PROYECTO: Las escuelas del mundo hispano
Objective: Learn more about the school life of students in other countries and communicate the similarities and differences between their schooling and that of yourself. Using Spanish, you will work to improve your written and spoken communication skills. You may do a PowerPoint, Prezi, etc. or you could present on a poster. Be sure to include pictures.
- You may work on your own or with a partner
- You will receive time in class to work, but should anticipate having to do some work at home
- Use the present tense to complete this task
- You will include a bibliography to cite your sources
- You will present your presentation to the class on an assigned day
- Ten percent will be deducted for each day the project is late
- Please do not use an Internet translator on any part of this project. Your grade will result in a zero.
- You will split up the following “slides” evenly between you and your partner. Please indicate when submitting the project who worked on which slides. Your grade will be an individual grade, but you are still welcome to work together.
- Please answer the follow questions and put them in this exact order when presenting. You may add additional information, but below are the minimum requirements.
Slide number / What to include
1 / Typical class schedule: what hours do students go to school during the day?
2 / What kind of yearly schedule do they have? What kind of holidays do they not have school?
3 / What classes do they take? Do they learn another language?
4 / What do students wear? Are there uniforms in public schools?
5 / What clubs/sports are popular and available to students?
6 / How long do they have to attend school? (what is the mandatory age/grade)
7 / What do students eat for lunch? Where do they eat lunch?
8 / How is it determined where they go to school? (where they live, interests, etc.)
9 / Do they have private schools? How does a student attend a private school?
10 / How are grades separated into different schools? (i.e. middle school, high school, elementary)
11 / Do many students attend pre-school?
12 / How many students go on to college?
13 / How is it determined what college you go to?
14 / 2 facts you found interesting about the country’s educational system
15 / Compare and contrast US and country’s school – 3 of each
16 / Picture and description of typical school
Analytic Rubric for Speaking and Presentation in Spanish II
AchievementCriteria / 0-2: Beginner / 3-4: BuildingProficiency / 5-6: Proficient / 7-8: BeyondProficiency / Score
TaskCompletion /
- Minimal completion of the task
- and/or content is not appropriate
- 3 or more slidesmissing
- Partialcompletion of thetask
- content is mostly appropriate yet underdeveloped
- 2 slidesmissing
- completion of thetask
- content is appropriate and adequately developed
- 1 slide missing or no hard copy
- superior completion of thetask
- contentis complete withelaboration
- Contains all slides and hard copy
Vocabulary /
- inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary
- somewhat inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary
- too basic for level II
- adequate and accurate
- appropriateforlevel II
- rich use of vocabulary
- sophisticatedforlevel II
Language Control / Grammar /
- Inadequate or inappropriate use of language structures
- lack of control of language structures
- emerging use of basic language structures
- inconsistent control of language structures
- emerging control of basic language structures
- accurate, appropriate and adequate most of the time
- control of basiclanguagestructures
- appropriate, adequate, accurate
Visual Support: /
- Images and text are not clear or appropriate
- fonts are not clear or consistent
- formatting is not neat or uniform
- Images and text are not consistent in their clarity or appropriateness
- text is at times free of grammar, spelling and punctuation errors
- fonts are inconsistent in clarity
- Images and text are clear throughout and appropriate
- text is mostly free of grammar, spelling and punctuation errors
- fonts are clear and consistent
- Images and textenhancecommunication
- text is nearly free or free of grammar, spelling and punctuation errors
- font clarity and consistency enhance comprehension
(speaking) /
- speechhalting and uneven
- long pauses or incomplete thoughts
- speech choppy and/or slow with frequent pauses
- few or no incomplete thoughts
- some hesitation but manages to continue
- thoughts are complete
- speechiscontinuous
- few pauses orstumbling
- thoughts are complete
(speaking) /
- frequentlyinterfereswithcommunication
- 10+ mistakes
- occasionallyinterfereswithcommunication
- 7-10 mistakes
- doesnotinterferewithcommunication
- 4-6 mistakes
- enhancescommunication
- 0-3 mistakes
(speaking) /
- Student shows no interest in topic and does not look at audience while presenting.
- Presentationis inaudible.
- Student shows interest in topic but may not look at audience while presenting.
- Presentation is difficult to hear.
- Student looks at audience while presenting.
- Presentationis audible.
- Student is enthusiastic about topic and looks at audience while presenting.
- Presentationisvery audible.
Points Earned:______project ______speaking (pronunciation + fluency)
Points Possible:32 points 24 points