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Student Team Job Assignments

Assign each student within the team to a job. Jobs codes on the Class List / Team Assignment Form are shown next to the jobs listed below. Students keep their assigned job for the entire STARBASE Academy.

CS / Communications Specialist:
Reports team information.
Skills: Good oral communication skills. / PS / Payload Specialist
Keeps supply cart and team area clean.
Skills: Organization and neatness. Ability to ensure other team membersmaintain a neat workspace.
NS / Navigation Specialist
Keeps time and keeps team on task.
Skills: Organization; good at staying on task and ability to keep others on task. / MS / Mission Specialist
Manages supplies.
Skills: Ability to follow directions and be responsible for supplies.
DS / Data Specialist
Records information on paper & computer.
Skills: Basic computer skills, good written communication skills and legible handwriting. / TS / Training Specialist
Makes sure team understands and follows directions.
Skills: Ability to read, understand, and follow directions, and ensure others do the same.

Student Call Sign Suggestions

Call Signs are entered next to the student name on the Class List / Team Assignment Form. Students should choose their own call sign. Teachers should ensure all call signs are appropriate. Students keep their chosen call signfor entire STARBASE academy.

Category / Ideas to Think About / Category / Ideas to Think About
Flight / Names of airplanes or helicopters
Parts of airplanes or helicopters
Famous pilots; Aviation careers
Words related to aviation/flight
Movies/games related to aviation/flight
Things that fly / Technology / Technological innovations
Word related to technology/computers
Careers in technology
Famous people/inventors
Movies/games about technology
Space / Planets/galaxies/stars/solar system
Things in space
Movies/games about space
Astronauts/space careers / Math & Science / Mathematicians/scientists
Words related to math/science
Careers in math/science
Movies/games related to math/science
Hobbies / Your future career/what you want to do
Sports- positions; teams; players
Hobbies- things you like to do
Titles- Military rank, professional titles, etc. / About You / A nickname you already have that you would like to be called
Something that describes you or your personality

L:\Academy Information\Academy Prep\School Packet Forms\11-12 School Packet Forms\11-Team Jobs ~ Call Sign Guidelines.Docx