Please fill in the shaded areas and save the document to your hard drive. E-mail the saved document to
Locator file name: / TorontoKapurUniversity name and researcher’s surname; no spaces
Writer: / Teresa D’andrea
Agency: / SSHRC
Discipline: / Mental and Behavioural Disorders
Chair is at: / University of Toronto
Researcher’s first name: / Adam
Researcher’s surname: / Kapur
Researcher’s phone number: / (416) 346-4484
For overseas numbers, please use the format 011 123 456 7890 with no hyphens
e-mail: /
Tier: / 1
Start date: / mm/dd/year
Researcher’s Web site address: /
If applicable.
Research’s (or institutions) social media accounts / @CRC_CRC
If applicable.
Research involves: / Using imaging technology to uncover brain disorders
Short—less than 25 words—description of the research
Research relevance: / This research will lead to the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic tools.
Short—less than 25 words—description of the importance of the research and how it will benefit Canadians
Coming to Canada from: / Harvard University, USA
Only fill out this section if the chairholder is coming from an institution outside of Canada.
Chairholder title: / Canada Research Chair in Imaging Technologies
Use same chairholder title as in the nomination form.
Story title: / Unlocking the Mystery of Schizophrenia
The title should be short and creative.
Story: / 250 words, 4-5 short paragraphs
· Profiles are written for a general audience. Please avoid jargon. Explain technical terms in plain English.
· Introductory paragraphs must be short and engaging. Demonstrate the importance of the research by tying it to real-life problems, situations. Use statistics, where relevant.
Sample introductions
1. Before Catherine Hayward’s work, Quebec families who share a rare and often fatal bleeding disorder didn’t know what was causing their illness—or even what they suffered from.2. Thanks to Dr. Joel Smith, the old adage “You are what you eat” may soon have more scientific backing.
3. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in men. Each year, 20,000 new cases are diagnosed and about 4,000 men die from the disease.
· Other paragraphs should flesh out the research. What is the chairholder doing? How? Why is it important?
· Finally, the conclusion should describe how the research will be applied.
Sample conclusions
1. The relevance for the medical community and patients is undisputed. This research will lead to the development of pharmacological and other types of biofilm inhibitors, and could eventually result in a vaccine which would prevent biofilm growth.
2. The answers that Professor Fortin's team provides may completely change the way we look at social programs and transform the nature of public debate on these issues.
Remember that profiles stay on the Web site for a long time. Therefore avoid using expressions like “new Chairholder” or “recently appointed” which date the text. This precaution also applies when mentioning a position that a Chairholder occupies at the time you write the profile, but which he or she may no longer occupy a year or more later (e.g., “director of XYZ research centre” or “member of ABC institute”).