GSAC Meeting Minutes

Sept. 11, 2014

Attendees: Mac MacFarlane, Alex Dean, Nathan Shumway, Jeremy Knittel, Allison Porter, Tom Hurst, William Staruk, David Mayo, Steve Sherman

Resulting Action Items


  • Reserve room First research luncheon will be October 3rd
  • E-mail to department draft e-mail from Steve Sherman (GSAC President) asking for a GSG rep.
  • Update timelines and post online
  • Refloat idea of informal Friday junior faculty luncheon to Oran, Hartzell, Laurence
  • Add explanation of 898 and 899 credits on PhD guide


  • Set up guide for prepping for quals and comps. Also grant writing. How write research proposal.
  • Recruit speaker from Jones lab for next research luncheon


  • Present at next research luncheon (Oct. 3rd) and send Tom abstracts and announcement
  • Talk to Wereley about a town hall to discuss new quals/comps procedures
  • Organize next meeting (week of Oct. 6th)


  • Talk to Sedwick about town hall.
  • Talk to Hartzell about seminar series working with GSAC research luncheons


  • GSAC Leadership
  • Aero GSG representation
  • Diversity of GSAC members
  • New qual/comp procedures
  • Research Luncheons
  • Coordination with Dr. Hartzell’s seminar series

GSAC Leadership

Steve made GSAC President since he talks to Wereley most. Will volunteered to be backup President.

GSG Representation

Jeremyserved on GSG, but found it was not that valuable. Nobody seemed too eager to have anyone on GSG. Regarding diversity of GSAC membership, group agreed most important to have members from each major building where aero labs are present so we stay informed.

New Qual/comps procedures

Steve spoke with Wereley. Change is not happening quickly. Proposal was sent about switching the order/purpose of the quals and comps by Sedwick, but no further progress in finalizing process/policy and implementing it.

Dave led group in discussion about creating a resource with faculty input on what to expect from quals/comps, how to prepare, and also some basics on writing research proposals and grants. Group was unsure faculty would be able to agree, but thought developing a resource for students and setting general expectations for quals/comps would be invaluable and should be included in department policy.

Tom suggested also including a list of questions for students to ask their advisers about quals and comps to ensure they get all the information they need rather than getting it secondhand from fellow students. Group agreed they want guidelines/metrics and transparency from department about policies, procedures, and expectations for quals/comps

Steve and Allison will talk to Wereley and Sedwick to arrange a grad student town hall to discuss new policy.

Research Luncheons

Have a junior faculty luncheon for new faculty (Oran, Laurence, Hartzell) to do 30 minutes each on their background and research. Will and Nathan said they’d prefer a different faculty member each week so they would have more time to discuss research. Group agreed.

Group discussed how GSAC Luncheons would fit in with Hartzell’s seminar series. Steve said they were different since GSAC Luncheons are already conference presentations and are basically done. Tom suggested inviting prominent alumni (as discussed last year) to speak at Hartzell’s seminar series to maintain current GSAC speaking format/purpose. Allison will speak to Hartzell about her expectations for her seminar series and where GSAC can fit in.

Fall Research Luncheon Schedule

First research luncheon will be October 3rd

Additional Notes/Afterthoughts

Transparency: Should we be posting our minutes somewhere or sending e-mails to grad students about what we are doing? Do we cover that at the research luncheons?