Nominations for CEA Executive Board

The CEA Executive Board provides direction for the organization and represents the interests of the membership. CEA needs active individuals to provide this valuable input to continue offering services that meet the needs and interests of our membership. It is time to begin the process of selecting a Secretary. This officer will serve a two-year term on the Executive Board. Once elected, the Secretary must become a member of the American Correctional Association (ACA) and agree to attend all meetings of the CEA Executive Board.

Written consent from the nominee is required before his/her name is placed on the ballot. Nominations must be received by January 9, 2018. Nominees must provide written consent, bio (maximum or 75 words) and picture by January 16, 2018. Election ballots will be mailed January 30, 2018 to all eligible voters. Returned ballots must be postmarked by February 20, 2018.


Communication is the primary role of the Secretary. The Secretary maintains and distributes the official record of the Executive Board activities, most specifically the minutes of the Board meetings. The Secretary must attend all the meetings of the Executive Board and take minutes of all the meetings of the Executive Board. The Secretary disseminates the meetings to all the Executive Board members and others as designated. The Secretary is the Chair of the Awards Committee. In the event the office of the Executive Director becomes vacant, the Secretary maintains the CEA correspondence and archives. The Secretary assists that Executive Director in maintaining and updating the Policy and Procedure Manual and serves on the Policy and Procedure Committee.

As you can see from the job description, this position plays an integral role in representing the CEA membership ensuring that organization meets their needs and interests. Everyone has something valuable to contribute to CEA. The election process is a wonderful way to get involved with your organization.

Nomination Form

Position: ________________________________________________________________

Name: __________________________________________________________________

Complete Address: ___________________________________________________________

Phone No: _____________________________ Fax No:__________________________

Email address: ___________________________________________________________

Nominator: Please provide your name and contact information:

Name: __________________________________________________________________

Complete Address: ________________________________________________________

Phone No: _____________________________ Fax No: _________________________

Email Address: ___________________________________________________________

Nominations may be mailed, faxed, or emailed to the CEA office.

The deadline for receipt of all nominations is JANUARY 9, 2018.

CEA Nominations

PO Box 3430

Laurel, MD 20709

Phone: 443-459-3080 Fax: 443-459-3088
