Elements of Standard 6– Target Level / Target Indicators
Standard 6a Unit Leadership and Authority
The unit provides the leadership for effectively coordinating all programs at the institution designed to prepare education professionals to work in P–12 schools. The unit’s recruiting and admission practices are described clearly and consistently in publications and catalogs. Academic calendars, catalogs, publications, grading policies, and advertising are accurate and current. The unit ensures that candidates have access to student services such as advising and counseling. The unit and other faculty collaborate with P–12 practitioners in program design, delivery, and evaluation of the unit and its programs. Colleagues in other units at the institution involved in the preparation of professional educators, school personnel, and other organizations recognize the unit as a leader. The unit provides professional development on effective teaching for faculty in other units of the institution. /
  • Admission, retention and exit criteria, programs of study, grading policies, and student services are available online in the Graduate and Undergraduate online catalogs.
  • College of Educationwebsite with information about programs of study, events, departments, and faculty.
  • College of Education’s companion NCATE website which lists our Conceptual Framework, each of the six standards, our assessments and the overall assessment system, along with the exhibits that document each standard.
  • Collaboration with P-12 practitioners includes: Superintendent’s Luncheons, Center for Innovative Education Workshops, Field Advisory Committee , Union County Professional Services Board, Tenure Track Faculty Workshops, Holocaust and Genocide Studies Programs, and the founding of the New Jersey Network for School Success to address achievement gap issues.
  • COE awarded two significant new grants (see Unit Budget) aimed at improving teacher preparation and teacher shortages
  • Institute for Human Rights collaborates with COE offering workshops each year on prejudice reduction and anti-bullying programs.
  • COE provided workshops on writing strategies for faculty from across the campus during National Writing Day.
  • Faculty from the COE are in leadership positions across the campus with respect to faculty development (TTFN; CIE; Human Rights) and Middle States with respect to assessment.
  • Fall 2008, Kean sponsored a regional conference on Autism. Kean has just completed its work on an 18-credit advanced certificate in Autism Studies. We anticipate that this certificate will bring professionals and parents together to study and will position the University to develop a certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis as well.

Standard 6b. Unit Budget
Unit budgetary allocations permit faculty teaching, scholarship, and service that extend beyond the unit to P–12 education and other programs in the institution. The budget for curriculum, instruction, faculty, clinical work, scholarship, etc., supports high-quality work within the unit and its school partners. / Resources are provided to meet the unit’s needs. In a difficult budget year, 6 new faculty lines have been dedicated to the unit
  • Funds provided regularly to faculty to attend professional conferences, network with colleagues, and present research.
  • Budget supports 18 Professional Development Schools model staffed by clinical faculty who are present in the schools 3 days per week. -Project Excel, which supports students on campus with learning disabilities, is staffed by graduate students and faculty from the COE’s LDTC post master’s program.
  • Developmental Reading Program for undergraduate students who test with reading difficulties is coordinated by a faculty member from the Literacy Program in the COE.
  • Adequate resources provided for TeachingPerformanceCenter for the hiring of clinical supervisors to monitor students in the field.
  • Recent Grants awarded to the COE are significant:
  • US DOE Transitions to Teaching Grant/New Vistas/3.5 M for 5 years with WPU partner for work in East Orange and ElizabethSchool Districts. (KU= 1.75M) for teacher preparation in shortage areas.
  • US DOE Teacher Quality Partnership Grant/Garden State Partnership/ 10.8 M for 5 years with WPU and Rowan Univ as partners for work in Jersey CitySchool District. (KU= 3.6M) for residency program and improved clinical field experiences
  • Continuing Grant: US DOE Transitions to Teaching/ NewarkSchool District/ 5 years (KU= $869,000) for teacher preparation in shortage areas.

Standard 6c. Personnel
Workload policies and practices permit and encourage faculty not only to be engaged in a wide range of professional activities, including teaching, scholarship, assessment, advisement, work in schools, and service, but also to professionally contribute on a community, state, regional, or national basis. Formal policies and procedures have been established to include online course delivery in determining faculty load. The unit’s use of part-time faculty and of graduate teaching assistants is purposeful and employed to strengthen programs, including the preparation of teaching assistants. Clinical faculty are included in the unit as valued colleagues in preparing educators. Unit provision of support personnel significantly enhances the effectiveness of faculty in their teaching and mentoring of candidates. The unit supports professionaldevelopment activities that engage faculty in dialogue and skill development related to emerging theories and practices. /
  • COE uses its adjunct faculty to strengthen its programs. Core of well prepared and well received adjuncts routinely teach specific courses in various programs and over time have provided stability for students.
  • Adjunct faculty and clinical supervisors regularly receive e-mails from the Dean and Associate Dean concerning upcoming conferences and other professional development events on campus, regionally and nationally.
  • Support personnel in the TeachingPerformanceCenter routinely assist full-time, part-time and clinical faculty with data collection & placement information. Secretarial staff, administrative assistants, personnel in the Dean’s Office and certification office routinely work to support faculty and students.
  • COE sponsors professional development events as part of NCATE retreats for faculty (full-time and part-time), turnkey training is utilized for workshops offered by the CIE on 21st C pedagogy, special events on special education topics are scheduled every semester including: Learning Disabilities and the Fat City Video, Tourette Syndrome workshop, Paper Clips Video for prejudice reduction, and Response To Intervention .
  • COE has also sponsored over the last two semesters several sessions with respect to “Community of Practice” where faculty teaching methods courses and supervising students have met to talk about how to strengthen our clinical work in the field.
Standard 6d. Unit Facilities
The unit has outstanding facilities on campus and with partner schools to support candidates in meeting standards. Facilities support the most recent developments in technology that allow faculty to model the use of technology and candidates to practice its use for instructional purposes. /
  • New Maxine and JackLaneCenter for Academic Success -both a classroom building as well as a tutoring center and an advisement center. This is a state of the art facility.
  • KeanUniversity has been developing its satellite campus at OceanCommunity College over the last three years. 327 students of the 1,200 currently enrolled in this program are COE Students. The University works hard to ensure that whatever services and opportunities students have on the main campus are provided on the satellite campus. Dean’s office staff, TPC staff and Certification Staff regularly visit the Ocean campus to meet with our education students. Fall 2009, a full-time tenure track COE faculty member was hired for the Ocean program.
  • Development of world class facilities has been the mission of this University over the last five years.
  • Students and faculty of the COE are impacted daily by these improvements: a new Harwood Arena for our physical education students;
  • Human Rights Institute opened its doors in the Fall of 2009, a new study area in the library opened its doors in Fall of 2009, and a new Math, Science & TechnologyBuilding is scheduled to open in Fall 2010.
  • In Fall 2008, the newly renovated East Campus opened its doors. Classrooms are all Smart Classrooms and the facility is simply beautiful. State of the art Speech Language Clinic costing around 7.5M was opened for our Graduate Speech Program to train students. Communication Disorders Department Faculty offices are also housed in this building. Graduate programs in educational leadership and in school psychology also are housed in this facility.
  • Fall 2008, third floor of Hutchinson Hall was renovated for new offices for faculty in the Departments of Elementary Education and Bilingual Education as well as Middle and Secondary Education. Provides faculty with great office space, waiting areas, conference rooms, etc.

Standard 6e. Unit Resources Including Technology
The unit aggressively and successfully secures resources to support high-quality and exemplary programs and projects to ensure that candidates meet standards. The development and implementation of the unit’s assessment system is well funded. The unit serves as an information technology resource in education beyond the education programs—to the institution, community, and other institutions. Faculty and candidates have access to exemplary library, curricular, and electronic information resources that serve not only the unit but also a broader constituency. Resources for distance learning programs provide exceptional reliability, speed, and confidentiality of connection in the delivery system. /
  • TeachingPerformanceCenter hosts important events each semester for our teacher candidates: orientation, behavior management session, and encourages participation in the CIE annual technology conference.
  • Classrooms are equipped with technology to maximize instruction.
  • University has provided funds for the COE faculty data base and for a new tracking system for use in our certification office.
  • New Mac laptops - Fall 2009 for use by COE students and faculty.
  • The library has up to date electronic resources for students doing research.
  • Technology as a tool for instruction is stressed: Students examine their own teaching from videotape samples and Power point presentations are submitted as par of lesson plans.