Type Your Title Here


Your Name

Third Grade

Bridle Path Elementary

Mrs. Jones

November 2009


Begin typing your story here. Just highlight all of the text on this page and replace it with your own words. If the settings accidentally get changed, select Arial as your font (black only please) because it is easy to read — size 18 works well for most books.

Plan ahead where you would like to place your illustrations. You can draw them after you print your story. At the end of your last sentence on each page, go to the Insert menu and choose Manual Break, then Page Break. A new page will automatically be inserted into your book.

When you print your story, don't worry if it all seems a bit off-center. These margins are set correctly to allow for your Book Bug to be stitched, sewed, and bound into a hardcover book. Keep this in mind when you draw your illustrations – please don't go too close to the left edge.

Remember to SAVE this document periodically as you type so you don't lose all your hard work.

Good luck!

The End

Paper clip a small photo of the author here.

We will affix it properly for you using

acid-free photo tape (or, for you scrapbookers

out there, please feel free to do this yourself)

About The Author

This page is optional. If you would like to include a page at the end of your book all about you, just highlight all the text here and replace it with your own. You might want to include information about where you live, your family, special interests, sports you enjoy, instruments you play, hobbies, or talents. We would also love to hear about what inspired you to write this book!

Carrie lives with her parents and three sisters in Lansdale, PA. She has a Golden Retriever that loves to play and take walks. She also has two goldfish that she won at the county fair. Her favorite dessert is ice cream and she loves to read and go ice skating on the weekends. Carrie got the idea for this book while on her summer vacation.