009 dated February 7, 1994, the following budget amendment is presented for approval:

01-505-1793 HSU & Community Forestry Grant $19,480

01-40-575 Police Revenue - Other $19,480

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Gretna, Louisiana, acting as governing authority of said City that:

The General Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year of April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008 to appropriate funds in the amount of $19,480 for the Hurricane Supplemental Urban (HSU) & Community Forestry Grant is hereby amended.

Mr. Rudy DuSaules, Finance Director stated that the actual grant award was $48,000, however $19,480.000 had been spent as of date and the remaining $28,520 would be included in the new budget for tree removal and maintenance in the city.


On motion by Councilman Cox and seconded by Councilman Rau, IT WAS RESOLVED to place on the floor for discussion a resolution requesting the City of Gretna’s State Legislative Delegation to prioritize the city’s Capital Outlay requests by placing the city’s request for State funding of the Mel Ott Park Multi-Purpose Center as its top priority.

Councilman Cox reported that he had discussions with Representative Templet who agreed to make the Mel Ott Park Multi-Purpose Center Project a priority for Capital Outlay Funds. Councilman Cox expressed to Councilman Rau and Councilwoman Constant that the was not opposed to other projects being consider for Capital Outlay funding, however the Mel Ott Park Multi-Purpose Center Project was in the planning for quite sometime. He expressed displeasure of the city sending projects for Capital Outlay funding without his knowledge or input. He believed that it was finally time for the Recreation Department to be provided with the proper facilities needed to accommodate competitive sports programs. He adamantly requested that the city make the Mel Ott Park Multi-Purpose Center Project a priority for Capital Outlay funding which would result in dissipation of recruitment problems that were being experienced and would also prevent children from leaving the city to play for the parish.

Additionally, Councilman Cox stated that the girls’ recreation programs had suffered because there was only cheerleading and baseball track activity being offered. He believed that the Parish’s Recreation Department facilities attracted more participation because the city’s Recreation facilities were outdated.

Mr. Tommy Trahan, Superintendent of Recreation addressed the Mayor and City Council reminding everyone that at one time the City of Gretna prided itself for its outstanding Recreation Department. He believed that one of the most important aspects to improve the city’s recreation department was to improve its facilities, because the city outdated facilities could not compete with the parish’s facilities. The Dick White Center had no air-conditioning for hot weather, no running water other than the water fountain and a leaking roof, which could cost $70,000 to repair. He stated that the need for improved facilities was not only for the sake of the children but also for the adults. The Dick White Center was also used for free-play basketball, and law enforcement adult leagues.

Mr. Trahan stated that he reviewed the proposed plans for the new facility, which could be used by other city departments; facilitate baby and bridal showers and small weddings. He understood that the proposed Multipurpose Center was a costly project, however, he believed that the new facility would attract retention of Gretna residents and encourage outside participation in the city’s Recreation Department. He expressed that the location of the proposed facility was great because it was accessible for everyone. He asked the Council to embrace and support the proposed Mel Ott Park Multi-Purpose Center.

Mayor Harris stated that four Capital Outlay Projects were submitted for funding by the city prior to the November 1, 2007 deadline. The included the Mel Ott Park Multipurpose Center Project, which was a re-submittal, the Old Gretna Post Office, the Gretna Park Lighting and the Gretna Park Detention Pond. The funding amount for Mel Ott Park Multipurpose Center was $1.6 million dollars; $1.5 million for the Post Office; $400,00 for the Detention Pond, and the amount for the Gretna Park Lighting Project was not available. He reminded the Council that the Legislature would determine the amount of funding that the City of Gretna would receive.

Councilman Cox expressed that councilmanic approval should be received before the administration prioritized and submitted projects to the State for Capital Outlay Funding. It was his opinion that the Council should have input regarding such matters. He described the Mel Ott Park Multipurpose Center Project, as generational but according to Representative Templet, he did not want to put him in a bind over competing for dollars within the city. Prior to State Representative Templet’s election to the House of Representatives, it was discussed that he would try to get Capital Outlay dollars for Mel Ott Park Multipurpose Center Project. Councilman Cox believed it was time for the city to make the Mel Ott Park Multi-Purpose Center a priority and avoid delaying the project.

Councilman Cox pointed out that he received a commitment from Representative Templet that the project was a priority to him as well. He opposed that other projects were also being prioritized for Capital Outlay funding rather than only the Mel Ott Park Multi-Purpose Center.

Mayor Harris pointed out that the Mel Ott Park Multipurpose Center and the Courthouse Drainage Projects were the only two projects submitted for Capital Outlay funding last year. This year the Council gave no input or suggestions for projects, therefore the Administration added the old Gretna Post Office Project to the list of projects for Capital Outlay funding. He explained that the old Gretna Post Office was added because of the input received from legislators who were very impressed with the city’s fund raising concept to renovate the post office and they advised that such a project would need state funding.

Councilwoman Constant commented that she had had a discussion with Councilman Cox prior to this meeting and expressed she had no knowledge of any resolution, until today. She stated that she was aware of four requests sent to Baton Rouge and was unaware of any priority placed on them. She believed that the old Gretna Post Office was a community project just as the Mel Ott Park Multipurpose Center Project. However, since there were a limited amount of funds to be divided, she believed they should be shared equally to fund community projects. She pointed out that last year the Mel Ott Park Multi-Purpose Center Project received $1-million dollars and may receive another $1.5 million dollars this year, meanwhile other projects sit until funded.

Mayor Harris rebutted and stated that it was not his intention to place one project against the other.

Councilman Cox stated that he understood that two projects could move forward, but believed that Mayor Harris attempted to prioritize the old Gretna Post Office Project, which prompted him to draft the resolution in question. He agreed to entertain a motion to add the old Gretna Post Office Project as a priority also, but believed that the Mel Ott Park Multi-Purpose Center Project had been discussed long before the old Gretna Post Office Project. He believed that the Post Office Project could be a beautiful project when completed, but there was a request for $1.5 million dollars to fund the Mel Ott Park Multipurpose Center Project. In addition, he pointed out that as of this date, he had not seen any plans or concepts for the old Gretna Post Office Project, whereas the architect had been directed to develop the design of the Mel Ott Park Multipurpose Center Project based on previous discussions. Councilman Cox emphasized that the city’s recreation department had languished in its facilities and was in dire need of an updated and modern recreational facility. He supported the concept for cultural diversion for Gretna residents but believed at this time the city should move forward with improving its recreation facilities.

Councilwoman Constant stated that the proposed Post Office Project concept attracted the attention of many elected officials, so therefore she asked Councilwoman Cox to share any money received from the State’s Capital Outlay to fund her project.

Councilman Cox pointed out to Mayor Harris that the all the discussions that took place was to set aside the $1.5 million dollars, add more money to it and then request for Capital Outlay fund and move forward. He expressed that he did not want this resolution amended because its time to move forward with this project and not let the children wait for a recreational center any longer, because its been a long time coming and because the city’s facilities are second rated. Because of the efforts of Mr. Trahan, Mr. Folse and Mr. Langford, there had been a remarkable turn around in the Recreation Department’s program. However, if a child wanted to play basketball in an official league or if a young girl wanted to play volleyball in a official league, they must go some place else because city’s Recreation Department as it was could not accommodate them.

Councilwoman Constant pointed out that she supported any capital outlay project for the benefit of the youth of the entire city but she only asked that the funds be shared for both the recreation and the old Post Office project because both would benefit the entire community.

A heated discussion ensued with regards to the priority placed on the projects submitted to Baton Rouge for Capital Outlay funding.

Councilwoman Beevers asked Councilwoman Constant how much would the Post Office renovations cost.

Councilwoman Constant replied that it was estimated at $2.5 million dollars wit the commitment of $500,000 received from Councilman Roberts to purchase the building.

Mayor Harris explained that Jefferson Parish had submitted $250,000 to purchase the building and the State of Louisiana contributed $100,000 from an Economic Development Grant that was matched by the Save America’s Treasures Grant for $200,000. The total project was estimated at $400,000 and the renovations would cost $100,000. Councilman Roberts had committed $500,000 for the project.

Councilman Cox asked what was the status of the design of the building for the Post Office Project.

Mayor Harris replied that Koch & Wilson, Architects had been working with the city regarding the building’s design. However, due to limited funds the city had not dedicated funding to do the planning of the entire building. A lot of the mechanical, plumbing and electrical had to be torn out and replaced and that was what this next year’s funding would be used. He stated he envisioned further planning for a cultural center for the arts, which would include an area for theater, art showing and other activities as well as a community-meeting place.