Name: Date:
Age: Gender:
Education: Primary/Secondary/None
1. Personal
- How many years have you lived here (Karakit area)?
- Have you always lived here? Y / N
- If NO, When did you move here?
- Where did you come from?
- How many people were living here when you first arrived?
- How many people are there in your household?
2. Fishing
I. General
- What gears do you use to fish?
__Hook & Line __Gillnet __Spear (compressor/free dive) __Trap
Main gear:
- Where do you fish? (point out on map)
- How deep are the places where you fish?
- Did you always fish here?
- When did you start fishing in this area? (How many years ago)
- Before that where did you fish?
- Why did you start fishing in this area?
- When you started fishing how many fishermen fished in the same area?
- Now how many other fishermen fish in the same area?
- Does the number of fishermen vary during the year? Y/N
If Yes
Min / Max / AverageHigh season
Low season
- Can you tell me how many fishermen were fishing in this area 5, 10…20 years ago?
# years ago / Max / Min / Average
- Were all these fishermen locals (lived in Banggi)?
- Do you think the number of fishermen fishing in Maliangin area will increase in the next 5, 10, 15, 20 years?
- Do you ever fish anywhere else?
- Where?
- Why do you go fish elsewhere?
- When do you normally go elsewhere to fish?
- Do other fishermen do the same thing?
- How many hours do you fish a day?
- Last time did you spend more or less time fishing per day?
- How many days do you fish a week?
Hrs fishing per day / Day fishing per week
Max / Min / Average / Max / Min / Average
High season
Low season
II. For day time fishers:
- Do you fish at night? Y/N (If Y go to 23, N go to III.)
- How often?
- What gear do you use?
- Is there a certain time of month/year when you fish at night more often?
- Where do you go to for night fishing?
- How much (kg) do you catch at night?
- What species do you catch at night?
- Why do you fish at night?
III. For hook & line fishers:
- Do you ever use gillnet? Y/N (If Y go to 31, N go to 34)
- How often do you use gillnet?
- When do you use gillnet?
- Do you fish in the same area with gillnet?
- Why don't you use gillnet?
- If you had the opportunity would you want to fish with gillnet?
- Why?
IV. For gillnet fishers:
- Do you ever use hook and line? Y/N (If Y go to 38, N go to 41)
- How often do you use hook and line?
- When do you use hook and line?
- Do you fish in the same area with hook and line?
- Why don't you use hook and line?
- If you had the opportunity would you want to fish with hook and line?
- Why?
V. Traps
- Do you use traps? Y/N (if Y go to 45, N go to 55)
- How many times a week do you set your trap?
- How many days do you leave your trap in the water?
- Where do you set your trap?
- Do you use traps the whole year?
- Is there a time of year when you set trap more often?
- When is this?
- What type of fish do you normally catch with a trap?
- How many kilos of fish on average can you catch with a trap?
- What is the max amount you can catch with a trap each time?
- What is the min amount?
- Why don’t you use traps?
VI. Catch quantity & amount kept for food
Catch per day (kg) / Quantity kept for food (kg)Max / Min / Average / Max / Min / Average
High season
Low season
- What species do you normally catch?
- Which are the more valuable species?
- Have they always been more valuable? Y/N (If Y go to b, N go to c)
- Why?
- When did they start to become valuable?
- Out of a catch of 10 kilos, how many kilos would be valuable fish?
- How much (kg or # of fish) fish do you eat per day?
- What types of fish do you use for bait?
- How do you get your bait fish?
__Buy (go to 8) __Catch own bait (go to 9)
- Where/from whom do you buy bait?
- How much do you buy at one time?
- How many days does this bait last?
- How much does it cost?
- Can you get it throughout the year?
- Where do you go to catch bait?
- What gear do you use to catch bait?
- Can you find bait fish throughout the year?
VII. Live fish (leopard coral grouper, Plectropomus spp.)
- How many times a week can you catch a sunnoh?
- Is there a season when you can catch sunnoh more often? Y/N
- When is this? (What months?)
- Why do you think the fish are easier to catch during this time?
- Where do you go to catch sunnoh?
- Does this location change during the year?
Season / Location / # per week / Size (kg or cm)
Species / Max / Min / Average / Max / Min / Average
- When (in what year) did you start targeting sunnoh?
- Has the price of sunnoh changed since you started selling them live? Y/N
- By how much?
VIII. Temporal Trend
- Has the amount of fish you catch each day changed from the past? Y/N
- If you can catch 10 kg a day now, how much could you catch
Weight of catch (kg) / Size (kg or cm)
5 years ago
10 years ago
15 years ago
20 years ago
- If it takes you 5 hours to catch 10kg of fish now, how long did it take to catch 10kg 5….20 years ago?
# of years ago / Time to catch 10 kg (hours)
- Compared to last time, has the species that you catch changed?
- Which species has decreased/increased in abundance the most?
- Compared to last time, has the size of each species changed?
Species / Change in abundance / Change in size
- What has caused the decrease in catch?
- What can be done to stop the decrease?
- Do you think there will be a time when there is very little/no fish left to catch?
- Why or why not?
- Would you agree to a no fishing zone?
- Why/Why not?
- Where would the no fishing zone have to be in order for you to obey it?
3. Other fishing activity
I. Outsiders
- How often do you see outsiders fish in Maliangin area?
- Is there a period/season when they come to Maliangin more than other times of the year?
- When is this?
- Why?
- How many outsider boats normally fish at one time in Maliangin?
- What gear do they use?
- How many kilos do you think they catch a day?
Season / Catch per day (kg)
II. Invertebrates
- Do you collect sea cucumber / scallop / abalone / giant clam?
- Where do you go?
- How do you collect it?
- When do you do it?
- Is there a season / time of month when it's easier to find?
- How often do you do it?
- How many people collect inverts in the Maliangin area?
- Who do you sell the invertebrates to?
- Which are the most expensive invertebrates?
- What price do you get for it?
- How many years have you been collecting invertebrates?
- Have you noticed that it's getting easier/harder to find the invertebrates?
4. Fishing Costs
- Do you own your own pump boat?
- How old is your pump boat?
- How many years does a pump boat last?
- How much did your pumpboat and engine cost?
5. How much does fuel cost? How much does fuel cost for each fishing trip?
6. Gear costs:
Cost factor / RM/unit / Replacement frequencyHook & line:
- Hooks
- Line
- Reel
- Bait
- net
- floats
5. Fishing Income
- Is fishing your only source of income?
- If no what other source of income do you have?
- What is your daily/monthly income from fishing?
RM/day / RM/month
Max / Min / Avg / Max / Min / Avg
High season
Low season
- Do you have another job? Y/N (if Y go to 8)
- What is your other job?
- Where is it located?
- Do you do it year round? Y/N (if Y go to 9, N go to 10)
- What time of the year do you do your other job?
- For how many months?
- How much income (daily/monthly) do you get from that job?
- Is the income you earn from fishing enough to live on?
- Who do you sell your fish to?
- If there were other jobs available on Banggi that offer same income as fishing, would you switch jobs or continue to fish?
- Why?
- Do you think the number of fishermen will decrease or increase in the future?
- Why?
6. Management Scenarios
Imagine that I find out your fishing grounds are being overfished, and that the reefs need protection. Under these circumstances what do you think would have to be done?
First, let interviewee come up with own suggestions,
If they do not give any suggestions, I will then go through the following questions:
- Do you think government could restrict the type of gear you use to fish? Why/Why not?
- Do you think they could restrict where you fish?
- Do you think they could restrict when you fish?
- Do you think they could ban fishing? Why/why not?
- Could they limit fuel? Why/Why not?
- Who should be managing the reefs?