Alpha Kappa Alpha, Incorporated.

Delta Theta Omega Chapter

2014-2015 Culturama Program


Fundraising Campaign

Informational Sheet


Culturamites, Parentsand Sponsors

The Four Levels of Giving are:

  • Platinum ($75 and above)
  • Golden ($74 - $50)
  • Silver ($49 - $25)
  • Bronze (below $24-below)

All seniors must participate in the fund raiser. Seniors must have raised at least $200

(minimum supporter funds must be turned by August 2, 2014) to participate in the program for 2014-2015, apply for awards and scholarships sponsored by the local chapter, participate in the Culminating Event Saturday, May 2, 2015, and be included

in the commemorative booklet. All Culturamites must earn at least 20 documented community service hours.

FundraisingSupporters will be recognized in the commemorative booklet on each Culturamite’s supporterponsor- page. You P(your parents) will be required to sign off on your biographical sketch/photo pages and supporter’s page(s) as it will appear in the commemorative booklet for accuracy, completeness and spelling.

All seniors must have at least 20 hours of documented community service hours and raises at least $200 to participate in the Culminating Event Saturday, May 3, 2014, and be included in the commemorative booklet.

Personal checks, money orders, and cashier’s checks should be made payable to AKA Culturama Program and include your name on the “for/memo” line. The amount of money you turn in must match your list(s) of FundraisingSupporters. We will not accept names without the accompanying money and supporters list. Please type and email supporters list to or print clearly. Maintain 2 hard copies- 1 copy for your records and the other should accompany your donations.

Deadline for turning in your minimum $200 and Culturama Fee ($75) is August 2, 2014. AlldditionalFundraisingSupporter funds can be turned in: onSunday, March 9, 2014. You may also submit funds the first Saturday of each month beginning in August until December, February 1, 2014,; and at each Culturama monthly meeting beginning Sunday, August 17, 2014; Sunday, February 16, 2014; Saturday, MarchSeptember 2 1, 2014; and Thursday, March 6, Sunday, October 19, 2014; Sunday, November 16, 2014;and December 21, 2014. Notification will be given if meeting dates change.prior to the deadline. Times will be announced at the Parent Meeting. If possible, additional dates for turning in money will be announced.

The winner, Mr. or Miss. Culturama, will be the senior who raises the most fFundraisingsSupport funds by the Sunday, December 21,March 9,2014 deadline, and in addition meet all attendance requirements and have completed and submitted at least 20 hours of documented community service by February 22, 2015..

Your biographical sketchandphotos awere due on or beforeSaturdMay, February 1 28, 2014. If you have not completed your bio, please do so as soon as possible so that you remain eligible for the cover contest. The bio and photos should be typed and emailed to Mrs. Sylvia Williams at . . No handwritten or hardcopy bios will be accepted, they must be submitted in electronic form. An electronic template will be provided to you.

You (your parents) will be required to sign off on your biographical sketch/photo page and supporter’s page as it will appear in the commemorative booklet for accuracy, completeness and spelling.