Paul Lutchman Ministries
“Overcoming Demon Spirits”
By: Dr. Paul Lutchman
LESSON 420/02/2015
Jesus gives us power to overcome unclean spirits
Some Questions to Ask the Counsellee
Have you truly given your life to Jesus Christ? Would you like to? What do you want freedom from?
When is the first time you had this trouble? (Be listening, and seek to discover through what action or event the demons got in the first place. These doorways need to be closed through renunciation for deliverance to be lasting). What experience have you had of personal rejection by others?
Are there people you find it difficult to forgive? (People must forgive or give God hands them over to demonic tormenters – see Matthew 18:34,35). Are you aware of any occult history in your family or your ancestors – e.g. witchcraft, freemasonry, false religions etc? (All these must be renounced).
Procedure for Deliverance
Practical Instructions
Explain the Need for Laying on of hands
Same say that we shouldn’t lay hands on those with demons, lest they come into us, but we need not fear if the power of the Holy Spirit is truly upon us. Demons hate the power of the Holy Spirit that comes through the laying on of hands and when hands are laid on in Jesus’ name, demons are more likely to leave quickly. It is not an absolute requirement but it can be a point of contact for faith.
NEVER lay hands on a person inappropriately. Avoid touching areas which may open the door for lust. (It shouldn’t be necessary to say this but it is better to be clear).
Explain how a person may co-operate in the process of expelling demons.
Tell the person that they should co-operate with their deliverance after prayer by deliberately breathing out, perhaps coughing. The word for spirit is the same as the word for breath or wind in Greek and Hebrew, and evil spirits can be breathed out by an act of the will and by faith, once the legal conditions are met – see lesson on deliverance which describes what these are.
Manifestations of demons may occur, but are not a condition of deliverance. These manifestations could include coughing, yawning, tears coming to the eyes, vomiting, spitting, etc. A person should not let the demons talk through them. The only manifestations they should permit are those where the demon is leaving.
Experience has revealed that demons in the body many times are located around the stomach or chest and during deliverance move up into the throat from where they are expelled. They tend to produce knots of tension in the body in the places where they are. You can command the demons not to link and reinforce. Faith in the power and authority of the name of Jesus combined with the anointing will drive them out.
After these things are explained it is easier to do the ministry.
Prayer for Deliverance
Lead the counsellee in a prayer something like this:
“Jesus, I come to you as my Deliverer. I believe that You are the Son of God, that You died for me and rose again. I confess You as Lord and renounce all influences of Satan in my life. Lord, you know the demons that oppress me, that harass me, that entice me, that enslave me. I confess all my sins to you. (You must name them out loud before God). I repent of (turn away from) all my sins. I renounce any form of the occult or idolatry in my like or in the life of my ancestors (Name them to the extent of your knowledge of it). I forgive anyone who has ever hurt me in any way and I let go of any bitterness or resentment. (Name any such people whom yu associate with personal pain and forgive them by name).
(Repeat for each significant stronghold). In the name of Jesus, I break and cancel the invitations to demons that have come through. The blood of Jesus now annuls any legal right held by the Kingdom of darkness in these areas. In the name of Jesus these doorways are now closed.
I believe I am saved by the blood of Jesus and Satan has no further legal rights to my spirit, soul, mind or body. Through the blood of Jesus, I am justified, just as if I never sinned. Through the blood of Jesus, I am redeemed out of the hand of the devil.
Jesus you said whoever calls upon the name of the Lord SHALL be delivered. I call upon you. Deliver me!
Now in the name of Jesus Christ I bind every evil spirit in or around my life. In the name of Jesus, I command you, Satan, to get out and leave me alone. Go in Jesus’ name!”
A shorter prayer taken from the writings of Noel Gibson:
“I confess Jesus Christ to be my personal Saviour. I confess and renounce every iniquity, transgression and sin that I, my parents, or ancestors may have committed and which has brought bondages and dominations to my life, and ask for forgiveness and cleansing. I repent from any action, attitude or habit which does not glorify Jesus Christ. I renounce the devil, and all of his works, influences, bondages, dominations, inflictions and infirmities in my life. I claim the release and freedom promised by Jesus Christ, that He may be the Lord of my whole life. Amen”
Please note though, there is power in the specific renunciation of sin. The more specific and definite we are, the better the results. For this reason, I would suggest leading the person to name the sins and bondages they want broken off their lives. Corresponding confession is appropriate.