Central Dauphin East High Band Boosters, Inc.

Band Booster Meeting

April 30, 2014

Minutes Respectively Submitted by Michele Matthews, Incoming Secretary

Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance: The meeting was called to order by President Amy Ascher at 6:02 pm.

In attendance were: Mr. Glidewell, Amy Ascher, Dawn Palmer, Michele Matthews, Marsha & David Malstrom, Jim Evans, Sherri Balog and Sherri Berhe
Minutes from the last meeting: The minutes from the April meeting were approved bythose present with Dawn Palmerand Jim Evans accepting them with a first and second, respectively.
Treasurer’s Report: Sherri Balog passed out a year to date Income/Expense Report and the proposed Budget for 2014-2015. Changes to the proposed Budget include categories for Instrument Repair, New Instrument Purchase and TOB Expenses. Items under the new Restrictive Expenses column will rollover to the savings account if they are not used in 2014 -2015. A motion was made by Mr. Glidewell to pass the Budget for 2014-2015. The vote passed and the motion carried. The Treasurer's report wasaccepted by Jim Evans and Dawn Palmer with a first and second motion respectively.
Band Director’s Report: Mr. Glidewell reviewed the upcoming music events for the band and music department. Indoor Majorettes, Guard and Percussion are competing May 3rd & 4th at Wildwood. Mini band camp begins Tuesday May 13th. The Choir is having their Spring Concert on May 14th. The Spring Concert for Band and Orchestra will be May 21st. The Jazz band will be performing for the Central Pennsylvania Friends of Jazz at the WITF Public Media Center on May 25th. The end of year Music Department Banquet will be held May 28th in the cafeteria at 6:30 PM. A mandatory Marching Band parent meeting will be held May 29th at 6:00 PM. The music for this year's field show is in the process of being written. The theme has already been determined but, has yet to be revealed to the Band. The 2014 - 2015 Marching Panther schedule is currently available online. All Ensembles will perform (with the exception of the Jazz Ensemble) at the Giant Center on June 2nd for Graduation Ceremonies. We are also hosting Music in the Parks event May 15th, 16th, 17th & 23rd. Volunteers are need for this event. Mr. Glidewell will send out an email through CHARMSwith the details of the event.
Committee Reports:

The following committees didn’t have any new information to report, 50/50,Chaperones, Concession, Food, Equipment, Panther Peddler, Social, Uniforms and Social.

Fundraising Recommendation – Dawn Palmer reported she is still trying to collect money from 4 students who sold Hershey candy bars. Restaurant night is scheduled for Tuesday, May 20th from 4:00 to 9:00 PM at Friendly's in High Pointe Commons. Volunteers are needed to host this event. Since this is Dawn's last meeting, she wanted to thank everyone for their support throughout her years with the band boosters.

Indoor Majorettes, Guard & Percussion – The indoor groups played at a competition on April 26th, Percussion took 1st place, Majorettes took 1st place and the Guard took 4th place.

Scrip – Marsha Malstrom will be placing next order Wednesday May 28th and will have orders for the June 4th meeting.

Old Business – We still need to fill vacant Committee Chairs for Concession and Spirit Wear. A meeting will be scheduled with the Football Boosters to discuss our role with concessions this season.

New Business – A discussion was generated to merge the Band Boosters and Music Boosters into one Booster Organization. Mr. Glidewell handed out copies of proposed changes to the Band Booster By-Laws. If we merge, these are the proposed By-Laws. A suggestion was made to address this issue with both the Music and Band parents. It was suggested that we should let parents know at the Music Department Banquet about the possible merger.

The Scholarship Committee is in the process of reviewing applications. The submission deadline was April 30th. A flyer and form will be distributed for the Music Department Banquet on May 28th. It is requested that responses be returned to music directors by May 19th. Information regarding the Parent Meeting on May 29th was sent to the Middle School Music Directors for the incoming freshmen and 8th Graders who would like to participate in Marching Band.

Date of Next Meeting: Our next meeting will be held on June 4, 2014 at 6:00 pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:38 PM thanks to Mr. Glidewell first and Dawn Palmer, second.