Read through the questions and write your answers on a separate piece of paper.
Part 1: The VET policy framework
Question1. OLS is a registered training organisation. As an OLS trainer/assessor what vocational education and training policies would be relevant to your work practices and responsibilities?
2. Which key Vocational education and training organisations and stakeholders would you access to inform your work practices as an OLS trainer/assessor? List them and their contact details.
3. Which national, Commonwealth and State legislation and guidelines would you need to access to ensure that your work practices as a trainer/assessor comply with national policy requirements?
4. Where would you find sources of advice and information on vocational education and training policy and operating context? How regularly should you check these sources to make sure information is up-to-date?
5. What opportunities exist for you to contribute to vocational education and training organisational policy developments?
6. List and define ten key vocational education and training terms.
Part 2: The OLS quality framework
Question1. List your key work roles and responsibilities as an OLS trainer/assessor?
2. What organisational documents can you use to inform, support and guide your work roles and responsibilities?
3. You are going to deliver face-to-face training to a group of ten learners in the OLS training room. Analyse the OLS policies and procedures manual and list all quality assurance strategies, processes, policies and procedures that would relate to this training session.
4. What ethical and legal responsibilities do you need to adhere to as a trainer/assessor for a Registered Training Organisation (RTO)?
5. List the prevailing industrial and employee relations systems and practices that would apply to you as a trainer/assessor for an RTO.
6. As an OLS trainer assessor, what are some methods you can use to seek feedback and advice from colleagues and clients on work quality?
Part 3: Managing work and relationships
Question1. You have been asked to deliver three training sessions in one week’s time. List three strategies you could use to plan and manage your workload to ensure that you can deliver the training to OLS quality standards.
2. You feel your workload is too full and because of this, you feel that the quality of your work may be suffering. How would you address this problem?
3. You have been asked to do four tasks:
a. complete a delivery plan for a training session scheduled for next month
b. call a client who is unhappy with a training session
c. provide feedback on a recent OLS policy change
d. write up the minutes from yesterday’s staff meeting and distribute them
e. list these tasks in order of priority from highest priority to lowest priority.
4. What technological skills could you use as a trainer/assessor to enhance the quality of your training delivery?
5. Jasper Wellard has asked you to work with three other trainer/assessors to review the OLS policy on inclusive learning. List some strategies that you could use to help the group share ideas and work together on outcomes.
6. You have been asked to facilitate individual learning and when you undertake the training needs analysis you discover that the learner is your ex-partner! The relationship ended badly and you haven’t spoken since. What should you do?
Part 4: A client focused approach
Question1. What is a client-focused approach?
2. How are client needs and expectations determined at OLS?
3. You have been asked to deliver a number of training sessions to staff at the Rev Shop. What communication strategies would you use to maintain a good relationship with Tyrone Dunlop?
4. You are delivering training to a group of sixteen learners and you discover that one of these learners has a serious hearing impairment. Would you:
a. suggest that the learner enrols in a different session and offer the learner support and guidance?
b. speak to the client about the issue and offer to provide the one-on-one training for the learner?
c. tailor a flexible learning approach for the learner that would allow them to continue learning in the group?
Describe why you have chosen this answer.
5. What processes can you use to evaluate and improve client satisfaction?
6. You recently delivered a training session to six learners from nFinity marketing. Three of the feedback forms submitted at the end of the session contained constructive criticism. What should you do?
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