Quaker Meeting House / Bristol
TBC / London
Mary Sumner House
Please complete this form and returnif you wish to attend one of the above learning workshops.Spaces are limited so please register to one event only. Bookings will be accepted on a first come first served basis; your place will only be reserved once you have returned a completed booking form to .
Delegate details:
Name: Job Title:
Organisation: Tel:
Which of the above events do you wish to attend? (For tick box selection, please double click and select “checked”)
Sheffield: Bristol: London:
What role do you play within the catchment based approach?
Partnership host: Partnership member: EA Catchment Coordinator: Other (please state):
How would you rate your experience/ knowledge of the following?
Project delivery - / Low: / Medium: / High:Project monitoring and evaluation - / Low: / Medium: / High:
Securing funding - / Low: / Medium: / High:
Please state what you hope to learn by attending this learning workshop:
Are you planning to attend the CaBA mentoring drop in session at the end of the day?
Yes: No:
If yes, please bring any relevant information with you.
Are you a member of the River Restoration Centre? Yes No
To become a member please visit our websitehere or contact the Centre on 01234 752979.
Do you have any specific dietary needs? (Please state):
How will you be travelling to the venue? (Please state):
Please return your Booking form to:
Please tick if you would NOT like to receive further emails from the River Restoration Centre?
(This includes our monthly bulletin and details of conferences, training courses or site visits on river restoration related topics)
theRiver Restoration Centre is a non-profit organisation working to restore & enhance our rivers
Incorporated in England and Wales with limited liability. Company Number 2904139