Global Vocabulary Definitions
Please match the term with the correct definition. Good luck.
_____1.AnimismA. Muhammad's flight from Mecca to Medina in 622 AD
_____ 2. KarmaB. the belief that every living and nonliving thing in nature has a spirit
_____ 3. HijiraC. fine handwriting
_____ 4. CalligraphyD. in Hinduism, all the actions of a person's life that affect existence in
the next life
_____ 5. LiteracyE. the ability to read and write
_____ 6. AutocratA. a single leader with complete authority
_____ 7. ArmisticeB. agreement to end fighting
_____ 8. DespotC. leader with total power and control
_____ 9. EmpireD. native to a country or region
_____ 10. IndigenousE. a group of states or territories governed by one ruler
_____ 11. CartographerA. earth-centered, theory that the earth is the center of the universe
_____ 12. DesertificationB. the changeover of arable land into desert
_____ 13. DeforestationC. destruction of forests, especially tropical rainforests
_____ 14. GeocentricD. mapmaker
_____ 15. HeliocentricE. sun-centered, theory that the sun is the center of the universe
_____ 16. BlitzA. massive bombing
_____ 17. EpidemicB. an outbreak of disease that spreads quickly and affects a large
number of people
_____ 18. MilitarismC. the glorification of military power
_____ 19. FactoryD. place in which workers and machines are brought together to
produce large quantities of goods
_____ 20. GenocideE. attempt to destroy an entire ethnic or religious group
_____21.MonotheisticA. in Hinduism, the rebirth of the soul into a new body
_____ 22. PolytheisticB. belief in one god
_____ 23.Qu'ran (Koran)C. Holy book of Islam
_____ 24.ReincarnationD. within the Ottoman Empire, a religious community of non-Muslims
_____ 25.MilletE. belief in more than one god
_____ 26. NationalismA. payment for war damages
_____ 27. NeutralB. a feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country, patriotism
_____ 28. PogromC. grassy plain
_____ 29. SavannaD. violent attack on a Jewish community
_____ 30. ReparationsE. not supporting either side in a conflict
_____ 31. MatriarchalA. overabundance of people in a region or country that lacks sufficient
resources to adequately provide for them
_____ 32. PatriarchalB. family order in which the mother or oldest female heads the
_____ 33. NeolithicC. the period of human culture characterized by the development of a
system of settled agriculture, also called the New Stone Age
_____ 34. PollutionD. contamination of the environment including air, water and soil
_____ 35. OverpopulationE. family order in which the father or oldest male heads the household
_____ 36. PharaohA. ruler of ancient Egypt
_____ 37. SamuraiB. member of the warrior class in Japanese feudal society
_____ 38. RefugeeC. person who flees his or her homeland to seek safety elsewhere
_____ 39. NomadD. person who moves from place to place in search of food
_____ 40. MonasteryE. community where men or women focus on spiritual goals
_____41.CapitalismA. the rise of and movement of people to cities
_____42.CommunismB. the process of adopting western ways (western Europe/North American)
_____ 43. AgribusinessC. large commercial farm owned by a multinational corporation
_____ 44. UrbanizationD. economic system in which the means of production are privately
owned and operated for profit
_____ 45. WesternizationE. economic system in which the means of production are owned by the
government for the benefit of all the people
_____ 46. TorahA. the sacred scriptures of Christianity
_____ 47.UntouchablesB. the most sacred scriptures of Judaism
_____ 48. BibleC. within the ancient Indian caste system, outcasts who lived harsh lives
_____ 49. SecularD. having to do with worldly rather than religious matters
_____ 50. ZionismE. movement dedicated to the building of a Jewish state in Palestine
_____ 51. AbsolutismA. permanent split
_____ 52. SchismB. the right to vote
_____ 33. SuffrageC. political system in which autocratic rulers have complete authority
over the government and the lives of the people in their nation
_____ 54. BureaucracyD. in medieval Europe, peasant bound to the lord's land
_____ 55. SerfE. system of managing government through departments run by
appointed officials
_____ 56. TerraceA. a flat area of land on a steep hillside
_____ 57. TechnologyB. South African Government policy calling for the separation of the
_____ 58. ApartheidC. tools and skills people use to meet their basic needs
_____ 59. BushidoD. code of conduct for samurai during the feudal period in Japan
_____ 60. TerrorismE. the deliberate use of unpredictable violence, especially against
civilians, especially against civilians to gain revenge or achieve political goals
_____61.Coup d'etatA. leader with total power and control
_____ 62. DictatorB. social, political and economic system where land and protection is
exchanged for service and loyalty
_____ 63. DynastyC. ruling family
_____ 64. FeudalismD. a revolt by a small group intended to overthrow a government
_____65. FascismE. the rule of a people by a dictatorial government that is nationalistic
and imperialistic
_____ 66. ExcommunicationA. large farm owned and operated by workers as a group
_____ 67. EnclosureB. process of taking over and fencing off land once shared by peasant
_____ 68. CollectiveC. to exclude from the Roman Catholic Church as a penalty for refusing
to obey church laws
_____ 69. ContainmentD. "openness", relaxation of censorship in the Soviet Union under
_____ 70. GlasnostE. Cold War policy that involved limiting communism to areas already
under Soviet control
_____ 71. DesertA. dry barren land
_____ 72. DiasporaB. set of beliefs held by those who want to preserve traditional ways
_____ 73. ChivalryC. the code of conduct followed by knights during the Middle Ages
_____ 74. ConservatismD. a scattering of people, as when the Jewish people were forced to
leave their homeland in Palestine
_____ 75. CivilizationE. community characterized by elements such as a system of writing,
development of social classes and cities
_____ 76. HaikuA. a type of trade association of merchants or artisans that was active in
the middle ages
_____ 77. GuildB. form of Japanese poetry that expresses a feeling, thought or idea in
three lines, typically about nature
_____ 78. GothicC. style of European architecture characterized by pointed arches and
flying buttresses
_____ 79. CuneiformD. writing of Ancient Mesopotamia
_____ 80. GentryE. wealthy landowning class
_____81. ImperialismA. intellectual movement at the heart of the Renaissance that focused
on worldly subjects rather than religious ones
_____ 82. HumanismB. social, political, and economic domination of one country by another
_____ 83. LiberalismC. way of thinking that supports personal freedom, democracy and
_____ 84. ManorialismD. economic system structured around the lord's manor or estate
_____ 85. MercantilismE. economic policy where the mother country gets rich off of the colony
_____ 86. IconA. Holy image of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, or a saint of the Orthodox
Christian Church
_____ 87. KamiB. in Shintoism, the spirits in all living and nonliving things
_____ 88. PagodaC. Muslim house of worship
_____ 89. MosqueD. in Buddhism, perfect state of being, ends the cycle of reincarnation
_____ 90. NirvanaE. Buddhist temple with many levels and a roof that curves up at the
_____ 91. HellenisticA. type of culture, resulting from Alexander the Great's conquests that blended eastern and western influences
_____ 92. MedievalB. act of genocide by the Nazis during World War II in which more than 6 million Jews died
_____ 93. MonopolyC. uprising mounted by Palestinians in the occupied territories in 1987 and 2001
_____ 94. HolocaustD. another name for the period of the Middle Ages from about 500 to the middle of the 1400s
_____ 95. IntifadaE. complete control of a product or business by one person or group
_____ 96. KabukiA. form of Japanese drama developed in the 1600s
_____ 97. MissionaryB. person dedicated to spreading a religion
_____ 98. NonalignmentC. policy of not supporting either side in a conflict such as the Cold War
_____ 99. OligarchyD. government in which ruling power belongs to a few people
_____ 100. PatriarchE. the highest church official in the Orthodox Christian Church
_____101. Pan-AfricanismA. the unity of the African people and culture around the world
_____ 102. Pan- ArabismB. independent trade union formed in Poland in 1980 led by Lech Walesa
_____ 103. Pan-SlavismC. the unity of the Arab people and culture around the world
_____ 104. SolidarityD. attempt by Russian rulers to make all groups under Russian rule, think, act and believe as Russians
_____ 105. RussificationE. the unity of the Slavic people and culture around the world
_____ 106. PatricianA. member of the landholding aristocratic class in ancient Rome
_____ 107. PlebianB. the most powerful governing body of ancient Rome
_____ 108. SenateC. democratic system where people elect representatives
_____ 109. RepublicD. city-state in ancient Greece
_____ 110. PolisE. member of the farming, merchant, and artisan class in ancient Rome
_____ 111. SocialismA. political system in which a dictatorial government controls all aspects of life and disregards the rights of individuals
_____ 112. TotalitarianB. a smaller country that is economically or politically dependent on a more powerful country
_____ 113. PerestroikaC. economic system in which government owns and controls
businesses in the name of the people (think communism)
_____ 114. SatelliteD. the spreading of ideas to promote certain causes or to damage an opposing cause
_____ 115. PropagandaE. "restructuring" of the Soviet economy under Gorbachev to introduce free market practices
_____ 116.PlantationA. system of Islamic law
_____ 117. ShantytownB. area of shacks that grow up around a city that is experiencing rapid growth
_____ 118. ShariaC. Indian soldier serving in the army set up by the British East India company
_____ 119. SepoyD. large estate run by an owner or overseer
_____ 120. RenaissanceE. "rebirth" period of great cultural and artistic creativity and learning in Europe from 1300-1600