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Communicate information and ideasJamilah's work tools

Jamilah: Too much I have to know! / Jamilah used:
  • the decision tool
  • action plan.


I’m managing a complex part of the business and my staff ask me a wide range of operational questions. I need to develop networks with other team leaders and learn more about how the company works.

Up Front! Toolbox: Develop plans and schedules—Jamilah’s work toolsPage 1 of 3

© ANTA 2004

To save these work tools to your computer – pull down the File menu and choose Save As … and give it a file name of your choice

Decision tool

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© ANTA 2004

To save these work tools to your computer – pull down the File menu and choose Save As … and give it a file name of your choice

My action plan

Action plan to develop my networks

What I want to achieve
(Outcome) / How I will go about it
(Action) / Who I need to involve/ consult
(People) / What resources do I need
(Physical resources) / Finish by date
Identify networking opportunities / Look at various sections in the bank and make a list of potential networks / It’s up to me! / Bank’s intranet / Tuesday
Identify the people who can help / Make a list of people who could help me to learn more about the organisation / Me, and ask my manager for advice too / My PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) / Tuesday
Start to form a network inside the bank / Contact a key person and arrange to meet / Me (and my new contact hopefully!) / Phone or email / Wednesday


I’m pretty happy with my progress. The first step was working up the courage to approach Gemma and go to lunch with her and her friend.
I’ve learned more about the organisation, and it helps to talk to the other supervisors about how they handle staff issues — I don’t feel so alone now!
A couple of problems have come up where I’ve been able to talk to people in my network. They’ve had similar experiences and have been able to give me some good advice.
Talking to my manager helped too — she introduced me to a couple of senior managers and I think she liked that I was asking for her help and involving her!

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© ANTA 2004