Confirmation Devotions – October 5,2016 – Thy Kingdom Come
Go through The Lord’s Prayer. By the end of the year, the youth should know it, including explanation. Give a copy to each student and ask them to study and keep it in their folder. (For fun come up with motions for the sections of the Lord’s prayer)
Please bring the catechism to confirmation today, we will use it quite a bit.
1. What are the Kingdoms of God? (power (Universe), grace (Church on earth) and glory (the church and angels in heaven) – See question 212 in the catechism for discussion)
a. Do we live in any of these kingdoms? Which one(s)? (Power and Grace)
2. We already live in the Kingdom of Power (the kingdom of God’s creation – the Universe).
a. What are some bad things that happen in this kingdom?
b. Does God make these bad things happen? (No)
c. Why do they happen then? (Sin, Satan, Evil all cause bad things. God does not exert full authority in the created world. Just like in the Garden of Eden, people have the right to disobey and sin. People have the right to sin because love of God is never forced or coerced. God could make us obedient to Him, but is it real love when we are forced to love someone?)
d. What are some things that we would pray for in this kingdom? (Ask the kids what worldly things they would pray for. Peace, Good Government for the nations of the world, spread of God’s Word, etc.)
3. What do we pray to come in the Kingdom of Grace? (Holy Spirit, Bring others to saving faith in Jesus Christ, Use us to help – See Question 213.)
a. What are some things you can and should do to help spread the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the world?
b. Why is it hard to do these things? (Let the youth know that you understand how hard it is to share faith in Middle School, when everyone is trying to figure out who they are and what they really believe.)
4. What are praying for if we want the Kingdom of Glory to come? (to be part of the heavenly kingdom, that we would be with God in Heaven.)
a. If the Kingdom of Glory comes to us, that would mean the end of the world. How do you feel about that?
b. How do you fell about being with God in Heaven forever? (Read Philippians 3:20-21. What do you think about that verse?)
5. How do we know all this Kingdom stuff is true? (the Bible. Feel free to read some of the scripture references in the catechism.)
If there is time, you can do prayer requests and a short prayer. If not, join with the entire group and Pastor will close with prayer at 6:58 pm.