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Chapter 14: Take Charge of Your Career

True / False
1.Even with the normal anxiety caused by starting a new job, you can adjust successfully by maintaining your enthusiasm, eagerness to learn, and positive attitude.
a. / True
b. / False
2.Your inner confidence on the job is reflected in your verbal and nonverbal communication.
a. / True
b. / False
3.Employers typically provide all the equipment needed to do the job on the day that you arrive.
a. / True
b. / False
4.Your employer expects you to have the basic knowledge and skills to do the job, so you will not need additional training.
a. / True
b. / False
5.Many employers deliver annual performance evaluations. You can find out about performance evaluations when it’s time for your manager to give you yours.
a. / True
b. / False
6.You learned about the company’s mission, goals, and values before interviewing. Now that you are on the job, you should take time to understand how your job aligns with these.
a. / True
b. / False
7.It is more important to focus on learning the job than to spend time getting to know the people in the workplace.
a. / True
b. / False
8.If you don’t understand something, don’t let your manager know. Instead, you can impress her or him by trying to figure out everything on your own.
a. / True
b. / False
9.When given a task at work, it is good to ask for a description of what high-quality results look like.
a. / True
b. / False
10.If you already do what your immediate manager asks of you, there is no need to learn your manager’s personal work style preferences.
a. / True
b. / False
11.If, during your first few weeks on the job, you see a faster way to do your work, you should implement this change immediately.A “portfolio career” is a career made up of a variety of jobs and activities that capitalize on your strengths and let you earn an income.
a. / True
b. / False
12.A mentor is someone inside or outside your organization who can advise and coach you.
a. / True
b. / False
13.To avoid offending your mentor, never ask more than one person to mentor you.
a. / True
b. / False
14.It is best to hang out with people at work who are of similar age, race, and gender so that you can avoid diversity issues on the job.
a. / True
b. / False
15.Even though you are just starting on the job, it is never too early to put money into an IRA or tax plan, especially if it can reduce your income taxes.
a. / True
b. / False
16.To grow in your career, sometimes it is good to take a lateral move rather than always taking higher positions.
a. / True
b. / False
17.Most job roles require the same skills today as will be needed in 10 years, so there is no need to update your skills and knowledge through additional education or training.
a. / True
b. / False
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