Building Momentum on Fishing Subsidies at the WTO
The upcoming WTO ministerial meeting in Hong Kong, 13-18 December 2005, presents a critical opportunity to build political momentum towards success at the current WTO fishing subsidies negotiations. In particular, Hong Kong will be an important moment to raise the profile of the negotiations, and to reinforce the will of governments to deliver meaningful results.
WHAT: The ministers will make brief statements in support of WTO fishing subsidy rules that help combat over fishing while supporting trade and sustainable development.
WHEN: Wednesday, December 14, 11:00-11:45 am.
WHERE: Theater I , Press Centre, WTO HK Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC)
Brazil — H.E. José Fritsch, Special Secretary for Aquaculture and Fisheries
Chile — H.E. Ignacio Walker, Minister of Foreign Affairs
European Communities — H.E. Peter Mandelson, Commissioner (DG-Trade)*
New Zealand — H.E. Jim Sutton, Minister for Trade Negotiations
Philippines — H.E. Domingo Panganiban, Secretary of Agriculture
Senegal — H.E. Mamadou Diop, Minister of Trade and Commerce (to be conf.)
United States — H.E. Robert Portman, US Trade Representative
The event is scheduled for Wednesday, December 14, 11:00-11:45 am. And will take place in Theatre I of the Hong Kong Convention (the principal camera-ready press auditorium).
As previously discussed, UNEP and WWF are proposing the following structure and choreography for the event:
For further information:
David Schorr at +852 6149 7310 (HK mobile) or + 41794701626 (Swiss mobile)
Nick Nuttal at 10:55 - Ministers gather in a private room adjacent to Theatre I (location TBD)
11:00 - Ministers enter Theatre I together, accompanied by Topfer and Leape
Participants stand together for a photo-op
Participants are seated (the stage will be arranged with chairs in a semi-circle, with a podium front and center from which participants will stand to speak)
Topfer and Leape each make brief opening remarks
Ministers make brief individual statements (3-4 minutes, maximum) (see proposed order, below)
Dr. Topfer closes the event; ministers shake hands and exit
11:35 Those ministers offering individual interviews move to adjacent rooms
UNEP and WWF would like to propose, subject to the approval of your delegations, the following speaking order:
New Zealand
European Commission
United States
As you know, the themes we hope to stress include the importance of the fishing subsidies issue, the progress achieved so far, and the determination of governments to see the negotiations through to a robust conclusion. Naturally, we anticipate that each minister may want to share aspects of the issue of particular importance to his country.
In addition, UNEP and WWF would like to propose a modest degree of coordination among participants regarding the specific content of their remarks. Obviously, we recognize that each government is entirely free to use its allotted time as it will. However, without presuming to dictate or limit the contents of any minister’s presentation (other than begging them to respect the 4 minute limit), we thought we might avoid too much repetition and ensure a stronger event by proposing a central focus to each minister’s remarks. Would [name of country] be open to such an approach? For example, [name of minister] might focus at least a portion of his remarks on [focal topic]. <see suggestions below>
Finally, to facilitate news coverage, we would like to distribute (at the event) a packet including each minister’s statement. Ideally, we would have copies in our hands two days before the event. We would, of course, consider the statements strictly not for disclosure of any sort prior to the event. Please let us know if there is any difficulty in providing such statements in advance.