The Municipal Commissioner of Greater Mumbai
Mahapalika Marg,
MUMBAI - 400001
Sub: Exemption for payments of Octroi under the provision
of exemption of Octroi (Immediate exportation rules 1965)
We, M/s. having
Phone No.Fax No.
do hereby agree and undertake as under.
Where as we are importer of the consignment covered under CustomsImport Bill of entry/Air Consignment note No. dt. requested the Municipal Commissioner of Greater Mumbai to claim the exemption from payments of Octroi under the provision of Exemption of Octroi (Immediate Exportation) Rules, 1965.
AND WHEREAS The Municipal Commissioner of Greater Mumbai has agreed to grant the permission on giving undertaking hereinafter appearing.
1.We, M/s. hereby agree and declare that the articles covered and import documents and declared in form N are not imported for the purpose of consumption, use or sale.
2. We hereby undertake to abide the provision of the exemption Rules.
3. We agree and undertake that we shall tender the articles so exempted under "N' Form at the place of export and reserve the certified copies there of for submission to the Municipal office as and when required for Exemption.
4. We hereby further agree and undertake that we shall pay Octroi on the articles so exempted under "N' Form in case we fail to observe the contents as mentioned in clause 3 in above forthwith on demand by the Dy. Assessor & Collector (Octroi) in writing.
5. We hereby further agree and undertake that in the event we failed to pay the Octroi so demanded by the Dy. Assessor and Collector (Octroi) the Municipal Commissioner and/or the Dy. Assessor and Collector (Octroi) shall be at liberty to refuse the clearance for our consignments to be imported till the demand is made good by us.
The undertaking is binding upon us, administrators/successors and assigns.
Dated ThisDay of 2009