Faculty Present: Sally Black, Cindy Dorroh, Marilyn Getz, Emelyn Judge, Kohar Kesian, Debbie Klein, Danny Ranchez, Chris Rodemich, Ellen Rosen, Fiona Virani, Linde Balcer, Ben Salazar,
Faculty Absent: Karima Esmail (excused), Kathy McNeese (excused), Tim Vale (excused), Donna Capka (excused), Karen Whalen (excused), Rick Hayne (excused)
Date Approved: June 6, 2007
ITEM / DISCUSSION / ACTION /I. Announcements: / 1. / 1. /
II. Old Business: /
1. Division minutes 4-10-2007 / Approved as written. / MSC approval (or changes) /
2. Building update
a. Space Issue / Faculty Offices
b. Timeline / a) Space - No update.
b) This is changing weekly and there is no current update. There is a possibility that office will remain here in the Fall and instruction will be at the new building. We are definitely moving EMT and the 2 nursing labs during the Summer. / FYI
b. Cindy will get latest info on this and will give update next meeting. /
3. SLO’s – Alice Mecom / 1. Ms. Mecom distributed a handout that had essential information on creating SLOs and a sample with the complete assessment cycle. There were inquiries from faculty as to what each department must provide and the division as a whole. She clarified that each degree sequence must have SLOs. Some of the important points she went over are:
a. 2010 Accreditation - The project is geared toward the college’s accreditation in 2010. The College had submitted a preliminary inventory of which courses have their SLOACs established on 4/16. The college is working on incorporating the SLOs in the mandatory annual (and every 6 years) reports that have to be submitted for the accreditation.
b. Relation between the course SLOs and program level SLOs – This must be demonstrated. Several resources available online such as links and templates, specifically the SLO chart that has a checklist that can be used as a guide for this activity. / 1. Resources are available online:
/ c. Referencing other department learning outcomes – There may be a need for our department to coordinate with the Biology department to make sure that the needs of the students are being met and make the necessary adjustments to the courses if there are any weaknesses/difficulties that the pre-nursing students are demonstrating.
d. Linking with the GCC’s Core Competencies – This is required to ensure that all students who graduate with a degree has acquired the core competencies established by the college. There is a worksheet available for this purpose.
e. One SLO per course unit – This is the rule of thumb but having more is acceptable. As our program is standardized to comply with the BRN requirements, Ms. Mecom mentioned that we may just have to change some of the terminology on our existing program outcomes to make it into SLOs. They are also working on the possibly using exit standards as student learning outcomes. A checklist will be provided to ensure that the characteristics of SLOs are incorporated. This is in progress.
f. Use of Surveys – We currently use a lot of surveys to get feedback and assessment from current students and graduates. This is a powerful tool to reveal the needs of the students and the college is obliged to respond to this need. We can also use the outcome of the exit exams as well as the rate of students who do not pass the NCLEX. /
III. New Business: /
1. Academic Senate Report
(S. Black / K. Whalen/ B. Salazar) / 1. Deferred for next meeting. /
2. Guild (faculty) / 1. There is no information regarding when the raise will take effect and the retro check will be distributed. / 1. Sally will get info and email will be sent to all. /
3. Academic Affairs/Div. Chairs (C. Dorroh) / 1. There is a lot of discussion on enrollment management. All enrollments are down college wide. It is strongly believed that the parking issue is contributing to this. GCC is one of the 17 colleges struggling with enrollment. / FYI /
4. Counseling (D. Capka) / 1. Deferred for next meeting. /
5. EMT (R. Hayne) / 1. Deferred for next meeting. /
6. A/D Studies (B. Salazar) / 1. The program passed test with flying colors. The AD/ST program will be enhanced and is here to stay. / FYI /
7. Nursing (C. Dorroh) / 1. Busy at the moment. /
8. Textbook Costs / 1. We are asked as a division to discuss the issue on text book costs. Sally suggested that it might be helpful to add in our graduating student survey an item to find out if there is a book that we can do without.
2. A task force regarding text book costs is currently forming. / 1. Danny will announce this to students as an additional item to the survey.
2. FYI /
9. Growth / 1. College needs to grow as all future funding will be based on this. It is currently going the other direction. Our department on the other hand is consistently growing with the help of grant money that we are receiving.
2. Some have observed how the other colleges are investing in television and radio ads to promote enrollment. Some have also come up with different incentives such as free parking, free public transportation, etc. GCC will not be able to offer free parking because of its existing contract with the city of Glendale. / FYI /
V. Next Meeting: / Wednesday, June 6, 2007 @ 12 noon – Location TBA /