Integrate math and science: Use graphing calculators to collect and analyze data!!!!! Join us on WakeForest’s campus for a two-day workshop for high school science and math teachers. Led by staff from Science House at N.C.State, this workshop will help you get the most out of your students’ calculators AND show you how they can be used to collect science experiment data!
Where: WFU’s Salem Hall
When: June 8 & 9,9AM-2:45PM
Why: Integrate science and math, improve your teaching, new activities, $150 stipend, 1.0 technology renewal credits.
June 8: Introduction to the TI-83 (+) Graphing Calculator
This workshop is for teachers who would like to learn the capabilities of the TI-83 or TI-83 Plus graphing calculator and how it can be used (without the CBL) in the math and science classroom. Activities will include analyzing graphs, data collection and manipulation, and basic statistics.
June 9: Using Calculator-Based Laboratory (CBL) Equipment
to Teach Math and Science
Graphing calculators and calculator-based laboratory equipment are great tools for teaching integrated math and science. They promote inquiry learning and are relatively inexpensive. This introductory workshop covers the basics of using this equipment. Participants learn to use CBL to explore a variety of science topics. Labs and activities are designed for students of all abilities and complement the NRC’s National Science Standards. This workshop can be taught with CBLs, CBL2s, or Vernier LabPros.
This workshop has limited attendance and will fill on a rolling basis! Please fax this form ASAP to Angela King (fax 758-4656) to reserve your space. Teachers who register for both dayswill be given top priority.
Check the day(s) you will attend.
Introduction to the TI-83 (+) Graphing Calculator,June 8 9AM-2:45PM
Using Calculator-Based Laboratory (CBL) Equipment to Teach Math and Science, June 9 9AM-2:45PM
Please register me and fax me a confirmation letter.. I understand that if the workshop is already filled, I will receive a fax saying that my name has been put on a waiting list. * Please complete ALL information below. Communication will be by fax or email.
Name: / School:Email: / The subject you teach the most:
Work Fax: / Work Phone:
Home street address / Home phone number
City, / Zipcode
Principal’s Signature:School:
* Teachers will be given 45 minutes for lunch. Teachers who sign up are expected to arrive on time and stay for the entire workshop to qualify for a stipend. Teachers accepted into the workshop will receive an electronic confirmation before May 15th.
Questions? Contact Angela King at
Complete and return this form ASAP by fax to: Angela King
The workshop will fill on a rolling basis!!!! Department of Chemistry
Fax 758-4656