161 Chestnut Street



All fire alarms are to be taken seriously, especially in this time of heightened security awareness and the potential need to evacuate a building for other reasons. Evacuation of the facility is mandatory until the signal to re-enter has been given by the fire department or Security. The following procedures are to be followed any time a fire alarm sounds:


  • All stairwells in the building will be used for the evacuation of the building.
  • The elevators will not be used.
  • When the alarm is sounded, all occupants will use the nearest exit. If that stairway is not usable, go to the next closest stairway.
  • The fire alarm is a loud bell or horn signal.
  • Doors, and if possible, windows, should be closed as the last person leaves a room or area.
  • When the alarms sound, evacuate the building quickly, but do not run. Do not panic.
  • Persons who walk slowly or have difficulties with stairs should walk to the right.
  • Leave the vicinity of the building so that the (fire fighters) will have access to the building.
  • Proceed to your designated assembly area.
  • Never re-enter a building without the all clear from the Fire Department or Security.


Will contact appropriate emergency services and ensure evacuation plan is activated. Will thoroughly check the building and verify building is evacuated. Will assist individuals with disabilities. Will get an accounting from floor captains as to status of building occupants. This information will be forwarded to emergency units on the scene. Will notify Director or designee when the emergency is over and when the building can be re-entered. Will assist in getting individuals back into the building.


Floor captains will report to their assigned floor. They will check each room to make sure everyone leaves the building. Floor captains will notify Security of their floor’s status. Special Note: Each instructor is responsible for the evacuation of his or her classroom.


All faculty members should immediately evacuate students from classrooms upon activation of the fire alarm. It is imperative that ALL faculty follow this procedure to ensure a complete evacuation of the building. Faculty should have the classroom roster in their possession, and account for all students/visitors.


All students are required to evacuate the building immediately and stand approximately 200 feet from the building.


All employees must evacuate the building and go to the designated assembly area.

* Be advised – it is a requirement of the New York State Office of Fire Protection and Control and New York State Law that all occupants evacuate the building once a fire alarm is activated, whether it is a drill or not.

DESIGNATED ASSEMBLY AREA – (1.) Court Street – adjacent to Xerox Parking Garage (Opposite side of the street from building). (2.) Manhattan Square Park – Chestnut Street Entrance.

The designated gathering area is approximately 200 feet away from the building, and away from the parking lots. Do not block driveway or parking lot. Once outside, employees who were away from their department at the time of evacuation should assemble in the area of their department/colleagues. Department chairs and supervisors should account for all staff in their area at the assembly location. Instructors should account for all students in their area at the assembly location. It is important to know that everyone is out of the building and to ensure that everyone is accounted for.


  • All persons should proceed toward the nearest safe emergency exit and seek out the nearest emergency evacuation assembly area during evacuation. THE EMERGENCY EVACUATION ASSEMBLY AREAS ARE LOCATED ON EACH FLOOR, ADJACENT TOA STAIRWELL. They will be clearly marked with a sign that reads: “AREA FOR EVACUATION ASSISTANCE.”
  • REOC Security will conduct a search of the entire building, documenting the locations of persons requiring emergency evacuation assistance if the need arises. Should there be an actual emergency, REOC Security and fire rescue personnel will respond to the assembly areas to ensure the safe evacuation of persons in need of assistance.
  • Should you find yourself alone, and if it is apparent that danger is approaching (i.e., visible smoke in the hallway), enter and stay in the stairwell and remain on the landing if conditions permit. The stairwells are designed to keep smoke and fire out and to keep you safe. Fire response personnel will naturally use the stairwells as access for fire suppression and they will find you.
  • When a disabled person reaches a stairway he/she should request help from others in the area. If assistance is not immediately available, individuals should remain in the exit corridor and if possible call for help.
  • If the corridor becomes dangerous with fire and/or smoke, proceed into the stairway. Be aware of people exiting the building via the stairway. If the stairway should become unsafe, proceed to a safe area away from smoke and fire, closing doors behind you to isolate the smoke.
  • If possible, call 911 and give your name and location.
  • Elevators will not be used to evacuate people with disabilities until the fire department determines that they are safe to use.
  • Security should be informed immediately by any member of the REOC Community as to the location of a person who is disabled.
  • In order to evacuate people with disabilities as quickly as possible, it will be necessary for the REOC Director’s office and Security to maintain a current list of disabled employees and students. If any member of the REOC Community wishes to be on this list please send your name, department, extension and supervisor’s name and extension to the REOC Director’s office. The Director’s office will disseminate the list to the appropriate offices.
  • If you are a student please send information, including class schedule to the Director’s Office. Security Personnel will meet with students needing assistance to discuss a plan of action. The Director will meet with faculty and staff needing assistance to discuss a plan of action.
  • If a change in classroom location occurs, it is the instructor’s responsibility to notify the Director’s and Security offices.
  • If a disabled person is visiting a department, it is that department’s responsibility to assign sufficient employees to assist in evacuation when necessary and to alert Security.

FLOOR CAPTAINS:FloorFloor CaptainAlternate

Parking Lot LevelHoward Brown

1st Floor Jonathan Perkins

Second Amber Rivera

ThirdSharon Crews Perkins

FourthCheryl McKeiver

Fifth Kim Heyward

Parking Lot Captains:

Jim Hanselman

Linda Hendrix

Greg Sherman

Revised: 11/09/04






Rochester Educational OpportunityCenter


Please print legibly ink

Name:______SS #______

Last First Middle

Date of Birth: ______Gender: ( )Female ( )Male

Mailing Address: ______

City:______State: ______Zip:______

Home Phone: ______Work/Msg. Phone: ______

Email Address: ______Cell/Pager: ______

Current Enrolled Program(s) – please list your program/class schedule:

Program Name Day of Week/Time Room Number





Please describe your disability: ______


Please list any equipment you currently use which is relevant to your disability:


Do you require special assistance during a building evacuation? ( )Yes ( ) No

If yes, please describe what type of assistance you will require.


Signature: ______Date: ______