30th. Kleinmond
Pick ‘n’ Mix Alliance
102 Dave S. / Andre F. / Ian / Peter Ther.
94 Jon F. / Dave Rad. / Michel / Alan C.
88 Richard / Art / David N. / Geoff
80 Dave B. / Koos / Peter Thom. / Hugh
23rd. Kleinmond
59 (67) Gordon / Pierre (guest) / David N. / Alan S.
61 c/i (70) Richard / Dave Rad. / Michel / John C.
61 c/o (70) Art / Mike (guest) / John T. / Peter Thom.
61 c/o (70) Andre F. / Koos / Geoff / Alan C.
62 (70) Doug / Peter Ther. / Andrew (guest) / Hugh
63 (74) Dave S. / Jon F. / Dave B.
16th. Kleinmond
3 clubs + putter
Individual Stableford:
41 Ian; 39 Gordon; 38 Hugh; 36 Richard; 35 Art; 34 Jon F., Dave S., Alan S.; 32 Dave B.; 31 Koos; 30 Andre H.; 29 Doug; 28 Mannes, Alan C.; 27 John C., Michel, Morgan; 26 Sam, David N.; 24 Chris vZ.; 20 Keagan (guest); 19 Peter Thom.
48 Jon F. / Richard
47 Ian / Sam
45 Gordon / Peter Thom.
42 Andre H. / Hugh; Art / Alan S.
40 Dave S. / Doug
39 Jon F. / John C.; Koos / Dave B.
38 Doug / Michel
35 Mannes / Keagan; Morgan / Chris vZ.
33 David N. / Alan C
9th. Kleinmond
The Rest of the World team left Kleinmond with their tails between their legs after a comprehensive thrashing from the rampant Boks who won all but 2 of the pairings and cruised to a 22 point victory.
Luckily, the former were able to drown their sorrows and the latter to toast their success at the annual dinner and presentation gathering held later at Molteno’s in Onrus.
Dave Smith welcomed members and guests and reported on the year’s activities.
Membership has increased almost to the self-imposed limit and the number of games played in the year rose by nearly a quarter
2014 saw the milestone of R40.000 having been raised for charity since the DOGS began and this year’s beneficiary will be SOFCA. The money is raised through donations and sweepstakes but mainly at DOGSDINNERS – regular social events arranged by member Cruiser Thomas and his wife Angie who were thanked for their efforts.
Another great success of the year was a golfing tour to George which is now likely to become a regular event.
After the presentations, which included an unusual rendition of the SA national anthem, the group sat down to enjoy the Naked Chef’s cuisine and, of course, sampled the offerings from his bar.
RSA / ROWIan Newman / Louwtjie Kruger / 12 / V / Tony Jones / Geoff Crowther / 6
Dave Rade / Jon Forsyth / 12 / V / Dave Smith / Dave Brittain / 6
Andre Hattingh / Andre Franken / 9.5 / V / Peter Thomas / John Tunstall / 8.5
Gordon Wilson / Morgan O'Kennedy / 7 / V / Chris Martin / John Cheesbrough / 11
Mannes van Zyl / Brian Oosthuizen / 11.5 / V / David Naylor / Dave Robinson / 6.5
Sam Seal / Gary Wentzel / 11.5 / V / Alan Smith / Michel Maury / 6.5
Peter Theron / Pat Dewil / 8.5 / V / Doug Ross / Art Rae / 9.5
Hugh Frangs / Koos Roelofse / 11 / V / Mike Graham / Alan Calder / 7
TOTAL 83 61
2nd. Kleinmond
Individual Stableford (Final Log) / 4BBB
Sporran McCalder took the honours with a magnificent 42 on a day which started out with ideal weather for the hardy Scot.
But many questions remained unanswered: Would Mr. Countback hold on to his place as log leader? Would the showers continue for all the round? Would Hanging Judge Robinson escape further ignominy? Should Frenchmen be allowed to drive golf carts?
NO – as his “hazy” George tour form continued; NO – oh ye of little faith in golfweather.com and DOGSBODY’s seaweed; NO – despite a worryingly improving performance; NO – they drive on the wrong side of the road and ‘andz are for steering not talking.
Stableford: 42 Alan Calder; 41 Hugh Frangs; 39 Mannes van Zyl; 36 Andre Franken, Ian Newman, Peter Theron; 35 Dave Brittain, Koos Roelofse; 34 Michel Maury; 33 Peter Thomas; 30 Jon Forsyth, Dave Smith; 28 Gary Wentzel; 27 Mike Graham, Pat Dewil; 25 Tony Jones; 24 Dave Robinson
4BBB: 50 Hugh Frangs / Michel Maury; 49 Alan Calder / Gary Wentzel; 48 Peter Theron / Mannes van Zyl; 44 Jon Forsyth / Andre Franken, Peter Thomas / Gary Wentzel; 42 Ian Newman / Dave Smith; 39 Pat Dewil / Koos Roelofse; 38 Mike Graham / Dave Brittain; 37 Mike Graham / Tony Jones; 34 Pat Dewil / Dave Robinson
26th. - 28th.
Player / KGC / GGC / MBGC / TotalAndre F. / 40 / 38 / 31 / 109
Dave Rad / 35 / 38 / 31 / 104
Michel / 31 / 37 / 34 / 102
Art / 32 / 31 / 27 / 90
Dave B. / 30 / 24 / 35 / 89
Chris / 24 / 30 / 33 / 87
Gordon / 22 / 31 / 33 / 86
Dave S. / 21 / 30 / 30 / 81
Doug / 30 / 24 / 27 / 81
David N. / 24 / 27 / 25 / 76
Alan S. / 21 / 32 / 22 / 75
Sam / 33 / 20 / 19 / 72
Jon F. / 32 / 19 / 17 / 68
Geoff / 23 / 16 / 28 / 67
Peter Thom. / 19 / 21 / 17 / 57
Dave Rob. / 15 / 14 / 20 / 49
25th. Kleinmond
Annual Medal
A Division
69 Mannes
71 Dave Rad.
72 Morgan
74 Peter Ther.
78 Art
79 Jon F.
80 Dave B., Andre F., John H.
83 Sam
N/R Gary, Gordon, Chris vZ.
B Division
71 Koos
73 Hugh
74 Pat
75 Ian, Chris M.
78 Geoff
81 John C., David N.
82 Tony J.
85 Robbo, Dave S.
87 Michel
89 John T.
98 Peter Thom.
18th. Kleinmond
Individual Stableford (Log) / Globular Sphericals Alliance
The DOGS spent Tuesday being chased round Kleinmond by a bunch of 36 Swedes – a vegetarian’s nightmare. The Swedes gave in after 9 though when the pack started to lap them – another disturbing image.
Mr. Jon Forsyth has temporarily been stripped of his official nickname after refusing yet again to undergo a countback.
Regrettably, Mr Halifax had his birthday celebrations marred by yet another battery malfunction.
The inaugural Globular Sphericals Alliance was won by Cruiser, Laser, Desert Storm and Morse although the Inspector couldn’t quite figure out the MO.
42 Jon Forsyth; 39 Art Rae; 37 Alan Smith, John Cheesbrough; 36 Morgan O’Kennedy, Dave Smith, Peter Theron; 35 Andre Franken, Koos Roelofse; 33 Dave Brittain, Alan Calder; 32 Mannes van Zyl, Ian Newman, Louwtjie Kruger; 31 Gary Wentzel; 30 Chris Martin, Peter Thomas; 29 Peter Sulley; 27 David Naylor, Dave Rade, Gordon Wilson, Sam Seal, Vic vd Westhuizen; 26 Geoff Crowther; 24 Dave Robinson, John Tunstall; Also ran: Keith Gillott
11th. Hermanus
Individual Stableford (Log) / Landlord’s Cup
It is hard to think of a logical reason why the scores were so high on Tuesday. Is the Hermanus course getting easier? Is the standard of DOGS’ golf getting better? Is there a concerted effort to get handicaps down before the big end-of-year fixture? No logic there then.
The Countback King won again without the need of a countout and so had nothing (much) to moan about, closing the gap at the top of the log to just 5 points with 2 to play.
Hanging Judge Robinson wants to see the catering staff as there must have been something in his half-way sandwich to account for his back 9 performance.
The Landlord’s Cup, a blind pairs competition (or the blind leading the blind in some cases) was won by Biggles and The Prof.
40 Jon Forsyth; 38 Fred Garrett, Louwtjie Kruger; 37 Chris Martin, Dave Rade; 36 Morgan O’Kennedy, Andre Hattingh, Koos Roelofse, Andre Franken; 35 Dave Brittain, Alan Smith; 34 Dave Smith, Tony Jones, Peter Sulley, Ian Newman, Peter Theron; 33 Hugh Frangs; 30 John Horobin, Gordon Wilson, John Tunstall; 29 Sam Seal, David Naylor; 27 John Cheesbrough; 26 Geoff Crowther, Mannes van Zyl, Art Rae; 25 Gary Wentzel, Pat Dewil; 24 Peter Thomas; 20 Dave Robinson
Landlord's Cup 2014Position / Player 1 / Points / Player 2 / Points / Total
1 / Koos / 36 / Louwtjie / 38 / 74
2 / Tony J. / 34 / Dave Rad. / 37 / 71
3 / Hugh / 33 / Peter Ther. / 34 / 67
4 / David N. / 29 / Chris M. / 37 / 66
5= / Gary / 25 / Jon F. / 40 / 65
5= / Gordon / 30 / Alan S. / 35 / 65
7= / John T. / 30 / Ian / 34 / 64
7= / Fred / 38 / Geoff / 26 / 64
7= / John H. / 30 / Peter S. / 34 / 64
10 / Morgan / 36 / John C. / 27 / 63
11 / Mannes / 26 / Andre F. / 36 / 62
12 / Andre H. / 36 / Peter Thom. / 24 / 60
13 / Dave S. / 34 / Pat / 25 / 59
14= / Robbo / 20 / Dave B. / 35 / 55
14= / Sam / 29 / Art / 26 / 55
28th. Kleinmond
Individual Stableford (Log) / 4BBB
Thanks to 2 ideas from Mr. Bojangles (who incidentally owns 2 pubs) the DOGS have now started playing 2 different competitions each week.
As if hitting one ball is not difficult enough, some of the more intellectually challenged thought that hitting 2 balls and filling in 2 cards would overcomplicate matters. It will make things even worse when the 2 competitions are played on 2 different courses.
There were even 2 winners of the main event with Mr. Security just pipping The Star of David - counted in on the last hole (pity it wasn’t the last 2). He also shared the 4BBB with Enzo van Zyl making it 2 trophies in a day.
New boy Deon the Jolly Green Giant was in double trouble.
Stableford: 42 John Tunstall, Dave Rade; 39 Andre Franken, Alan Smith, Mannes van Zyl; 38 Art Rae, Jon Forsyth; 37 Vic vd Westhuizen; 36 Ian Newman; 35 Peter Theron, John Cheesbrough, Gary Wentzel; 33 Koos Roelofse; 32 Hugh Frangs, Peter Thomas; 31 Fred Garrett, Dave Smith; 29 Michel Maury, Trevor Vaughan, Gordon Wilson; 28 John Horobin, Sam Seal; 27 David Naylor; 26 Dave Robinson; 18 Deon Pheiffer
4BBB: 51 John Tunstall/Mannes van Zyl; 47 Vic vd Westhuizen/Peter Theron; 46 Andre Franken/Fred Garrett, Andre Franken/Dave Robinson, Dave Smith/Dave Rade, Alan Smith/Gary Wentzel; 45 Ian Newman/Peter Theron; 43 Hugh Frangs/John Horobin, Michel Maury/Art Rae; 42 Koos Roelofse/Peter Thomas, Jon Forsyth/Dean Pheiffer; 42 John Cheesbrough/John Horobin; David Naylor/Sam Seal; 35 Trevor Vaughan/Gordon Wilson
21st. Hermanus
Individual Stableford (Log)
It was a day for the DOGS at Hermanus when history was made in so many ways:
- the Countback King came first without the need of a countout;
- the Naked Chef acquired a new surname and therefore signed for the wrong player;
- Judge Robinson, unlike Oscar, avoided being put away and only got a suspended sentence;
- Mr. Bojangles, who has never won the trophy nor the hat now has one out of two.
And just to correct the historical record, The Ex-Pole-Dancer was disturbed that his display of petulance last week was misrepresented here – in fact he also threw his toys out of the pram on the 10th. tee. By way of an apology he has asked that we publish the following statement: “Something nice about me”.
37 Jon Forsyth; 36 Andre Franken, John Tunstall; 35 Michel Maury, Peter Theron; 34 Alan Smith; 33 Mannes van Zyl, Dave Rade; 32 Peter Thomas, Gordon Wilson (Watson); 31 Dave Smith, Alan Calder; 29 John Horobin, John Cheesbrough, Hugh Frangs; 28 David Naylor; 27 Johan (guest); 26 Art Rae, Chris van Zyl, Gary Wentzel, Pat Dewil; 25 Peter Sulley; 23 Dave Robinson; 21 Sam Seal
14th. Kleinmond
Individual Stableford (Log)
The Naked Chef was cooking with gas on a glorious day at Kleinmond. He produced the dish of the day with a tasty 41 and, to round things off, put the icing on the cake by winning the weekly sweepstake.
The Ex-Pole-Dancer got himself into a bit of a stew with his in-flight catering – he didn’t cater for his flying clubs getting stuck in a tree.
Back on the ground, there was a bake-off for last place between Cruiser Thomas and Mr. Halifax. Cruiser’s Eton Mess couldn’t compete and Mr. Halifax became the day’s Yorkshire Pudding.
41 Gordon Wilson; 39 Jon Forsyth, Peter Theron; 35 Dave Smith; 34 Hugh Frangs, Ian Newman; 33 John Cheesbrough, Mannes van Zyl; 32 Mike Graham; 31 John Tunstall; 30 Tony Hackett, Dave Rade; 28 Pat Dewil, Art Rae; 27 Andre Franken; 24 Trevor Vaughan; 22 Peter Thomas, David Naylor
7th. Kleinmond
Individual Stableford (Log)
With the shooting of so many surprisingly high scores on Tuesday there was a feeling of playing in the middle of Bandit Territory rather than peaceful Kleinmond.
The usual suspects kept their heads down for a change and it was left to the Three Amigos - Pedro Theron, Gaucho Rade and Poncho Wentzel – to fight it out to the death. Poncho won it after recounting his spoils.
Sheriff Robinson stood little chance against these odds.
39 Gary Wentzel, Peter Theron, Dave Rade; 37 David Naylor; 36 John Cheesbrough, Ian Newman; 35 Dave Smith, Tony Hackett; 33 Gordon Wilson, Trevor Vaughan, Andre Franken; 32 Hugh Frangs, Jon Forsyth; 31 John Tunstall; 28 Mike Graham, Mannes van Zyl, Peter Thomas, Sam Seal; 24 Pat Dewil; 23 Keagan Seal (guest); 19 Dave Robinson
30th. Kleinmond
Individual Stableford (Log)
It was a day of anomalies, surprises, ups and downs, swings, roundabouts and, it appears, clichés.
The greens still had more sand than the bunkers and longer grass than the fairways but the scores were good nonetheless.
The weather stayed mainly dry despite the conditions across the bay and the pessimism of some forecasters (and DOGS!).
Clever Trevor emerged from his recent slump to soar to victory. Huge slumped from his recent soar and just avoided last place thanks to the wonders of timing and arithmetic. Pat of the Bushveld sloped off with his tail between his legs.
39 Trevor Vaughan; 38 Andre Franken; 37 Alan Smith, Jon Forsyth; 36 Gordon Wilson, Ian Newman; 35 John Cheesbrough; 34 Tony Hackett, John Tunstall; 32 Peter Theron; 30 Gary Wentzel, Fred Garrett; 29 Dave Smith; 24 Peter Thomas; 23 Hugh Frangs, Pat Dewil