
1. Five W’s Poem ---– At least 5

line 1 ―Who or what is the poem about? The ducks

line 2 ―What is he, she, or it doing? glide silently

line 3 ― When does this action take place? from morning ‘til night

line 4 ― Where does it take place? across the still pond

line 5 ― Why does it take place? watching their reflections.

2. Seasonal Haiku 5-7-5 ---– At least 5

line 1 ― 5 syllables Tiny seed is dropped―

line 2 ― 7 syllables Tender shoots burst from within.

line 3 ― 5 syllables Green arms reach skyward.

3. Acrostic Poem ---– At least 5

A short verse in which each letter Practice ! Practice ! Practice!

of the title is used as the initial letter It’s all my mother says.

for one line. As if more pounding will help the

Notes make sense,

Or turn noise into music.

4. Cinquain ---– At least 5

line 1 ― one word of two syllables (usually a noun, subject of poem) Earthworm―

line 2 ― four syllables (often two two-syllable adjectives about noun) wiggly, slimy,

line 3 ― six syllables (often three –ing words about line 1’s noun) Creeping, slinking, searching ―

line 4 ―eight syllables (a phrase about the noun in line 1) slithers silently on his way.

line 5 ― two syllable word (a word or two renaming noun from line 1) Slowpoke!

5. Diamante – Five line ---– At least 5

line 1 ― your first name Sarah

line 2 ― two adjectives that describe you Curious, athletic

line 3― three verbs that tell what you can do Explore, dance, learn

line 4 ― four adjectives that tell how you act or feel Confident, easy-going, good-humored, optimistic

line 5 ― your name again or your nickname Sarah

6. Diamante – Seven Line ---– At least 4

This form is written about two contrasting or opposite subjects and

makes a comparison between them by moving from one to the other.

line 1― one noun that names the first subject of the diamante Egg

line 2 ― two adjectives that describe the first subject (line 1) Tiny, blue

line 3 ― three –ing words that are related to the first subject (line 1) Rocking, cracking, exploding

line 4 ― four nouns: the first two related to the first subject; Nest, shell, beak, foot

other two to second subject (line 7)

line 5 ― three –ing words that are related to the second subject Squawking, gazing, shivering

line 6 ― tow adjectives that describe the second subject (line 7) Wide-eyed, feathery

line 7 ― one noun that names the second subject of the diamante Bird

7. Autobiographical Poem –1, about you

This poem type uses the poem’s author as the subject of wild, laughing green eyes

the poem. It includes an eight-step word and in a pale setting

phrase-gathering activity and the use of metaphors. a perky cat, ready to pounce

crazy,as a flash of lightning

listening, talking

lively, loud, courageous

I can brighten someone’s day.



a lost kitten

finds its mother

― Karis C.T. 6th Grade

8. Freeform ---– At least 5

One of the most common types of poetry, it follows no particular Ode to a Large Tuna in the Market/P. Neruda

pattern and often has no rhyming. Here,

among the market vegetables,

this torpedo

from the ocean


a missile

that swam,


lying in front of me


9. Shape Poems ---– At least 1

10. Pattern Poems ---– At least 5

There are many pattern poems and any pattern may be utilized. A-B-C-B Pattern

These poems should rhyme according to the pattern chosen. Roses are red (A)

Try for poems of at least 6 to 8 lines. Violets are blue, (B)

Sugar is sweet (C)

And so are you. (B)

11. Scene Poem of Shapes –---– At least 1

12. Bio-Poem – At least 2: one about you and one of other

Line 1 – First name

Line 2 --Three of person’s character traits

Line 3 -- Brother or sister of (or “An only child”)

Line 4 -- Lover of (3 people, things, or ideas)

Line 5 -- Who feels … (3 items about which you feel strong)

Line 6 -- Middle name

Line 7 -- Who needs (3 items you need)

Line 8 -- Who gives (3 items you share)

Line 9 – Who fears (3 things you fear)

Line 10 -- Would like to see… (any item, place, or person)

Line 11 --A resident of…. (town country, etc.)

Line 12 – Last name


Suave, debonair, sophisticated

Brother of SallyMae, JohnBoy, and Gnowski

Lover of pig’s feet, Ma and Pa, and NASCAR

Who feels the school year is too short, a basketball hoop is too high, and shirts are overrated


Who needs help on his homework, 2 ½ more friends, and a StingRay bike

Who gives laughter to his little sister, pencils to classmates, and time for Granny

Who fears kittens, lizards, and Tony the Tiger

Would like to see Elvis, an alien, and a blue whale

A resident of the fine state of California
