North West Leicestershire District Council
Issue Date: 20/01/2014
Return Date: 19/02/2014
North West Leicestershire District Council
Council Offices
LE67 3FJ
Contact: Katrina Dipple
Summary Guidance Note
The Council is opposed to all forms of fraud, corruption and malpractice whether arising from within or outside the Council or from Contractors. If Employees, Members, Contractors or Suppliers have any concerns about suspected malpractice, the Council encourages them to raise the issue. The Management of the Council will take your concerns seriously and wishes to encourage you to report any suspected fraud or corruption.
This policy:
- Provides the basis on which employees, Members, contractors or suppliers can raise any such concerns they may have, and receive feedback on action taken
- Allows employees, Members, contractors and suppliers to take matters further if they are dissatisfied with the Council’s response
- Applies to all Employees of the Council
- Applies to all Members of the Council
- Applies to Contractors working for the Council on Council premises
- Applies to Suppliers and service providers under a contract with the Council
- Applies to people working in partnership with the Council (e.g. volunteers)
1.1Employees, Members, contractors, suppliers are often the first to realise that there may be something seriously wrong within the Council. However, they may not express their concerns because they feel that speaking up would be disloyal to their colleagues or the Council, or harm their chances of future business. They may also fear harassment or victimisation. In these circumstances it may be easier to ignore the concern rather than report what may just be a suspicion of malpractice.
1.2The Council recognises that employees, Members, contractors and suppliers who raise concerns are protected under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 and / or this Policy and may be eligible to compensation if they subsequently suffer victimisation, discrimination or disadvantage.
This document provides a summary of the Councils ‘Confidential Reporting Policy’. A copy of the full policy is available on the Internet:
2.1 This policy aims to:
• encourage all to feel confident in raising concerns and to question and act upon your concerns
• provide avenues for all to raise those concerns and receive feedback on any action taken
•ensure that you receive a response to your concerns and that you are aware of how to pursue them if you are not satisfied
• reassure you that you will be protected from possible reprisals or victimisation if you have a reasonable belief that you have made any disclosure in good faith.
•provide an avenue for members of the public to raise concerns (2.2 of full Policy) which would not be considered under the council’s formal Complaints Procedure
3.SAFEGUARDS - Harassment or Victimisation
3.1 The Council recognises that the decision to report a concern can be a difficult one to make. If what you are saying is true, you should have nothing to fear because you will be doing your duty to your employer, customer, and those for whom you are providing a service.
3.2 The Council will not tolerate any harassment or victimisation (including informal pressures) and we will take appropriate action to protect you when you raise a concern in good faith.
4.1All concerns will be treated in confidence and every effort will be made not to reveal your identity if you so wish. At the appropriate time, however, you may need to come forward as a witness.
5.1 If you make an allegation in good faith, but it is not confirmed by the investigation, no action will be taken against you. If, however, you make an allegation frivolously, maliciously or for personal gain, disciplinary action may be taken against you.
6.1Advice and guidance on how to pursue matters of concern may be obtained from the Council’s nominated contact points who are:
• Chief Executive:
Telephone 01530 454500
• Monitoring Officer:
Telephone 01530 454762
• Deputy Section 151 Officer:
Telephone 01530 454707
• Senior Auditor:
Telephone 01530 454728
6.2 Concerns may be raised verbally or in writing, to any of the above named individuals. If raising your concern in writing, address to the named individual at the:
Council Offices
North West Leicestershire District Council
Whitwick Road
LE67 3FJ
Clearly mark the envelope “Confidential”
If you wish to make a written report you are invited to use the following format:
• The background and history of the concern (giving relevant dates);
• The reason why you are particularly concerned about the situation.
7.1 In order to protect individuals and those accused of misdeeds or possible malpractice, initial enquiries will be made to decide whether an investigation is appropriate and, if so, what form it should take. The overriding principle which the Council will have in mind is the public interest. Concerns or allegations which fall within the scope of specific procedures (for example, misconduct or discrimination issues) will normally be referred for consideration under those procedures.
7.2 Where appropriate, the matters raised may:
• be investigated internally by the Council
• be referred to the police
• be referred to the external auditor
• form the subject of an independent enquiry.
8.1 This policy is intended to provide you with an avenue within the Council to raise concerns. The Council hopes you will be satisfied with any action taken. If you are not, and if you feel it is right to take the matter outside the Council, the following are possible contact points:
• The Audit Commission (special telephone line – 0845 0522 646)
• Your trade union
• Your local Citizens Advice Bureau
• Relevant professional bodies or regulatory organisations
• A relevant voluntary organisation (Public Concern at Work – 020 7404 6609)
• The police
8.2 If you take the matter outside the Council, you should ensure that you do not disclose confidential information. Check with one of the Council’s nominated contact points about that. (See full policy, 6.1 above).
A/ASG July 2003
Reviewed Jan 2005
Reviewed Nov 2005
Revised Jan 2006
Revised Dec 2006
Reviewed Dec 2007
Revised March 2008
Reviewed May 2009
Revised July 2010
Invitation to Tender for:
2.Instructions to Tenderers
4.Conditions of Contract
5.Business Questionnaire
6.Form of Tender
Date of Invitation to Tender: 20/01/2014
Tender return date: 19/02/2014
North West Leicestershire District Council
January 2014
1.1.1Tenders are invited for the provision of Sure Start Children Centre Services.
1.1.2 The Council’s detailed requirements are detailed in Part 3 the Specification.
1.2.1The Council is inviting potential service providers to tender for a new Sure Start Children Centres contract tocommence in April 2014 for a period of 12 months.
North West Leicestershire has taken the decision to procure the Sure Start Children Centre Services via an open procurement procedure. This will entail bidders completing both a business questionnaire and an invitation to tender document.
1.2.2 The contract will be broken into eight lots, with each lot covering a specific service. The lots are:
Lot Number ServiceLot 1Parent Engagement
Lot 2Early Years Learning Activities
Lot 3Parental Mental Health
Lot 4Communication and Language
Lot 5Home visiting family support
Lot 6Debt Advice
Lot 7Ages and Stages
Lot 8Domestic Abuse
The maximum value of each lot is:
Lot Number Service ValueLot 1Parent Engagement £25,000.00
Lot 2Early Years Learning Activities £42,000.00
Lot 3Parental Mental Health £9,000.00
Lot 4Communication and Language £30,000.00
Lot 5Home visiting family support £38,000.00
Lot 6Debt Advice £25.000.00
Lot 7Ages and Stages £40,000.00
Lot 8Domestic Abuse £33,000.00
As with many other services and sectors the future funding situation for Children's Centres in North West Leicestershire is somewhat unknown. At this stage we are working to the budgets published in this document, however it is possible that these forecasts will change between now and the end of March 2014. Should there be a change to the anticipated budget allocation, NWLDC will let you know and consult with successful applicants as to varying the scale or nature of the provision; including possible termination.
Please would you highlight which lots you are bidding in your submission.
North West Leicestershire District Council
January 2014
2General Information Instructions to Tenderers
Please see section 4 Conditions of Contract
2.2Compliance with Instructions:
Tenders submitted shall be in accordance with and subject to the terms of these instructions and other documents comprising the Invitation to Tender.
Tenders not complying with any mandatory requirement (where the word “shall” or “must” is used) will be rejected.
Any queries about the tender documents or Tendering Certificate which may affect the preparation of the tender shall be raised without delay (via Delta Vault) with the Contact Officer. If the Council considers a query may have a material effect on the tendering process, all tenderers will be notified without delay in writing.
2.2.1This invitation to tender does not constitute an offer and the Council does not undertake to accept the lowest or any tender.
Tenderers shall bear their own costs of submitting a tender. The Council will not reimburse any tendering costs.
2.2.2The Contact Officer for this procurement is: Katrina Dipple, LocalityPartnership Coordinator.
2.3Confidential Nature of Tender Documentation and Bids
2.3.1Tenderers shall not discuss the bid they intend to make other than with professional advisers or joint bidders who need to be consulted. Bids shall not be canvassed for acceptance or discussed with the media or any other tenderer or member or officer of the Council.
2.3.2If a tenderer does not observe paragraph 2.3.1, the Council may reject the tender and decide not to invite the tenderer to tender for future work.
2.4Preparation of Bid
2.4.1Tenderers may decline to bid, but if they have been sent an Invitation to Tender they must alert the Contact Officer promptly of their intention not to bid.
2.4.2If the Council considers that a cover price (i.e. a bid that is not intended to be considered seriously) has been submitted, the Council may reject the tender and may decide not to invite the tenderer to tender for future work. The Office of Fair Trading encourages local authorities to look out for any evidence of price fixing arrangements.
2.4.3No alteration or addition shall be made to the Form of Tender, pricing schedules or any part of the Invitation to Tender except where expressly permitted by the Council.
2.4.4Tenders must not be qualified in any way and tenderers must not make any changes to the contract documents. Tenders must not be conditional or be accompanied by any statement that could be construed as being a qualification or variation to the contract documents and/or places the tenderer on a different footing from other tenderers. The Council will only accept compliant tenders for consideration. The Council’s decision on any such matter will be final.
2.4.5Tenderers must obtain for themselves all information necessary for the preparation of their tender and satisfy themselves that the quality and standards specified by themselves or the Council are appropriate. Information supplied to tenderers by the Council’s staff or contained in the Council’s publications is supplied only for general guidance in the preparation of the tender. Tenderers must satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of any such information and no responsibility is accepted by the Council for any loss or damage of whatever kind and howsoever caused arising from the use by tenderers of such information.
2.4.6Tenders and supporting documents must be completed in English and any contract subsequently entered into and its formation, interpretation and performance shall be subject to and in accordance with the law of England and Wales.
2.4.7The Invitation to Tender includes in Part 4 the Council’s Contract Terms.
2.4.8Tenders must be submitted exclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT).
2.4.9Tenderers will be required to maintain Employers Liability insurance, Public Liability insurance and Professional Indemnity insurance and tenders should include any and all such premiums. The minimum amount of financial cover for the Employers and Public Liability policies shall be £5 million and for Professional Indemnity insurance shall be £2 Millionand shall be maintained for the duration of the contract.
2.4.10Tenderers will be automatically disqualified if canvassing for the Contract or if making any approach to any Councillor or Officer of the Council with a view to gaining more favourable consideration for their tender. The Council’s constitution will apply to this contract.
2.4.11The Council reserves the right to make changes of a drafting nature to the contract documentation and any such changes shall be accepted by any tenderer without reservation. Should the Council require more substantial changes to the contract documentation, then the Council reserves the right to make such changes and will be entitled to evaluate the price of any such changes using submitted prices applied on a quantum merit basis. Should the tenderer not agree the revised price structure, they may withdraw notwithstanding these instructions.
3Submission of Tender
3.1Requirements for submission of information:
3.1.1All submissions shall be made on theForm of Tender (Part 6) and be accompanied by the response to the Specification (Part 3). If these documents are not submitted, the bid will be rejected. Only information relating to the Tenderer should be submitted unless otherwise requested. Every item shall be priced in sterling and the submission totalled.
3.1.2To enable evaluation of the tender, the tenderer must also submit the following documents:
- The Business Questionnaire (Part 5) and accompanying documentation
- The Pricing Schedule (6.2)
- Tender Responses (6.3)
- The Tendering Certificate
3.1.3Tenderers shall complete and submit the above documentation via the BiP Vault system.
3.2Tenders must be completed and submitted by the due date of 19/02/2014
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will tenders be accepted which arrive after the due date and time for receipt. It is the tenderer’s responsibility to ensure arrival on time.
3.3The information and documents for this tender will be accessible at thefollowing website To be able to access thesedocuments you will firstly need to register your company details andthereafter you will be issued with a USERNAME and PASSWORD. If you have already registered with Delta previously, please follow the link shown and click on the 'Delta-ets Home' tab instead. This will redirect you to the home page where you can log on using your existing username and password to collect the tender documents.
3.4You must then log into Delta-ets and then click on the Vault tab, you will then automatically view the tender title, click on this link and you will be taken to the tender documents. Please check that you are able to access these online ITT documents, ifyou are experiencing problems, then please contact the Delta helpdesk @ or call 0845 270 7050 for further assistance.
3.5If you have registered and have forgotten your Username and Password, please click on the forgotten password link on the Delta-ets homepage.
3.6Please ensure that you allow yourself plenty of time when responding to this invitation prior to the closing date and time. If you are uploading multiple documents you will have to individually load one document at a time or you can opt to zip all the documents in an application like WinZip or WinRar.
3.7Please keep this USERNAME and PASSWORD secure, and do not pass it to anythird parties.
3.8Tenders to be uploaded to BIP Delta-ets Vault by no later than5pm on the 19/02/2014
3.9The deadline for potential tenders to raise questions is12/02/2014.All questions need to be submitted via BIP Delta-ets Vault.The deadline for the Council to respond to all questions is 17/02/2014
3.10If there appears to be an error in a submission or supporting information the Tenderer will be invited to confirm or withdraw its bid. Where the error relates to the tender total as calculated from tendered rates and variable quantities, the bid will be regarded as the tender total bid and the rate adjusted accordingly. The tenderer will be invited to confirm or withdraw the bid and resulting rate.
3.11The Form of Tender shall be submitted by the organisation which it is proposed will enter into a formal contract with the Council if awarded the contract. It shall be signed:
3.11.1Where the tenderer is a partnership, by two (2) duly authorised partners;
3.11.2Where the tenderer is a company, by two (2) directors or by a director and the secretary of the company, such persons being duly authorised for that purpose;
3.11.3Where the tenderer is a sole trader, by the sole trader themselves;
3.14.4Where the tenderer is another legal form, please contact the Contact Officer for further details.
4.Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations
4.1It is the preliminary view of the Council that Transfer of Undertakings (protection of
Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE) may apply to this service, and that one or more employees may therefore potentially transfer to the employ of the incoming Service Providers
4.2TUPE provides that where there is a transfer of an undertaking, the new employer takes over any employment liabilities and the responsibility for the employment contracts of the employees, who then transfer on their previous terms and conditions of service. A successful tenderer may be a potential transferee for the purposes of TUPE.It is therefore the sole responsibility of the Tenderer to have taken all appropriate legal advice as to whether TUPE is likely to apply to the Contract, and to ensure that the prices tendered reflect the financial implications of a TUPE transfer.