Programme Validation Form for Award-bearing Taught Programmes

Stage 1: Strategic Approval


Steps1 – 8 to be completed by programme proposer/Director of Programmes.

Step 9 to be completed by Faculty following consideration of proposal by Faculty Executive Group or equivalent. See paragraphs 9.2 of the Programme Validation Procedures.

When a Programme Validation is covering a cognate grouping of Programmes Stage 1 of the form should be completed for each programme which forms part of the grouping.

Where other Faculties are involved in delivering the programme (see 1k below), stage 1 of the programme validation form should also be considered by the Faculty Executive Group or equivalent in the other Faculty/ies.

1General Information about the Programme(s)

a / Programme title/provisional title for new programme:
b / Confirm that the programme aligns with the University’s degree naming conventions (add hyperlink to QH). / Yes/No
If the programme does not align, provide details below. An exemption will need to be approved by AQSC.
c / FHEQ Level
d / Level of study
e / Proposed start date for first cohort (for new programme)
f / Qualification of final award (in full) - (eg ; Master of Science; Bachelor of Arts; Engineering Doctorate)
g / Length of Programme(s):
h / Programme Mode of Study
i / This programme is a replacement for an existing programme / Yes/No
If YES, please provide further details here:
j / This is a distance-learning programme / Yes/No
If YES, please provide further details here:
k / This is a collaborative programme / Yes/No
If YES, please answer i – iv below.
  1. The collaboration is international
/ Yes/No
  1. The programme will lead to a joint award with another institution
/ Yes/No
  1. The programme will involve modules taught in a language other than English
/ Yes/No
  1. The programme will involve students moving between an international partner and the UoS
/ Yes/No
  1. Partner institution staff will be involved in teaching the programme
/ Yes/No
If YES, to any of i–iv above please provide further details here:
l / This is a joint honours programme / Yes/No
If YES, please provide further details here:
m / Other Faculties are involved in delivering the programme (e.g. shared teaching/joint honours or modules delivered by another Faculty/ies) / Yes/ No
If YES, please provide further details here. Confirm that discussions have taken place with all other Faculty/ies involved and that their FEG (or equivalent) has agreed that this proposal should proceed. Confirm also that this proposal is being put forward by the lead Faculty
n / This programme will include a placement, student exchange or year abroad / Yes/No
If YES, please provide further details here, include whether this will be a compulsorypart of the programme
o / This programme will be delivered solely or primarily on-line / Yes/No
If YES, please provide further details here:
p / Some or all of the students on this programme will study the whole of the programme outside the UK / Yes/No
If YES, please provide further details here:
q / This programme will involve external accreditation/professional recognition / Yes/No
If YES, please provide further details here:
r / This is a closed programme (specifically designed for a certain group of people and is not open to other suitably qualified candidates).(For example a PGCert programme designed and run specifically as Continuing Professional Development for a particular company) / Yes/No
If YES, please provide further details here:
s / Does this programme require alternative arrangements outside of this Programme validation process. / Yes/No
If YES, please provide further details here:
t / There is provision of a similar programme within the same Faculty or elsewhere in the University / Yes/No
If YES, please provide further details here:

2Programme Details

a)Brief description of programme
b)Key reasons why the University of Southampton should offer (or for an existing programme, continue to offer) this programme and explanation as to how the programme fits within the Faculty’s strategic plan for education and for research.
c)Equality Impact
Please consider the following questions:
  • What is the potential for the programme to contribute specifically to increasing the diversity of the student population?
  • What consideration has beengiven to and mitigation for the potential to discriminate against students with a particular protected characteristic due to curriculum content or delivery e.g. field work that excludes students with a disability?
  • What consideration has been given to ensuring appropriate delivery of curriculum content, understanding the significance of context for students from diverse backgrounds?

d)Where applicable, list the names of any collaborative partners engaged in the delivery of the programme and confirm the percentage of the programme to be taught by the collaborative partner.

3Typical Academic Entry Requirements

The University’s Admissions Policy will apply to all programmes. The latest version can be located at

Please list below the typical academic entry requirements. It is not necessary to include an exhaustive list of UK or international qualifications as the University’s agreed equivalent standard in such qualifications will automatically be applied.

Undergraduate programmes

Please include, besides GCE A level and GCSE requirements, any atypical qualifications which will be accepted

Qualification / Grades / Subjects required / Subjects not accepted / EPQ Alternative offer (if applicable) / Contextual Alternative offer (if applicable)
GCE A level

Postgraduate programmes

Please include the typical Bachelor’s and Master’s requirements (deleting where not accepting), and any atypical qualifications which will be accepted (including professional qualifications)

Qualification / Grade/GPA / Subjects requirements / Specific requirements
Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree

Typical English Language Requirements

Please identify the typical English language requirements to be used for applicants whose first language is not English.
Normally, one of the bands identified within the University’s English language proficiency policy should be selected. There is no need to list the requirement for each test as the University’s standard equivalencies across the various tests will be applied.
Band / Overall / Listening / Reading / Writing / Speaking

4Market Intelligence and Analysis

a)Who is the target audience for the programme?
UK/EU/International students/all
Give details of any prerequisites, including specific experience required of potential students
Is the programme targeted at:
  • Students currently studying at the University of Southampton
/ Yes/No
  • Students currently studying at other UK universities
/ Yes/No
  • Students currently studying at other international universities
/ Yes/No
Given the above how large is the potential target audience
b)Does the programme target an existing UK market? / Yes (goto c) / No (goto d)
c)For programmes targeting existing UK markets
Comparator university / Comparator programme title / Home Fees / International Fees / Home student numbers / International student numbers / Are student numbers growing/shrinking/
d)For programmes creating new markets / Please explain outcomes of research here
Does the programme target an existing international market? / Yes/No
Are there similar markets within the UK? / Yes/No
What evidence for demand is there from:
  • Outreach activities
/ Yes/No
  • Enquirers
/ Yes/No
  • Applicants
/ Yes/No
  • Current students
/ Yes/No
Explain outcomes of focus groups among the above groups on the attractiveness of the programme.
Are there any other stakeholders (eg employers/NHS/Government) that could help in creating a new market? / Yes/No
e)List the feedback from agents and the International Office on the programme:
f)Programme title testing: / Please explain outcomes of research here
Is the programme title easily understood? / Yes/No
Is the programme title understood internationally? / Yes/No
Does the title mirror similar programmes? / Yes/No
Has the title been tested against the most common internet search terms? / Yes/No
g)Employability(Advice should be obtained from theHead of Careers and Employability). / Please explain outcomes of research here
Is there a clearly identified need for this programme and what is the evidence base for this? / Yes/No
Does it address a gap in the labour market? / Yes/No
Have employers been involved in identifying the need for this programme? / Yes/No
Are there any other stakeholders (e.g. employers/NHS/Government) that could help in creating a new market? / Yes/No
Could careers and employability activities be embedded in the curriculum and attract credit? / Yes/No
Have opportunities for work related learning been considered within the programme? / Yes/No

5Intake and Resources, including suitably qualified staff

(Advice on costings should be obtained from the relevant Faculty Finance Manager)

For new programme

Indicative Student intake / Home/ EU / International / Total intake / Anticipated income
Minimum initial intake
Regular intake

For existing programme (for each year since last validation)

Actual student numbers on programme for academic year / Home/ EU / International / Total intake / Original planning target / Income

For all programmes

Are there any factors which limit, or are likely to limit, capacity on the programme?
If yes, please explain below: / Yes/No
Are there specific implications for learning resources – for example anticipated requirements for additional laboratory teaching, placements, software,non-standard timetabling requirements?
Additional staffing required to deliver the programme (if applicable)
Costing for any additional/exceptional requirements
Details / Anticipated cost allocated in £
Space (eg laboratory requirements)
Placements or exchanges
Administrative requirements
Other Resources (please specify)
Comment on financial viability and the financial benefits of introducing or, for an existing programme, continuing, the programme

6Key Risks

State the key risks associated with the delivery of this programme, and how these will be managed.

7For existing programmes: good practice and concerns

Give below an indication of any examples of good practice from the programme since the last validation, and issues of concern, which have been identified through initialpreparations for the Validation process.

8Further Information

Where applicable, and particularly for joint programmes, the non-initiating Faculty should comment on the above proposal, including details on their understanding and agreement of ownership of the programme.
Further information to support proceeding to the validation of the programme (if required):

9Contact Details

Name of programme proposer/ Director of Programmes
For joint programmes, or where teaching is shared across Faculties, this section must be signed by the non-initiating Faculty representative that completed the relevant box in section 8.
Name of non-initiating Faculty representative

10Consideration by Faculty Executive Group (FEG) or equivalent

Date of consideration by FEG
File reference of relevant minute
Decision / Proceed to validation/Resubmit/Reject
Rationale for decision
Conditions (where applicable)

If the programme is approved to proceed to validation Stage 1 of this form (Steps 1-10; everything up this point) should be presented to AQSC at itsnext meeting for information.(For programmes on normal timescale this will be at the October meeting).

2Stage 2: Internal stakeholder consultation

Note: internal stakeholder consultation should not be undertaken until Stage 1 has been completed, including consideration at FEG

When a Programme Validation is covering a cognate grouping of Programmes Stage 2 of the form may be completed for the group of programmes, making separate comment for each programme as appropriate. The stage 1 form for each programme should be made available to the stakeholder group.

Provisional Programme title (for new programme)/programme title(s)

The internal stakeholder groupmust have access to the documentation listed below. No proposal can be considered by the stakeholder group without full documentation. Please check the boxes to confirm attachment:

New programmes(s)

Draft Programme specification following the approved University template / ☐
Draft Module profiles for all core modules and all new modules / ☐

Existing programme(s)

Draft updated programme specification using the agreed University template. / ☐
Report from programme lead which include commentary on:
  • any issues with the current provision of resources on which the views of internal stakeholders are required.
  • the most recent Annual Programme Reports and Annual Module Reports completed since the last Validation
/ ☐

Major changes to existing programme(s) outside normal Validation cycle

Programme specification following the approved University template / ☐
Module profiles for all core modules and all new modules / ☐
Rationale for proposed changes / ☐

11Feedback and recommendationsfrom internal stakeholders

Consideration by Internal Stakeholders / ☐
Please provide details of the consultation that took place, describing whether this took place in a meeting or electronically.
Stakeholder Consultation / Feedback and recommendations
For service taught modules, the owning Faculty must confirm capacity for additional students
SAA representative (Curriculum and Timetabling Team);
Library representative;
iSolutions representative;
Student Services: Careers and Employability, Enabling Services and First Support ;
Strategy and Planning;
Communications and Marketing;
Input from current students;
Assistant Director SAA (Head of University Admissions)
FAR (or nominee) of partner Faculty (for joint programmes)
File reference of relevant minute(if applicable):

3Stage 3: Academic Scrutiny

Note: Academic Scrutiny should not be undertaken until Stages 1 and 2have been completed,

* Steps 12-24 to be completed by programme proposer/Director of Programmes.

* Step 25 to be completed by Faculty following consideration of proposal by Faculty Scrutiny Group.

When a Programme Validation is covering a cognate grouping of Programmes Stage 3 of the form may be completed for the group of programmes, making separate comment for each programme as appropriate. The stage 1 form for each programme should be made available to the Faculty Scrutiny Group.

Programme title:

The information below should be completed for consideration by the Faculty Scrutiny Group, and must be accompanied by the documentation listed below. No proposal can be considered by the Scrutiny Group without full documentation.Please check the boxes to confirm attached:

New Programme

1 / Programme validation form (completed up to step 24) / ☐
2 / Programme specification / ☐
3 / Module profiles for all core and compulsory modules and all new modules / ☐
4 / Mapping document(s) to show where each programme learning outcome is assessed and by what type of assessment / ☐
5 / External advisor’s report / ☐
6 / Programme regulations for the University Calendar (where specific programme regulations are required) / ☐
7 / Outcome of any Equality Impact Assessments / ☐
8 / Evidence of the level of teaching experience of partner staff teaching on collaborative provision programmes. / ☐

Existing Programme Validation Cycle

1 / Programme validation form (completed up to step 24) / ☐
2 / Updated programme specification(s) / ☐
3 / Module profiles for all core and compulsory modules and all new modules / ☐
4 / Mapping document(s) to show where each programme learning outcome is assessed and by what type of assessment / ☐
5 / External advisor’s report / ☐
6 / Programme regulations for the University Calendar (where specific programme regulations are required) / ☐
7 / Evaluative report and action plan * / ☐
8 / Latest Professional Body accreditation report (where applicable)* / ☐
9 / Annual programme reports since the last Validation* / ☐
10 / Outcome of any Equality Impact Assessments / ☐
11 / Evidence of the level of teaching experience of partner staff teaching on collaborative provision programmes. / ☐

* Where a there is existing documentation that support changes proposed under this process, it may be referenced and added as appendices to the document. It is not necessary to reproduce or paraphrase large portions of existing documentation.

Major Changes to Existing Programme(outside of normal Validation Cycle)

1 / Programme validation form (completed up to step 24) / ☐
2 / Updated programme specification(s) / ☐
3 / Module profiles for all core and compulsory modules and all new modules / ☐
4 / Mapping document(s) to show where each programme learning outcome is assessed and by what type of assessment / ☐
5 / External advisor’s report / ☐
6 / Programme regulations for the University Calendar (where specific programme regulations are required) / ☐
7 / Rationale for proposed changes / ☐

12Process of Creation

Name(s) of the persons or group who have taken the lead role preparing the documentation submitted for consideration

13Learning Outcomes and Benchmarks

Indicate how the relevant QAA Subject Benchmark, the QAA's National Qualifications Framework, and the relevant professional and Statutory Body specifications (where applicable) have been used in the development of the programme(s)


Further to the details already provided in section 2 regarding the key reasons for offering the programme, include here any further information to expand the rational for this programme, taking into account any additional market research and stakeholder feedback. For existing programme(s) explain any changes and how the revised programme is thought to be a better strategic fit for the Faculty.

15Intake and Entry Requirements

Undergraduate programmes

Please include, besides GCE A level and GCSE requirements, any atypical qualifications which will be accepted

Qualification / Grades / Subjects required / Subjects not accepted / EPQ Alternative offer (if applicable) / Contextual Alternative offer (if applicable)
GCE A level

Postgraduate programmes

Please include the typical Bachelor’s and Master’s requirements (deleting where not accepting), and any atypical qualifications which will be accepted (including professional qualifications)

Qualification / Grade/GPA / Subjects requirements / Specific requirements
Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree

[For existing programme(s): see information provided for strategic approval (stage 1)]

Typical English Language Requirements

Please identify the typical English language requirements to be used for applicants whose first language is not English. Normally, one of the bands identified within the University’s English language proficiency policy should be selected. There is no need to list the requirement for each test as the University’s standard equivalencies across the various tests will be applied.
Band / Overall / Listening / Reading / Writing / Speaking

16Details of Programme structure

Credit structure - For three-year undergraduate programmes
The programme(s) follow(s) the standard University credit structure (modules of 7.5 ECTS or multiples thereof ) for three-year undergraduate programmes / Yes☐No☐
If no give details– A case will need to be made to AQSC for exemption to the University regulations relating to Credit Accumulation and transfer Scheme:

For all programmes