Richmond Youth Peace Summit, Saturday, April 29, 2017

Call for Workshop Proposals:

We invite you to share your knowledge, skills and experiences with Richmond area teens.

The Richmond Peace Education Center will hold its 2017Youth Peace Summit on Saturday April 29, 2017, at St. Paul's Baptist Church--Southside Campus, 700 E Belt Blvd., Richmond, VA 23223. The summit will feature 90-minute breakout workshops for groups of about 12-15 teen participants. Morning workshops will be scheduled from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Afternoon workshops are scheduled from 2 -3:30 p.m. We invite you to propose a workshop to offer at the event.

The summit will emphasize cooperation and collaboration among Metro Richmond’s diverse populations of young people. We are particularly interested in receiving proposals focused on: youth community organizing; reducing gun violence; juvenile justice reform; Black/Latino and interracial unity; racial justice in Richmond; Richmond’s rich African-American history; building healthy relationships; Spoken word poetry or other arts for social change; and increasing educational and economic opportunities for metro Richmond youth.

Proposals promoting teen leadership, or positive self-expression through the arts are also welcome. In past years, sessions on performing arts, writing, cooking and improvisational comedy have generated substantial interest among participants. All workshops should be be active and participatory.

To promote youth leadership, we encourage you to include young people as leaders or co-leaders for each workshop. (We may be able to identify a youth co-leader from among our RYPP members if you are unable to recruit one.)

Please answer the questions below and return to the Richmond Youth Peace Project by email (preferred) or U.S. mail by March 10, 2017. RYPP youth will read and help evaluate proposals the following week, and we'll notify you of the results soon thereafter.

Please email or call 232-1002 if you have any questions. Thank you very much for volunteering to be a part of this event!


Name of Workshop:

One paragraph description of what will take place during the session:

Workshop Leaders, with contact information—address, email, phone and cell phone:

Any relevant group affiliations for workshop leaders:

Previous experience (if any) of workshop leaders in offering training on this topic:

Scheduling preferences (morning or afternoon) if any:

Richmond Youth Peace Project: 232-1002

Richmond Peace Education Center, 3500 Patterson Ave., Richmond VA 23221