Phone Script – Incoming Calls
It’s a great day at CrossFit Los Angeles, this is (your name), may I help you?Name:
How did you happen to hear about us?
What have you heard about CrossFit?
Do you currently work out? If so, what do you do?
1-2 minute explanation of Petranek Fitness and CrossFit.
Since what we do is so different than any other fitness program, we start everyone out with an intro session.
60 minute – Complimentary – One-on-one – Learn About Our Program – Do A Sample Workout
We schedule our intros Monday through Friday, starting between 8:15am and 4:30pm. This is when the gym is most open and we can best show you our facility. Is there a particular day that works for you?
Day: / Time: / Instructor:
Great, (their name), I have you scheduled for (confirm day and time) on my calendar.
Let me get your number in case anything comes up and we need to contact you.
Phone number:
Also, let me get your email address so I can send you a confirmation and a map of how to find us and where to park.
If something changes and we need to re-schedule or cancel for any reason, we’ll let you know right away. Could you please do the same in return?
Plan on being here for about an hour – wear workout clothes, whatever you would normally wear to the gym. If you normally bring a towel and water, bring those, too.
I’m glad you called and we’ll see you (day).
Email sent the day after the intro session:
Hey XXX,
I wanted to take a moment to follow up with you after your intro session yesterday. I hope you've recovered from the Baseline workout (and that you're not too sore)! We suggest that you use your Baseline as a snapshot of your current fitness level, then try it again in a few months to see how you're progressing.
By the way, if you'd like to get a feel for what it's like to be in one of our CrossFit classes before you join, come in and try one out... on us. Give us a call and we'll steer you toward the right one!
I hope to see you back here as a member of our CrossFit LA community in the near future!
P.S. Here is a CrossFit workout you can try right at home... and for more ideas, check out our website at
50-40-30-20-10 rep roundsfor timeof:
Sit ups
(for an intermediate level, 40-30-20-10)
(for a beginner level, 30-20-10)
**btw - This means to complete 50 squats, 50 push ups and 50 sit ups (round 1), then 40 of each, etc. down to 10. And don't forget to use your stopwatch!**
Last email sent after an intro session (this is usually the 3rd attempt at correspondence – if the prospect has been unresponsive to calls and emails).
Hey there XXX--
I hope you are doing well today! I left a voicemail a while back, and I am just checking in to see if you had any questions about the CrossFit L.A. program, or if you decided whether or not it is the right program for you. Please let me know if you have any questions - you won't be receiving any other follow up emails or phone calls from me, but know that if you are interested, we are here whenever the time is right for you.
If you are interested in doing workouts, but the program doesn't work for you - be sure to check out our daily blog at We post workouts Monday through Friday here.
Take care,
Follow Up Calls to Member Guests:
This should not be a sales sounding call – just a friendly check in!
“Hello, this is ______(your name) from CrossFit LA, how are you doing today?”
“I know you came to a class with ______(member name) recently and I just wanted to check in and see how you enjoyed the class or what you thought about it?”
“Did you have any questions I could answer about the class or the program?”
If yes –
Answer questions or possibly schedule an intro if they are truly interested in learning more.
If no –
“Well, please let us know if you have any questions or want to learn more, we can be reached at 310-950-2660 or and I’m glad you had a good time in class!”
Outbound Calling:
Enrollment and Updates (Not Selling and Not Emails)
This is something that you might have to do from time to time... depending on the amount of signups that you have... It’s good to get used to it.
You must personally do this, or you must train someone to do it.
All people that you have phone numbers to (in your database) must be called in the next 60 days.
Reminder: You are calling from your database so these people should be familiar with your gym’s name
Sample Script:
“Hey______this is John Smith from Blah-Blah CrossFit and I just wanted to give you an update on our (new class schedule, new location, seminar we’re having). By the way how are things going with you?
(Listen to them, take notes)
(If they are still doing CrossFit workouts from time to time)
That’s great! Did you know we have a posting on our discussion forum that lists over 100 CrossFit workouts that require no equipment? If you’re near your computer I could walk you through finding it.
(If they are doing the zone)
That’s great! Did you know you could go to our discussion forum and see people who are zoning also? It’s a great way to... Let me walk you through it if you’re near your computer right now.”
Don’t mention coming back in unless THEY MENTION IT FIRST because you are just enrolling them in your philosophy that we are trying to “give the information away.”
Guaranteed they are not getting this type of call from their local Gold’s Gym.
General response to an email inquiry:
Hey *****--
Thanks for the inquiry! How did you hear about us? Are you currently working out?
We have a very unique program at CrossFit LA, so we start all prospective new students with a complimentary introduction session. This is a 60-minute, private one-on-one session that gives you a chance to see our facility, learn a bit about our methods and philosophy, and experience a workout. It's a great way for you to see if CFLA is a good fit for you! We'll also answer all your questions about membership and pricing, but since you ask...
Our program is unique in that it offers the best of two worlds: 1) the energy and atmosphere of group fitness classes and 2) very personalized coaching outside of class. In class we teach CrossFit: functional exercises done at high intensity and with constant variety. Our coaching also reaches out into your life in whatever sense you may need it regarding your fitness. For some this may be nutrition or accountability to their fitness, while for others it may be coaching on making the correct, healthiest choices while traveling.
We have a very comprehensive and encompassing program; a premium program. For this reason our program is a bit more expensive than the traditional gym. Our prices range from about $115 to $335 per month.
We schedule the intro sessions Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 4:30. If you are interested in scheduling an intro session, please give us a call at (310) 260-9550.
We look forward to speaking with you.
My Best,
Success is in the Details Document
Here is a list of details to have a robust business. The RX is:
- Intros - confirm 24 hours in advance by phone AND email. If you have an intro on Monday, then confirm Friday AM.
- Intro Follow up #1 - send a follow up email (see our example in the attachment) 24 hours after doing an intro.
- Intro follow-up #2 & #3 - 7 days after the previous contact. Each message, alternating either voice message or email if unable to actually speak to the person, is a check-in call and enrollment, not sales. DO NOT offer incentives.
- New Client welcome postcards get sent the night they get signed up.
- New Client auto email should come from Zen Planner or Mind Body Online.
- New Client personalized welcome call (either live or via voice message) is done after 10 days. Give them time to have at least 1-2 WODs in a group class. Be brief and available.
- Client brings a friend to a class. Within 24 hours you send 2 postcards - 1 postcard to your client thanking them for sharing CrossFit with a friend – 1 to the friend for supporting your client with their endeavor.
- Client(s) brought a friend to a special Bring-a-friend day. The communication after the Bring-a-friend day will depend on the amount of students/friends that attended.
- We had 35 clients bring more than 55 guests to our last Bring a Friend day. In this instance, an email was sent to the clients to thank them and another to the friends (WITH a link to the Flickr page where you have uploaded photos from that day). The email to the friends was sent 5-7 days after the event.
- An intro session is booked because of your client referring someone. Send a thank you email to your client within 24 hours of the intro session.
- When a referral from a client joins your gym, you send the referrer a thank you handwritten note in an envelope within 24 hours AND a small token like a Starbucks Gift card or 2 movie tickets.
Success is in the details (continued).
- The referrer also gets a phone call.
- Leaving a message is acceptable if not able to initially talk in person. For the new client, follow the new client procedure (above).
- Send everyone a birthday card 7 days before their birthday.
- Prelims announcements are emailed (#1) to your entire active client base 4 weeks out.
- A flyer is posted in your box at 2 separate locations the same day that the email goes out.
- Post a blog about the importance of "getting in the game" 2 weeks prior to the challenge.
- Send a reminder email (#2) the week of the prelims.
- Email (#3) your active clients as a reminder for last minute entries, 36 hours prior to the prelims.
- Announce the upcoming finals during each class (during the entire 8 weeks between the baseline and finals), so it stays fresh.
- 2 weeks out: Do a blog post as a reminder for everyone to invite friends to come and cheer and that it's a GREAT photo op.
- 7 days out: Email (#4) entire client list about no regular classes due to the challenge finals.
- 5 days out: Email (#5) the heat schedule (with times and competitors in each heat).
- 48 hours after the event: Blog about the event, congratulate the winners and anything notable and link to your photos on your flickr account.
- Email (#1) your entire active client base 4 weeks out.
- A flyer is posted in your box at 2 separate locations the same day that the email is sent.
- 2 weeks out: Post a blog about the importance of the upcoming seminar and how it will help clients’ CrossFit training.
- Send a reminder email (#2), the week of the event/seminar.
Checklist for public CrossFit demonstrations (Demo Kit):
o Table/Chairs
o Tablecloth/Presentable Display
o Easy Up
o Flyers / Collateral / Info Sheet (with Jane’s picture)
o Business cards
o “What is Fitness” CF Journal Article
o “Understanding CrossFit” CF Journal Article
o Whiteboard
o Dry erase marker
o Rag
o Clipboard w/info sign up sheet
o Clipboard with Waivers
o Pens, Highlighters
o Equipment for short WODs (KB, DB, med ball, jumprope, mats, PVC)
o Small weights for holding down papers
o Stopwatch
o Camera / Video Recorder
o Laptop (possibly with slideshow)
o Music/IPod
o Banner
o Calendar to set up Intro Sessions
o Enter to win box (to capture leads)
o Tape, Scissors and Twine to display banner, etc.
Things to consider:
· Wireless Internet needed?
· Blog and post to FB while event is going on
· Participants/demonstrators (ambassadors/staff) moving around, visible to non-participants, wearing gear that advertises your affiliate
Owner’s Stationary, CFLA Buck Slips and CFLA Postcards (all used for communication)
1450 2nd Street, Suite 142, Santa Monica, CA 90401 l (310) 526-2246