Table of Contents

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Welcome to Edgemont

2014-2015 Calendar

Who’s Who at Edgemont

Principal – Ms. Cheryl Hopper


Specials Teachers

Teacher Assistants

Resource Teachers and Curriculum Support

Student Assistance Counselor (SAC) – Mr. Steve Bell

Child Study Team

School Secretary – Mrs. Lori Mascellino

School Nurse – Mrs. Nancy Otskey

Custodians – Mr. Brian Guarino (Head Custodian) and Mr. Manuel Balta

Your Edgemont Teachers 2014-2015

Easy Ways to Stay Connected

What is the PTA?

The Edgemont Parent-Teacher Association


What is the SAT?

Edgemont School Action Team (SAT)

SAIL (Gifted and talented) Sub-Committee

Special Education Parents Advisory Committee (SEPAC) Sub-Committee

Family Engagement Sub-Committee

School Safety and Invitation Sub-Committee

English Language Learners Sub-Committee

Assessing your Child’s Progress

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Progress Reports


School Performance Reports

If Your Child Needs Special Help

RtI (Response to Intervention)

SAIL (Students Accelerated in Learning)

SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council)


Learning Opportunities for the Family


General Assemblies

Student Performances

Poetry Night

Math Night

SAT Sponsored Educational programs

District-Wide Workshops

General School Information

Arrival Procedures

Drop off

If your child is late

Dismissal Procedures




Bus Procedures

Before and After School Care



If Your Child is Absent

Release of a Child During the School Day

If Your Child Feels Sick or is Hurt at School

School Visitors

School Lunch

Lost and Found

School Safety

School Closings

Delayed Opening

Worsening Weather Conditions and After-School Activities

School Health and Wellness

School Medical Requirements

School Health Guide

School Medication Policy


Excused from PE (gym class)


Understanding a Montessori Education

A Responsive and Flexible Environment

Progressive & Developmentally Appropriate Materials

A Comfort with Developmental Differences

Non-competitive Environment

Teacher as Facilitator and Model

The Core Curriculum at Edgemont School

Language Arts


Cosmic Studies


Programs Complementing the Core Curriculum

Orff Ensemble

Art EXTRAvaganza Program

English as a Second Language

Service Learning

Outdoor Learning Environment and Lab

Peaceable Schools Model

Field Trips

Student Council and School Leadership Team

PTA Events and Programs


Class Parents

Enrichment Program


Green Initiatives

Dads’ Group


Spirit Wear

Direct Donation Program



Ice Cream Social

Welcome Tent

Walk to School Days

Family Gardening Days

Book Fairs

Harvest Day Celebration

Adult Night Out

The Halloween Mash

Pot Luck Suppers

Winter Family YMCA Night

Family Ski Outing

Elementary School Tours


Green Eggs and Ham Breakfast

Earth Month Eco Program

TV Turn-Off Week

Teacher Appreciation Month

Talent Show

School Play

Fun Day

PTA Contacts


PTA Chairs 2013-2014

School Coordinated Fundraisers

MFEE Toasts to the Teachers

Fifth Grade Fundraising Activities

Holiday Bazaar

Bake Sales


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Welcome to Edgemont

Dear Edgemont Families,

Welcome to Edgemont Montessori School!

At Edgemont Montessori, academic and personal growth is nourished every day. We have a talented, highly qualified professional staff working in learner-centered classrooms where individual attention is the philosophical essence, culture, and foundation. We create a nurturing, student-friendly environment where students are enhanced, engaged, and enriched, and are able to express, explore, and excel!

Involvement by families is encouraged and viewed as essential for educating each student to the fullest potential as an active and natural life-long learner. There’s a real cooperative and collaborative spirit at Edgemont that is directly tied to our strong home-school partnerships, and our peaceful, family-like learning environment.

I know that all Edgemont families want their children to succeed and are eager to gather information from their school so as to remain good partners in their children’s education. To this end, Edgemont’s School Action Team (SAT), in cooperation with the PTA, has put together this informative handbook to help families better navigate and connect with our school. Be sure to keep this useful tool handy! As Edgemont's principal, I also promise that my door is always open for any further questions or conversation.

Cheryl Hopper


Edgemont Montessori School

2014-2015 Calendar

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264-5 pmIce Cream Social

289:30 amKindergarten Play Date


25 pmKindergarten Play Date

48:15amFirst Day of School

48:15 amPTA Welcome Tent

189:30 amPTA Orientation Meeting

25School Closed (Rosh Hashanah)

29-10/3Fall Book Fair


27 pmBack to School Night

6-20Kidstuff Coupon Book Fundraiser

8Walk, Bike, and Bus to School Day

10all dayHarvest Day

13School Closed

231:10 pmEarly Dismissal

241:15 pmPeace Assembly/Parade

246:30-9:30pmHalloween Mash/Bake Sale


1 – 30Artware Fundraiser

4Walk, Bike, and Bus to School Day/Spirit Day

4Election Day Bake Sale

6-7School Closed (NJEA Convention)

116:30pmPTA Meeting

131:10 pmEarly Dismissal

261:10 pmEarly Dismissal

27-28School Closed (Thanksgiving)


2Walk, Bike, and Bus to School Day/Spirit Day

10-12Parent-teacher conferences/Early Dismissal

19Holiday Sing

231:10 pmEarly Dismissal

24-1/2School Closed (Winter break)


5Return from Winter break

6all daySpirit Day

9Movie Night

136:30pmPTA Meeting

19-20School closed (MLK holiday)

23Talent Show


3Walk, Bike, and Bus to School Day/Spirit Day

7Skiing/Tubing Fundraiser

121:10 pmEarly Dismissal

16-17School closed (President’s Weekend)

26-27Parent-teacher conferences/Early Dismissal

28Green Eggs & Ham Family Breakfast Fundraiser


3Walk, Bike, and Bus to School Day/Spirit Day

96:30pmPTA Meeting

217:00 pmFamily Y Night

23Read-a-Thon begins


1 – 30Earth Month

3 School Closed (Good Friday)

7Walk, Bike, and Bus to School Day/Spirit Day

91:10 pmEarly Dismissal

13 – 17Scholastic Book Fair

20-24School Closed (Spring Break)

May “Teacher Appreciation Month”

5Walk, Bike, and Bus to School Day/Spirit Day

126:30 pm PTA Meeting

22-25School Closed (Memorial Day)


41:10 pmEarly Dismissal

5Fun Day

8Rain Date - Fun Day

12Moving Up Ceremony

221:10 pmEarly Dismissal

231:10 pmEarly Dismissal

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Who’s Who at Edgemont

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Principal –Ms. Cheryl Hopper

As the school decision-maker,the principal sets the academic and administrative expectations for the school. Consult with her on general policy matters or if you need assistance beyond what your teacher can provide. Ms. Hopper can be reached via email at or by calling the school office.


The homeroom teachers instruct your child in the core subjects such as math and language arts. If you have any questions or concerns, they are your primary source for information. They can tell you about your child’s academic and social progress. Check with your teacher about their preferred method of communication (phone, email, backpack note). See next page for a list of teachers and their email addresses.

Specials Teachers

These subject specialists teach scheduled classes across the school, such as art, Phys. Ed., Spanish, technology, and music. See next page for a list of these teachers and their email addresses.

Teacher Assistants

The teacher assistants provide the teachers with key support and help provide individual attention to students who need it. See next page for list of teacher assistants by class.

Resource Teachers and Curriculum Support

These teachers work with students individually or in small groups to meet special learning needs.

Mrs. Lisa Adams (Math Coach)

Ms. Jennette Williams (Curriculum Support)

Ms. Beth Martin (ESL)

Mrs. Karen Plaskow (Resource Room/Inclusion Support)

Mrs. Justine Goldman (Resource Room/Inclusion Support)

Mrs. Susan Weiner-Hand (Occupational Therapist)

Mrs. Janice Fowler (Speech Therapist)

Student Assistance Counselor (SAC) – Mr. Steve Bell

Mr. Bell works with students and families to address issues that may hinder academic and social success.

Child Study Team

The Child Study Teamidentifies,evaluates, and plans individualized education programs for students experiencinglearning difficulties.

Mrs. Gail Derivan (Social Worker)

Ms. Stella Silver (Psychologist)

Ms. Margaret Omariba (Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant (LDTC))

School Secretary – Mrs. Lori Mascellino

Mrs. Mascellino is the person who greets you when you call or visit the school office. She is an expert in all things Edgemont and can direct you to the appropriate resource for answers.

School Nurse – Mrs. Nancy Otskey

Mrs. Otskey works to ensure the well being of students through the promotion and maintenance of good health habits.She provides screenings, referrals, and care when your child becomes ill or injured at school.

Custodians – Mr. Brian Guarino (Head Custodian) and Mr. Manuel Balta

Our custodians keep our Edgemont facilities clean and safe for our children.

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Your Edgemont Teachers 2014-2015

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Ms. Angelique Kenney

Assistant - Mrs. S. Wood

Ms. Carissa Olivi

Assistants- Ms. Elizabeth Williams and

Ms. Diane Anglin

First Grade

Mrs. Kathy Hart

Assistant – Ms.Melissa Banks

Mrs. Corrine

Ms. Jeanette Sullivan and

Ms. Richelle Hawkins

Second Grade

Ms. Kate Pastorino

Assistant – Mrs. Deborah O’Hagan

Ms. Mary Fiumara

Assistant - Ms. Kaitlin Doffont

Third Grade

Mrs. Stacy Heuschkel

Assistant –Ms. Amanda Mayoff

Ms. Regina O’Connor

Assistant –Mrs. Carol Giamella

Fourth Grade

Mrs. Avril Fagan

Assistant –Mrs. Barbara Mayer

Ms. Robin Alvarado

Assistant – Mr. J. Brick

Fifth Grade

Mrs. Anna Passamano

Assistant – Mrs. Laura Darpino

Ms. Lindsay Kepniss

Assistant –Ms. Darline Dowdy

Specials Teachers

Mr. Max Mellman - Music

Mrs. Lucia Melhuish - Art

Mr. Gerald Silvera - Phys. Ed.

Mrs. Gloria Lepari - Cosmic Studies

Mrs. Lisa Adams - Math Coach

Mrs. Traci Cioffi - Technology Coordinator

Ms. Yancy Sandoval – Spanish

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Easy Ways to Stay Connected

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Read the Principal’s Friday Letter

The Principal’s Friday Letter keeps families up-to-date on current events and important issues at Edgemont. Find it in your child’s backpack, in your email or on the Edgemont Website.

Read the PTA’s Friday Letter

The PTA’s letter keeps the community abreast of upcoming PTA events and meetings. The PTA letter currently comes by backpacks.

Check you child’s backpack

Notices from the district, school, PTA, and your child’s teacher are sent home in their backpacks. You can also send messages to the teacher, the office, or the PTA via backpacks in the morning.

Reach out to your child’s teacher

Check with individual teachers for their preferred means of communication, such as backpack note, phone call, or email.

Schedule a parent-teacher conference

Parent-teacher conferences are offered at least once a year to discuss your child’s progress; however, you may request other conferences at any time throughout the year.

Attend Back-to-School Night - 10/02/14

Back-to-School Night is an excellent opportunity to visit your child’s classroom and get an overview of the school year from your child’s teacher.

Attend PTA Meetings

PTA meetings are held about six times a year, usually at 6:30 pm on Tuesday evenings. These meetings give the community an opportunity to hear about upcoming events and help set the direction for the PTA.Childcare is provided. Check the PTA calendar on pages 4-5for the schedule.

Check your email

The District, Edgemont School, the PTA, and your class parentall send out current event reminders and informational notices to the Edgemont School community via email. To receive email notifications, make sure the District and the School have your current email addresses.

Go Online

Three websites offer up-to-date information to Edgemont Families about their school:

  • The Montclair Public School District website at
  • The Edgemont School website at
  • The Edgemont PTA website at

Sign up for Skyward

This new portal on the Montclair School District website gives you access to a variety of your student’s information. Be sure to create an account and keep your contact information current.

Opt in to the School Directory

Opt in on Skyward to participate in the directory in order to stay connected to the school community and to be accessible to your child’s classmates for play dates, birthday party invitations, etc.

Offer to help

Many teachers welcome classroom volunteers on a regular basis or for special projects—if you are interested in volunteering, ask your child’s teacher.

Sign up for the Buddy Program

This program pairs up new and old families to help new parents make connections to the school and to provide them with someone to answer their questions. If you are new to the school and would like to receive a Buddy, please sign up online. Find the link on the Edgemont Montessori School home page.

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What is the PTA?

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The Edgemont Parent-Teacher Association

The Edgemont Montessori PTA is a local unit of the New Jersey State PTA and National PTA. The Edgemont PTA operates under by-laws primarily set by the NJPTA and is a type of corporation called a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization—one that does charitable, service, and educational work. To learn more about those organizations please visit and

The Edgemont Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) serves many roles in the school.The PTA:

  • Provides a forum for addressing parent’s issues and concerns and for discussing PTA projects.
  • Runs a whole calendar of enriching community events, programs, and fundraisers described later in this handbook.
  • Subsidizes the costs of school and PTA activities for families in need, supports the donation of educational materials to the school and classrooms, and often funds such things as assemblies, busses for school trips and parent information seminars.


The Edgemont PTA welcomes all parents, caregivers, and teachers to PTA meetings and events and encourages everyone to join and be involved. Under PTA by-laws, joining is important for many reasons. Members have the right to vote and take part in the business of the PTA. Officers and committee chairs must be PTA members. The PTA Executive Board—comprised of Officers and Standing Committee Chairs—sets the agenda for the PTA and takes its direction and concerns from members and those who come to the public PTA meetings.

Membership forms are available through the Edgemont PTA website. Simply complete a form and send it back to school via backpack with the nominal membership dues fee in an envelope addressed to the PTA Mailbox. Any family interested in requesting scholarship assistance to join should contact the Edgemont PTA President or Membership VP.

Montclair PTA Council (PTAC)

The Edgemont PTA may also take part in the Montclair PTAC, a district wide organization composed of the presidents of each school's PTA and headed by an elected Executive Board. It is not a unit of the NJPTA or National PTA, but is a local group that comes together to share ideas and concerns in an effort to work towards common goals between all schools. The PTA Council has public meetings at the Montclair Public School District Offices at 22 Valley Road and may sponsor community events from time to time. To learn more about the Montclair PTA Council, please visit

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What is the SATp?

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Edgemont School Action Team for Partnership (SATp)

The School Action Team (SATp) is represented by teachers, the principal, parents, and community members working together to connect family and community involvement with school improvement goals. Edgemont’s SATp aims to:

  • Create a welcoming school environment for families
  • Engage families and the community in ways that support student achievement and success

The SATp model is organized to provide a sustainable program of school, family, and community partnership. To achieve its goals, the SATp has representatives from the following special interest groups: Teachers, PTA, Grade Levels (K-2 and 3-5), SAIL (gifted and talented), Health and Wellness, Special Education, Family Engagement, English Language Learners, and School Safety and Invitation. These representatives and the principal come together as a group at monthly SAT meetings. These working meetings are open to the school community to observe.

Several of these special interest groups also have sub-committees. The SATp sub-committees are working groups that help the SATp achieve its goals and objectives and work on focused projects:

Special Education Parents Advisory Committee (SEPAC) Sub-Committee

This sub-committee provides support for families with children who may have special needs. Families learn advocacy skills and strategies for supporting their child’s academic, social, and emotional needs. Edgemont’s SEPAC is also represented on the district-wide SEPAC. Focus projects include: Monthly meetings, organizing the district-wide meeting hosted by Edgemont in April, and Montessori on the Move.

Family Engagement Sub-Committee

To meet the district’s goals and objectives for promoting community engagement, Edgemont seeks to engage with families to help broaden school-based and home-based programs to support student achievement. This sub-committee is working on the family-friendliness of our school, engaging families in student learning, and increasing the level of family involvement in academic-based activities. Focused projects include: a family survey, school handbook, buddy-system for new families, increasing collaboration and communication between the home and school setting, and more!

School Safety and Invitation Sub-Committee

This is a sub-committee developed to address issues and concerns raised by the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. This sub-committee considers how to balance issues of school safety while keeping our school both family-friendly and inviting.