TACNIGP Board Meeting
4:00 PM, Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Panera Bread- Blair Stone and Park
Call to Order - Donna Smith
Roll Call–Donna Smith, President; Dalphine Clack, Secretary; Diana Trahan, Web Master;Sharita Newman, Treasurer; Denise Roberts, House Committee Chair; Gloria Dixon, Board Member; Shelley Kelly, President Elect; Jessie Moseley, Board Member; Greg Hill, Board Member; Claudia Cooper, Board Member; Brenda Wells, Board Member and Earl Campos, Board Member.
Jessie stated the things to do were great in the Newsletter.
Approval of (November) Board Minutes – November Board minutes in the newslettermotion, second and approved.
Officers - Reports
- President – Next Chapter Meeting December 8, Holiday Party, Donna willswear in the New Board and Officers at the Capital City Country Club. Our charities are: Tallahassee Police Department, Toys for Children in Crisis and cash donations. Please encourage everyone to participate.
- Vice President – Vacant, No Report
- Treasurer - Checking - $6,691.28, Savings $110,032.01
- Secretary– No report – minutes emailed to Donna.
- Pro-D - Absent
Committee Reports
- RTS – Co-Chair and Claudia Cooper and Sharita Newman. Claudia spoke about the show with a print out and a floor plan, and it will be a passport.
- Education & Prof. Development Committee –December Chapter meeting will be a social event and will network.
- Membership Committee –Diana stated 27 people have signed up for the luncheon. Some people are having problems registering at the site. Diana will send out another notice about registering. If you have a problem registering, please clear out your bookmark and redo or check your browser.
- Volunteers Committee – Sharita will type the certificates of appreciation and the list for the RTS Show; Donna will do the committeeslist of names of the volunteers for RTS event. Earl mention when he registered for the luncheon to pay, his P Card was compromised, wanted the Board to know. Diana encouraged everyone to update your profile to keep it current.
Old Business
- Menu for the December 8 Holiday Party. Sharita had the new menu, a few new items. No more 3 meat lasagna; now traditional. The Country Club have no holiday menu and the menu selection is different. We discussed two meats: roasted pork tenderloin and chicken cordon bleu were approved. We voted to have ice creamfor dessert; price $1.00. Sharita will contact the Country Club concerning the dessert. They have different cakes: lemon $1.50 per person, cheese cake $3.00 per person, red velvet (specialty). Donna presented a motion to renew the contract with County Club for 2016. Have to sign the contract in December.
- The Country Club is charging $50.00 for the room and discounted it for us; the meals are the same: 2 entrees, $14.95; 1 entrée, $12.95, cost for meals went up by $1.00. Can do 1 entrée for the buffet. No more vegetarian meals. The Country Club is only charging $50.00 because of our attendance numbers.
New Business
- The 2016 Reverse Trade Show has been scheduled for April 12, 2016 at the FSU Alumni Center
- Center pieces for the Holiday Party – Brenda went shopping for gold and silver garlands. We will have eight (8) tables with a sparkly tree on each table, with red napkins and poinsettias.
Meeting adjourn