The following policies were adopted over a period of years since 1985. The Board of Directors voted to affirm these policies at their regular meeting April 28, 1997, during the spring conference in Biloxi, MS.
1. The Board of Directors will have the discretion to waive the Southeast Regional Conference registration fee for the attendees whom CEFPI has granted Emeritus status on an annual basis. (Original 3/18/92) (Modified 1/8/11)
2. Reimburse the region’s representative to the international board, for extraordinary expenses related to serving on the international board, which are not reimbursed by CEFPI or the member’s employer. The regional board of directors may annually establish a maximum dollar amount. (Original 5/6/85) (Modified Reimbursement Policy 9/26/2009)
3. Waive the Southeast Regional Conference registration fee for the International President or International President-electand Executive Director. (Original 10/25/92) (Modified 1/8/11)
4. Established the “Thomas Morgan SE Planner of the Year Award” to be given annually. Subsequent to each Chapter’s Annual Conference the Chapter will forward their “Planner of the Year” or Chapter selected nominee to the SE Regional Board. Those nominees will compete for the SE-Region Planner of the Year selection at the following year SE-Region Annual Conference. The Regional Awards and Recognition committee, chaired by the Past President and consisting of all Chapter Governors, as a minimum, will select the winner via secret e-mail ballot coordinated with the International office. (Original 4/9/02) (Modified 6/3/2011) (Modified 3/8/12)
5. The membership funds received from CEFPI headquarters shall be used for regional membership development activities. Activities could include chapter development, membership campaigns, reimbursement of expenses incurred by the membership chair that are not reimbursed by the membership chair employer or CEFPI or any membership activity requested in writing authorized by the regional board of directors. (Original 4/04)
6. The Board of Directors adopted the Southeast Region Reimbursement Policy for all travel expense incurred in the execution of CEFPI Southeast Region business. (Original 9/26/09)
7. The CEFPI-SE Board will annually review region membership for potential nominees for the International Lifetime Achievement Award. Should the Board determine a member is eligible and whose body of work represents the standards established by International, the Board members will nominate that member for the award. The Regional Awards and Recognition committee, chaired by the Past President and comprised of the Chapter Governors as a minimum, will select the Regional nominee via secret e-mail ballot coordinated with the International office. (Original 3/8/12)