SEALS – Changes

W/C 3rd June 2013

Daily Plan –Common Responses to Change

Day 1


L.O What do we know about change.


Starter –

Explain the activity to the children. One or two children will step outside and one of the images on the Powerpoint will be made to disappear. When the children return to class they will be asked to identify which is the missing picture.

Use the game to introduce the theme of change. Brainstorm examples of different levels of change –eg, smaller changes –hair style change, larger changes –changing school. Give the children two post-it notes to record a small/large change and stick on board under heading. Discuss. Discuss how these changes may make us feel and what we might have done about it (how we coped with the change). Collect examples of change that the children have experienced.


Children to complete the similar table to Powerpoint in their books.


Discuss with the children the changes -discuss the feelings evoked, and the management strategies.


Children will consider changes in their lives, how they felt and how they coped with it.


Changes Powerpoint

Changes Worksheet 1

SEALS – Changes

W/C 10th June 2013

Daily Plan –Common Responses to Change

Day 2


L.O. How change can affect our feelings of security and confidence


Talk to the children about how changes can affect individuals. Read `Melanie’s Journal’ from the Powerpoint. Think of the story as a timeline and decide on where in the story Melanie may have felt a) shock b) denial (it can’t be happening) c) anger d) acceptance e) positive thinking.

Show the children a set of concentric circles on the board. Ask the children to think about and record from discuss children’s ideas on 1 –Inner circle from middle to record Melanie’s family 2) second circle –Melanie’s close friendships 3) –third circle, record classmates and acquaintances 4) Last circle –other people that she may know.

Tell the children that it is important for us to realise the support around us for when we face changes.


Children to complete their own concentric circle sheets.


Show the children the following –

“You move to a new year group in school. A girl from another class starts picking on you. You don’t know her but she is always laughing at you with her friends at playtime when she looks at you.”


Children will consider the people around them who might help them face changes in their life.


Changes Powerpoint

Changes Worksheet 2

SEALS – Changes

W/C 17th June 2013

Daily Plan –Common Responses to Change

Day 3


L.O. People respond differently to change


Remind children of Melanie’s Journal from previous session. Are these the only ways that someone could respond to changes in their lives such as these? What other feelings might we feel? How might we react?

Read `Jack and Rehana’ scenario from the board. Why might these children have reacted the way that they had? Once discussed with the children, show the children the reasons for Jack’s and Rehana’s reactions. Discuss with the children how the experiences of an individual might affect the way that they respond to changes.

Show the children the `Smiles and Tantrums’ sheet on the board. Ask the children of common ways that we might see these in our actions. Record one or two on the board.


Children to complete `Smiles and Tantrums’ sheet as a mind map with ideas that link to the two possible ways of reacting to change, including possible reasons for those reponses.


Share some of the children’s responses.


Children will consider different ways in which people respond to change, how this might look, and reasons for those reactions.


Changes Powerpoint

Worksheet 3 `Smiles and Tantrums’

SEALS – Changes

W/C 24th June 2013

Daily Plan –Common Responses to Change

Day 4


L.O Recognising and managing our vulnerable/sore spots.


Read and discuss “It’s all his fault” Introduce to the children the idea of having a `sore spot’ -a vulnerable place inside us that quickly hurts when people say or do things –because what they say or do reminds us of (consciously or unconsciously) of something that has happened, or makes us feel threatened. What in the story was Yousef’s sore spot? Read `It’s all her fault’. In pairs, discuss the questions on the next slide. Class to come together and discuss their thoughts.

Ask the children if they are aware of any of their own sore spots. How do they know? How do they react when the sore spot is mentioned? Discuss the importance of recognising our own sore spots, and how recognising these can help us understand our own and the behaviour of others.

Show the children `If I Ruled the World’ slide from Powerpoint. Tell the children that they need to consider –a Sore Spot and record this in the first thought cloud, then in the second, what they would change if they ruled the world. Would they change their own reaction? Or make so that it had never happened? Or that, they coped with it differently?


Share some of the children’s responses.


Children will consider their own sore spots, and consider their own and the behaviour of others.


Changes Powerpoint

If I Ruled the World Worksheet

SEALS – Changes

W/C 1st July 2013

Daily Plan –Common Responses to Change

Day 5


L.O -I know that people respond differently to changes and challenges


Show the children examples of change on the board. Ask them not to discuss their ideas, but to record how they would feel about them on a scale of 0 to 4 (as recorded on the board). Once these have been recorded, look at the children’s responses. Are their differences? Why would some people feel differently about these situations? Ask the children to discuss their feelings with their partners.

Remind the children of `Sore Spots’, and explain that –not only negative –experiences can affect how we view and respond to changes. That as we all have different experiences so we all respond differently to new challenges or change.

Show worksheet on board and explain activity.


Children to complete `The Change Quiz’ in pairs discussing their responses.


Discuss the children’s responses –did the children agree? Were there differences? Why?


Children will recognise that people respond differently to changes and challenges that they face.


Changes Powerpoint

`The Change Quiz’ worksheet

SEALS – Changes

W/C 8th July 2013

Daily Plan –Common Responses to Change

Day 6


L.O I know that sometimes there can be positive outcomes from changes that

we didn’t welcome initially.


Remind the children that they will soon be in Year Six. And although this may seem a huge change in their lives, that they have faced similar changes already. Look at `My Life Journey’ on the Powerpoint slide, show the children an number of examples from the board so that they may get some ideas from them.

Show the children the `My Life Journey’ worksheet on the board. Explain that they need to consider the changes in their life, some of which may have seemed huge, others which they may not remember how they felt, but know that they have had to face (eg first day a nursery).


Children to complete `My Life Journey’ worksheet, considering how they might have felt at each change –and one positive that may have come from it. This activity may take more than just the one lesson and so may be revisited.


Look at some of the children’s work, what positives might come from change?


Children will consider what changes they have already faced, and what positives they have taken from the situations.


Changes Powerpoint

My Life Journey Worksheet

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